"Your mailbox, there is an email!" Zheng

Kai was about to open his mobile phone and check the email, when he saw Zheng Shao and his group.

For the convenience of work, the company's manager can directly check the internal email of the restaurant on the mobile phone.

"Welcome Zheng Shao to guide the work!" the

managers who lined up shouted the welcome.

"Okay, don't give me this set, what happened just now?" Zheng

Hexu began to ask Fang Mixue about it, doesn't the manager's resignation require his consent?

"Zheng Shao, what do you want to ask?"

Zheng Kaicheng didn't know that Fang Mixue, who had just gone out, met Zheng


"What happened to Fang Mixue who just left

?" "Zheng Shao, you are talking about this, she doesn't

want to do it herself?" "Why don't you want to do it?"

"The work she was responsible for was not done well, and I said a few words, so I said that I would not do it, Zheng Shao, you see, even the work card was lost." Zheng

Kaicheng pointed to the work card on the table next to him and said.

"Well, since it's her question, then I won't ask, now I want to see, this half month's performance, you bring it to the office for me!"

When Zheng Hexu said this, he didn't give the other party a chance to refuse.

After saying that, he turned to leave, and Zheng Kaicheng's face changed as soon as he heard this.

"Sure enough, I still can't hide!" He

hoped that Zheng Hexu would come over this time and not ask about it.

Later, look for the reason yourself and pull the sales up again.

The signboard of Qin's restaurant is so loud that people outside can't eat it if they want to.

"Damn, die and die!" If

you don't show your performance sheet, you will die even more ugly.

After figuring this out, Zheng Kaicheng went back to his office.

Pick up a report from the desktop, which he prepared himself.


Ten minutes later, the report was directly thrown on Zheng Kaicheng's face.

"Are you a pig, the restaurant here is entrusted to you to operate, and now the performance of the day is not even half of what it was before." Zheng

He threw the report out angrily.


Angry, he hit his feet and knees on the table.

"Zheng Shao, are you okay!" This

sound frightened several people around, and they quickly ran over to check.

"Damn, you come once, see if there is anything, what are the things, it hurts me, and you don't bring the potion over."

At this time, Zheng Hexu couldn't feel his legs, and he was too ruthless just now.

Directly hit unconscious!"

"Zheng... Less, there is no potion here!" Zheng

Kaicheng dared to look at the boss as he spoke, lowered his head, and prayed for himself in his heart.

"If I couldn't stand up now, I really wanted to pry open your head to see if it was all water inside!" When

Zheng Hexu pointed at Zheng Kaicheng and scolded, one person quickly ran outside.

"Zheng Shao, it's all my fault!" he

hoped that by admitting his mistake, he could extinguish Zheng Hexu's anger.

But as long as your knee hurts, you forget.

The legs, which had just been unconscious, began to tingle with bouts.

Looking at Zheng Hexu's furrowed brows, he knew that he had been enduring.

"Your fault, hehe, I'm not going anywhere today, just stay here."

I'd like to see how you do it. "

A restaurant that receives more than three million a day, and now it is transferred to him, there are only more than one million left.

Compared to others, the profit is still very considerable.

But these should also be judged according to the actual situation.

The Qin Family Restaurant in Shenzhen City, how much did he spend to buy.

That is, he has not yet begun to make a profit.

After not earning three billion back, don't say anything profitable.

If you remove the store, there is a difference of two billion, and he needs to earn it back.

Otherwise, this is a loss-making business!"

"Zheng Shao,

the potion was bought. "

It turns out that the man who just went out was going to buy potions, but look at the way he was panting.

It must have been running all the way to buy medicine, and I didn't have time to rest.

"Give me the potion!"

a woman beside Zheng Hexu took the potion.

"What else are you watching, don't hurry up and get out of here for me." Seeing

Zheng Kaicheng, who was still standing next to him, he felt that he had seen it away.

The people around him before also touted how powerful he was.

But now it seems that

it is only so!

Qin's restaurant is even if it is thrown to a person who does not know how to operate, and it is not so outrageous in half a month.

"Zheng Shao, please stop being angry, I'll go out!" Hearing

that he finally let himself leave, Zheng Kaicheng didn't want to stay.

Quickly took his leave, turned to leave, closed the office door.


he took a deep breath in the doorway, calming the expression on his face, before turning to leave.

"You go out and show me what the situation is?" Zheng

Hexu ignored everything except for meddling in one thing.

This thing is that he raised the price.

In his opinion, it is necessary to take the top route.

The current price is not worth it, and it can only be barely reached if the price is raised by half.

"Understand, Zheng Shao, I'll go out!" It's

not that Zheng Kaicheng is not worried, but he is really not at ease.

"Zheng Shao, sit down, I'll rub the medicine for you!" This

woman is a playmate next to Zheng Hexu, and every few days, the appearance of the female companion around him changes.

"Stop, are you rubbing the medicine, or are you pouring the potion?"

the woman seemed afraid of touching the wound, and her fingers just slid over the


"Rub these potions, it takes some force, ah..." Before

he finished speaking, Zheng Hexu let out a scream.

"I'm sorry, Zheng Shao, I really didn't mean it!" The

woman was so frightened that she quickly apologized.

"Okay, it's all waste, or I'll do it myself." Zheng

Hexu found that he was in a particularly bad mood today, and it was not going well since he went out, until now.

As for Zheng Kaicheng, who went out, he was notified as soon as possible.

"Give me a twelve-point spirit today, whoever makes a mistake will give me a fuck out!" He

knew that if he didn't satisfy Zheng Hexu today, he might be the first to get out.

After that, in this circle, the reputation will gradually rot.

At that time, don't think about such a high annual salary.

"What's going on, today's guests, suddenly there are so many less?" At

the gate of the restaurant, Zheng Kaicheng looked at the guests in line.

At this time yesterday, there were more than a hundred people.

But now there are only more than fifty people, which is half less.

"No, is there something wrong, I don't know?" Zheng

Kaicheng stood at the door for about fifteen minutes.

The guests who go in are not proportional to the guests who come to line up.

The number of guests who are still queuing has become more than forty.

What this means, there is no need for others to answer it, he knows it.

"The number of guests is at least half lower than yesterday's!" At

the thought of this result, Zheng Kaicheng's face began to look ugly.

Zheng Hexu is still sitting in the office, waiting to know later, then cut himself to death!

"What's the matter, Manager Zheng is so angry?"

"It seems that Zheng Shao came over just now!"

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