"Boss, don't continue in the afternoon?"

Watching Qin Mo turn off the computer, Ding Jianyi asked curiously.

"No need, today's knife, but it hurts the other party for a long time!"

Qin Mo put away the laptop, as for the balance in the account, it would take the next day to raise it.

"Boss, can you tell me how much you just earned?"

Just now, he watched Qin Mo switch quickly, but unfortunately he couldn't understand it for a while.

Without figuring out how much money was earned, my heart was always itching.

"Almost five billion!"

"How much, boss, you say it again, I didn't hear clearly!"

Ding Jianyi wondered if he had a hearing problem.

Earning so much in a day, what shop Qin Mo still opens.

Walking in the stock market once a day, you earn more than a month's hard money.

"Five billion, a lot?"

Qin Mo's words made the people around him want to beat him.

But thinking that it was my boss, I put up with it.

The more the boss earns, the more he and others can follow behind and eat and drink spicy food.

But someone is different, that is, Wu Yueyi.

"Brother Qin, if you don't pretend to be forced, you won't feel comfortable in your heart, right?"

"No, I'm telling the truth, I have earned a total of 15 billion in these five days, and this time can be regarded as avenging Ye Yin!"

At first, I was able to accept it, after all, I saw it with my own eyes.

Now that I heard that I had made 10 billion in the past four days, everyone couldn't be calm now.

"You have to add meals tonight, or it's not worth the money you make from the boss, everyone says yes."

When it comes to eating, no one will refuse.

Wu Yueyi was the first to jump out to support.

"Okay, you'll see!"

Seeing that everyone's eyes are being diverted, it is worth spending a little money.

Let's talk about how much money you can eat with your current net worth.

"Boss, have you forgotten something important?"

During the dinner party in the evening, Wu Yueyi looked at Qin Mo and said.

"What's important now, my shop is gone!"

Qin Mo picked up the wine bottle for himself and wanted to fill it for himself, but was immediately snatched away by Fu Hetai.

"Master, I'll come!"

"Brother Qin, you really don't have any impression?"

"Say, I can't really remember?"

"Bright Moon Star, now you remember!"

Wu Yueyi gave Qin Mo a hint, and he finally remembered.

"If you don't say it, I really forgot about this!"

"I see how Gu Qingyi came back to clean you up, how you became a boss, and forgot about your own employees!"

"Hehe, it's not that things have come too quickly recently, so I forgot."

"Boss, you haven't told them anything, have you?"

"You see I forgot, why do you still tell them, by the way, where is the progress now?"

Qin Mo did not pay attention to the game during this time, so he didn't know about the follow-up.

But so far I haven't seen everyone come back, which means that everything is going well.

"The preliminary round just ended today, and the top five hundred have already been selected.

There is also a rematch with the top 100 in the final!

Guo Lao, they will lead everyone back tomorrow, how do you think about explaining it when the boss comes?

"What else, tell the truth!

Besides, without a store, I am not short of money, and this studio can still continue to open.

It's just that in terms of everyone's diet, the quality has dropped a little.

It's good that there are a few rooms left before the residence, otherwise when you come back, there will be no place to live!

"Okay, these things will be talked about tomorrow, when everyone comes back."

But don't drink too much tonight, or tomorrow's ugliness will be shown to them.

"Boss, don't worry, they are a few single, and they will pay more attention to the image!"

"Then Manager Ding, you don't have to, continue to get drunk tonight?"

"No, no, I still have to maintain the leadership image, and I can't drink more."

"Looks like these wines are going to be wasted!"

"There is no waste, tomorrow Guo Lao comes back, then don't you have to celebrate, these wines are not enough?"

Ding Jianyi and the others' abacus played very well, tonight's have not yet dispersed, and they have already planned tomorrow's ones.

"You've been getting drunk every day these days!"

"No way, who makes our boss rich!"

Since I think about tomorrow, I will drink until nine o'clock tonight, and everyone will disperse.

It's just a slight drunkenness, and after a night's sleep, you should be able to wake up tomorrow.

"Whew, finally don't have to clean up yourself tonight!"

This time, everyone packed up before returning to their apartments.


"Whew, it's been out for so long, I miss the boss cooking so much!"

As soon as he got off the car, Gu Qingyi took a deep breath, and still felt that the air here in the community was fresh.

Everyone got out of the car one by one and watched the beautification of the community.

Can't help but smile!

In everyone's opinion, a multi-star is expected in Yangcheng.

Whether it is eating or lodging, it is not comparable to the base camp.

"Elder Guo, what did the boss say?"

When he returned to the car, Guo Hexuan received a call from Qin Mo.

"The boss said, let me go to his residence first, there is something to announce!"

"Strange, isn't it supposed to go to the studio to announce things?"

Gu Qingyi had a puzzled expression on his face, unable to guess what Qin Mo was going to do!

"Agent Gu, you ask me, who am I going to ask, anyway, go downstairs, go up and take a look."

"Let's all go up, you can't make the boss wait for a long time."

Everyone is very satisfied with their current work.

Qin Mo said that he let it go, and the affairs of the studio were all left to the two of them to be responsible.

Some time ago, Gu Qing also had something to do.

Because he didn't want to expose the four of Xia Yunxin, he already had his own music studio.

Therefore, in addition to Gu Qingyi, during the competition, Guo Hexuan and others were exposed to the public.

These people themselves can enjoy life with their salaries and without having to work.

"Welcome back in triumph!"

When I went up to the top floor, I found that the boss's door had been opened.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw that there were already some people sitting in the room.

Fortunately, Qin Mo's living room was large enough, and this was the previous two living rooms combined.

"Everyone is here, this is to welcome us, a little flattered!"

Gu Qing also made a joke as soon as he came in.

"Haha, Agent Gu, we're really waiting for you to come back, you see Hetai and them, they are all busy in the kitchen."

Gu Qing also looked at it, it was true, there was still Zhang Ziming in the kitchen.

But the strange thing is that why it is not the boss himself who cooks, everyone is there, she is embarrassed to ask.

"Hey, Manager Kong, Manager Wu, you are all here, aren't you busy over there in Yangcheng?

There is no need to run over to celebrate, after all, the owner's restaurant is equally important. Hearing

Gu Qingyi say this, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Now Qin Mo's affairs are no secret, everyone knows it.

At present, there are ten people left Gu Qingyi who do not know.

"I'll tell you what's going on, and you're still in the dark!"

Wu Yueyi was responsible for explaining the reason for the matter for them.

"What, boss, you transferred all the shops?"

"No wonder the meals we eat have changed these days, the real reason is here!"

As soon as they heard this, ten people stood up at once.

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