"Xiao Qin, do you really want to do this?"

After dinner, after arranging the residence of Ding Jianyi and the others, Qin Mo returned home.

Brought two rocking chairs and put them in the small courtyard to enjoy the comfort after dinner.

As for why you don't go out for a walk, how can you shake your chair while blowing a cool autumn breeze.

"Even if I don't have it, I'm ready to start working on it in a while.

It's just that I didn't expect this to happen, I'm still young.

You can't do nothing every day, you always have to find something to do.

Therefore, this matter is put on the agenda in advance, and only by mastering this technology can we have the right to speak in the future.

What do you think, old man?

Qin Mo first briefly explained the situation, and then asked Ye Yangxia.

"It's a good idea, but it's not just talk.

There are many aspects involved, the most important is technology, talents, funds, equipment!

Ye Yangxia became serious at this moment, he didn't want Qin Mo to just be enthusiastic and give up when he encountered difficulties.

If you give up halfway through, you don't lose money and time.

Sometimes it also blows your own confidence and leads to doubts about yourself.

"In terms of technology, the old man does not need to worry.

What the kid is asking for help now is whether he can contact people and build a laboratory, which is dedicated to scientific research.

There is also the need for a group of scientific and technological talents, the requirements are not high, it is best to be a freshly graduated college student, plus a few experienced scientific and technological talents can be!

Qin Mo told the old man his needs, just to let him help.

Although the Ye family has begun to decline now, the previous foundation is still there.

"These are all small things, Xiao Qin, you have to think about it, once you start without results, your tens of billions may be lost!"

In Ye Yangxia's view, those who engage in scientific research are burning money.

The comparison is who has more money and who can preemptively study it.

You can occupy the market and harvest the market share in the early stage.

"Okay, since you have everything in mind, then I will help you contact and think about when to start?"

"After the Spring Festival, I still have to look for good land now!"

"Then I'll help you contact first!"

"Then the kid will please the old man."

"You are really the same as your father said, they are almost a family, and you are so polite."

"Old man, are you still used to living here?"

After the two finished chatting about work, they began to talk about daily life.

"As you said, this is indeed a good place for retirement, and the folk customs are very simple.

But this place to live is too small, if there is a big yard, grow your own flowers and plants, it will be perfect!

"Old man, the kid understands what you mean, within three or four months, it will definitely satisfy you!"

"Hahaha, well, it's still my grandson-in-law, who knows what the old man wants!"

After Ye Yangxia heard Qin Mo's words, he began to laugh.

"I see you two don't sleep, others still have to sleep!"

It turned out that I don't know when, Ye Yin was already standing behind the two people with his hands on his waist.

Because I was just chatting, I didn't notice anyone approaching.

"My baby granddaughter is angry, then I can't pull you, Xiao Qin hurried back to the room to accompany her.

Otherwise, I would even eat my grandfather's acid, and when I was older, I would have to rest early!

"Okay, old man, I'll help you into the house!"

"Get out of the way, this is my grandfather, I'll do it myself, grandpa let's go!"

Ye Yin hurriedly walked over and helped Ye Yangxia walk in front.

"Shin Shin slept?"

"Well, I went to bed early with my parents."

Before she became pregnant, Ye Yin began to change her words.

"Then we also rest early, there are still many things to do tomorrow."

"What's the matter, can't you say it now?"

"Obedient, don't sleep early, tomorrow you have to be tired, say early that your body needs more rest."

Seeing that Ye Yin still wanted to ask, Qin Mo hugged her and slept.

Only then did Ye Yin settle down.

The next day, after breakfast.

Qin Mo led everyone to kill the city.

Due to the backward development of the local area, there is no high-speed rail and the like.

This time, everyone except the old man went, including the two nurses and Dr. Lin.

Considering that the vehicle could not sit down, Qin Mo directly chose to charter a bus.

"Stimulus, what is the collective action going to do this time?"

Ding Jianyi looked at the car full of his own people and said excitedly.

Qin Mo planned not to tell everyone when he didn't arrive at his destination.

"Don't be happy, this event is not your share, you just came here for reference!"

"Haha, Manager Ding, I just advised you not to ask, what the boss wants to say, he has already told me."

"You are the boss, you are the biggest!"

Seeing that he came over and ate deflated, Ding Jianyi returned to his seat depressed.

"What's the laugh, maybe you won't have a share later!"

Seeing everyone covering their mouths and smiling, Ding Jianyi was even more helpless.

Two hours later.

"Thank you Master, go back and be careful."

After Qin Mo paid the driver the final payment of the chartered car, he took everyone out of the car.

"Where is this, I can't imagine that the development of this city is quite good, why is the county so backward."

"This plan looks comforting, and the air is very fresh, but it is still not as good as the county."

After getting off the car, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, why are there such people here?"

Soon everyone's eyes were attracted by the large square in front.

"Go, take a frenzy of consumption today!"

After speaking, Qin Mo took the lead in walking in front and went straight to the square in front.

"Lying groove, this is to buy a car, worthy of being the boss!"

"So this is what the boss said, what does not mean my share?"

Ding Jianyi looked at everything in front of him, and then thought of the big G that he had just pitted from the boss.

Immediately understood what Qin Mo meant.

"No wonder I can become a manager, so quickly understand the boss meaning, I don't wait for you, maybe today I will complete the dream of having a car!"

After the others heard Qin Mo's words, their eyes lit up, and they quickly followed behind and walked quickly.

"Great, today just happens to be a car show!"

Because today is a car exhibition, the appearance of Qin Mo and his group did not cause much impact.

"Okay, let's go out first to see what kind of car you like, cars under 300,000, find me to pay!"

The moment he entered the entrance of the exhibition hall, Qin Mo stopped.

"Master, are you saying that each of us here can buy one?"

"Yes, when I Qin Mo speaks, it is not a word.

Again, as long as it is under 300,000, I am responsible.

If you want to buy better, go beyond that part, you are responsible for it!

"Hehe, I don't want to be better, as long as there is a new car, it's OK, master, I'll go first."

After getting an accurate answer, Fu Hetai happily rushed towards the hall.

"Hetai wait for us!"

Liu Tianrui's five people saw Fu Hetai enter and quickly followed him.

"Hetai, what does the boss mean, we also have it?"

After catching up with Fu Hetai, Liu Tianrui pointed to himself in surprise and said.

"You just heard it, everyone who comes with you today can buy one!"

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