Hu Lingzhu will call this tonight.

It was because she had just returned home that Hai Lan had a word to her.

"Now that Qin Mo has opened a branch, he makes tens of thousands a day!"

As soon as he heard his daughter say this, Hu Lingzhu immediately had an idea in his heart.

This waste son-in-law can make a lot of money in the hands, and if it is handed over to her daughter, it will not be able to earn hundreds of thousands every day.

There is also Qin Mo, the son-in-law, who has a weak personality.

As long as he is louder, he will have to pay for it.

Also, since there was less Qin Mo in the family, Hu Lingzhu felt that the whole family was a mess.

Just discussed with his daughter, Hu Lingzhu thought that the two remarried, and her daughter would not only be able to make her career bigger, but also have a free maid at home.

What Hu Lingzhu didn't expect was that after more than a year, Qin Mo not only dared to hang up her phone, but also pulled her into the blacklist.

Seeing his ex-wife's message, Qin Mo did not respond, but replied with a message: "You don't have to give me information, she and you and I will not meet, do you want to send me this message again, or I will delete you."

After sending the message, Qin Mo turned the phone to silent charging.

"Go to bed, get up early tomorrow!"

As for those two mothers and daughters, what should I do is none of my business.

"Daughter, how, he recovered?"

Hearing the sound of Hai Lan's mobile phone, Hu Lingzhu quickly asked.

"He refused to meet."

As soon as he heard his daughter say this, Hu Lingzhu immediately exploded: "Why didn't he let me meet my granddaughter, and quickly let him pull me out of the blacklist."

"Why, I don't remember what you did yourself, how you said about people's parents at that time, and you, as a parent, still grabbed food with the juniors, you are embarrassed, I am embarrassed."

"You said that I said bad things about her parents, and I didn't do it with your consent, when you yourself wanted to divorce, and you couldn't find an excuse, when I made this suggestion, why didn't you object at that time!"

Seeing her daughter count herself is not, Hu Lingzhu is not a fuel-saving lamp, towards the sea blue is a burst of words, all poked her shortcomings.

"Okay, now it's time to find a way to solve the problem, it's not that we can solve the problem by quarrelling, you call Qin Mo's parents and talk to them."

Hai Lan thought that such a quarrel was not a solution after all, so she asked her mother to call her in-laws.

However, she did not see Hu Lingzhu's next reaction.

"You won't be without his parents' phone?"

"No, I didn't want to break it completely, I deleted it, and my WeChat friends also deleted it."

"Delete it, won't you add it back, and use me to teach you, don't you nestle at home every day to put your prestige?"

Hai Lan is angry when she sees this, her mother is at home every day, hygiene is not cleaned up, and meals cannot be cooked.

Every day, I just hold my mobile phone and chat with netizens.

When I got to order, I ordered takeaway, and the family had not fired for a whole year, and the kitchen appliances were about to rust.

"Okay, I'll add it now!"

A minute has passed!

Five minutes have passed!

Ten minutes passed!

Until now half an hour, the phone still has no prompt.

"Why hasn't it passed yet, is it pulled into the blacklist like Qin Mo?"

Hu Lingzhu looked at Wei Xin and said.

"It's almost eleven o'clock now, I should be sleeping, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Dragging his tired body back to the room, Hai Lan first removed the heavy makeup and went to the shower.

Lying on the bed, thinking of the scene of seeing Qin Mo's two shops today, she couldn't sleep.

Every time he thought of Qin Mo's previous goodness, the more he regretted it in his heart.

After more than a dozen blind dates, she found out.

In addition to Qin Mo's lack of money, it seems that everything else is an advantage.

I am even more submissive to myself, and I will definitely be able to drink a bowl of hot soup when I return home every day, and even help me clean up neatly at home.

"No, tomorrow must be..."

Crescent Community.

Room 501 on the 5th floor of four buildings.

"Wu Yueyi, why don't you sleep yet!"

Ye Yin, who had just come out of the bedroom, saw Wu Yueyi, who was still sitting in the small living room watching TV.

It's not like she's a human being, and besides, today is a tiring day, and she wants to sleep.

"Don't bother me, I'm thinking about a serious question, you go to sleep first when you're tired, you have to pick up students in the morning, I don't have classes tomorrow morning."

"Then I'll go to bed first, and you don't go to bed so late!"

When Ye Yin turned around and went back to the house, he didn't see Wu Yueyi, and a tangled expression appeared on his face at this time.

"Oh, Wu Yueyi, Wu Yueyi, what are you thinking, it's not that you look handsome, you can cook a good dish, you have a successful career, you have an obedient daughter..."

Wu Yueyi found that the more she thought about it, the more chaotic her mind became.

"Forget it, it's better to sleep first, ha, I'm so sleepy!"

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