"How much to lose?"

Lin Zhengyang's face was now pale with anger, and his breathing was rapid.

"Three billion!"

Feng Jianming was ashamed to say an astronomical amount.

Before I was a package ticket, I will definitely teach people a lesson.

But the reality was the opposite, and the other party taught him a lesson.

"Three billion, the other party will not stop like this, and it will definitely come next."

Contact me with well-known domestic experts and spend a little more money on nothing.

Just give them a commission, and I don't believe that no one can deal with you.

Lin Zhengyang stood up angrily, and then instructed the company's senior management to prepare them for the next battle.

"Uncle..." looked

at Lin Zhengyang who was leaving, wanting to call out to him.

But in the end, Lin Haoxuan still did not do this.

Now that the uncle is angry, he stopped him himself, wouldn't he be sending a punching bag!

"Hetai, everyone go out together, after receiving Xinxin, add dinner tonight!"

Qin Mo, who came out of the study, smiled.

"Boss, what's so happy?"

Seeing Qin Mo's expression, everyone was even more curious, why was he staying in the study?

"Hahaha, secret, what do you want to eat tonight, now go out and buy it together."

For everyone's curiosity, Qin Mo still did not answer.

"Anything to eat?"

"Yes, as long as you can buy it."

Qin Mo replied affirmatively.

"Okay, then can you take out all the wine in your study tonight?"

Qin Mo's wine was being consumed at the same time, but it was constantly replenished.

Ding Jianyi knew, and there were a few good wines that he had practiced before.

"Manager Ding, your eyes are staring at my bottles of wine no matter what time!"

"This is the boss, you said it yourself, you can eat whatever you want."

You don't have a specified range, and the wine is definitely included.

"Well, anyway, these wines, it will be troublesome to transport in the future, and it will be cheaper for you tonight."

At this time, everyone was in a state of joy, and no one noticed the meaning of Qin Mo's words.

"Do you know how much the wine in my study is worth now?"

Qin Mo's words aroused everyone's curiosity.

However, he did not answer directly, but raised a hand.

The new Liu Tianrui didn't understand the situation at all, but he was also a good drinker.

He usually drinks cheap rice wine, and as soon as he heard Qin Mo let everyone guess, he blurted out.

"Fifty thousand?"

"Brother Liu, you also look down on the master too much, fifty thousand thanks to what you said!"

Fu Hetai couldn't help but laugh when he heard Liu Tianrui say it.

"It's not fifty thousand, is it five hundred thousand, this is also too terrifying!"

Thinking that tonight, he would be able to drink such an expensive wine, Liu Tianrui's whole person trembled with excitement.

With last night's experience, Fu Hetai continued to shake his head in denial.

"You guessed still wrong, let me guess five million, right, Master!"

Fu Hetai proudly voiced his guess.

"You stinky boy, like Manager Ding, has learned to start eyeing my wine collection.

Let you spoil it this time, see what you drink later! "

This time, it was Liu Tianrui's turn and the five couldn't sit still, what is the concept of five million famous wine.

I heard the boss mean a batch of wine, but it was only stored in the study.

Think about it, it should not be much, that is to say, the minimum is 10,000 yuan.

"Five... Million!

"Brother Liu, I just said follow the boss, there will be surprises at any time."

Don't regret it now, just tonight's events, enough for you to blow a lifetime of cattle!

Also, let me tell you, last night the five of us drank a millionaire. Wu

Yueyi, who was still sitting listening to everyone's chat just now, couldn't sit still anymore when she heard Fu Hetai say this.

"What, you can't make it like this if you have money, how many luxury goods do you have to buy if you give it to me!"

Wu Yueyi covered her chest, revealing a heartbroken look.

"Manager Wu, how can luxury goods have good wine!"

Ding Jianyi couldn't help but stand up and refute.

"Yes, then I want to taste it tonight, whether I tell you or not, I want you to look good in the future!"

"Okay, don't talk about it, if you don't set off, the little ancestor will get angry later."

Qin Mo looked at the time and quickly reminded everyone.

"A few of you stay at home, two cars can't seat so many people!"

Downstairs, there was only Qin Mo's big G, and the sports car left by Ye Yin.

"Give me the key!"

As soon as she arrived downstairs, Wu Yueyi stretched out her hand.

"You want to open?"

Qin Mo handed over the keys to the big G car.

"It's not your broken car, I'm going to drive that!"

Wu Yueyi pointed to the red sports car parked next to her, she had long wanted to realize her dream of driving a sports car.

Now that the opportunity is in front of you, how can you give up.

"Are you sure your car skills can?

Don't bump into anything, or Ye Yin will find you desperately.

This is her car, I usually don't drive it when I go out!

"Why, don't trust my technology?"

"Okay, don't worry about you, the car is for you!"

Qin Mo threw the key to Wu Yueyi, and then got into his car.

"Which of you is in my car?"


"And me..." "

Don't grab it, I want it too!"

The conversation between the two can be heard by everyone around.

This did not Qin Mo ask, and they all squeezed into his big G.

Only one person was left in place, and when he came back to his senses, Big G could no longer sit down.

"Hetai, you're not going out?"

Wu Yueyi looked at the stunned Fu Hetai and said.

There was only one sports car that could only seat two people, and he looked at Big G, who had closed the door.

Another glance at the sports car with the door open.

"Die and die!"

Fu Hetai thought for a moment, he happened to have never been in a sports car.

"What is there to be nervous about a big man, it's really timid!"

Looking at Fu Hetai, whose face was tense, Wu Yueyi couldn't help but laugh.

"Sit down!"


Seeing that everyone got into the car, Qin Mo started the vehicle and drove away first.

Wu Yueyi first heard the sound of the sports car's engine and slammed on the accelerator for a few seconds.

Finally, the sports car rushed out of the underground garage like an off-string arrow.

"Haha, it's still cool to drive a sports car!"

Listening to the sound of the engine in her ears, Wu Yueyi felt that the cells in her whole body were active.

"Manager Wu, slow down!"

Fu Hetai regretted sitting up and waiting at home.

Looking at Wu Yueyi, who is usually quiet, as soon as she touches the sports car, she is a fucking female madman.

"No, you have to save money in the future and buy a sports car yourself!"

Qin Mo, who was the first to leave, was overtaken by Wu Yueyi.

"Let's go first, wait for you at school!"

The open top of the sports car was put away by Wu Yueyi, and she didn't care if Qin Mo heard it or not.

As soon as you step on the accelerator, you will be gone!

Only the rear exhaust is left for the big G.

"Shall we catch up?"

Look at the red rear of the car that disappears in front of you.

"No need, drive it slowly, it's safer!"

Ding Jianyi knew Qin Mo's car skills and directly refused.

"Hey, that's a shame!"

Qin Mo showed a regretful expression.

"It's really not a pity, the car is still safe and drive well!"

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