"It's not... Zheng Shao, I..." As

soon as he heard Zheng Hexu speak, he was scared into a cold sweat.

A large amount of sweat suddenly appeared on the forehead.

"I haven't said anything yet, Manager Zheng, what are you doing?" The

more so, the more panicked Zheng Kaicheng felt in his heart.

A knife hanging over the neck is about to fall, this taste of waiting for death is really uncomfortable.

"I, I..."

he explained,

wiping sweat from his forehead.

It's a pity that the words came to the lips, but they couldn't be spoken.

"The office is obviously air-conditioned, Manager Zheng, are you so hot?"

No.. I'm not hot!" said

it wasn't hot, but the sweat was uncontrolled and flowed more.

"I'm terrifying today, I haven't even spoken, have you received any wind!" Zheng

Hexu looked at him, and just went to call his subordinates.

The subordinate quickly shook his head, fortunately did not say the specific content.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, see for yourself!" Zheng

Hexu put the phone down, and someone immediately picked it up and sent it to him.


When watching before, Zheng Hexu turned off his voice.

Even he couldn't stand it, the arrogant voice of the front desk, let alone the guest.

"Zheng Shao..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zheng Hexu.

"Read it first, I'll give you a chance to explain.

Under Zheng Hexu's gaze, he watched the video on the Internet.

The message below, just glanced at it, he knew that he was finished.

More than 30,000 messages, and this data, is still increasing.

The two-minute video was quickly finished, but Zheng Kaicheng felt that it was as long as a century.

"Manager Zheng, this is the reward for my trust in you?" Zheng

Hexu stood up from his seat, attracting the previous lesson, and did not dare to be angry like that again, because there was still a faint pain in his knees.

"You did a good job!" When

Zheng Kaicheng was slapped on the shoulder, his body immediately stood upright.

"No, it's not

your fault, I invested billions of yuan, I fancy this store the most, but you are making a sound and color, you can do whatever you want!" Zheng

Hexu walked around him twice, and suddenly grabbed Zheng Kaicheng's shoulders with both hands.

"You did such a good job, how can I explain

to the family, do I have to reward you, I want to think, what else to reward you?" Both

shoulders were tightly clasped, and the pain from above,

Zheng Kaicheng did not dare to speak.

The people around them were even more so, their eyes looking away, as if there were no two of them in the office.


a crisp sound of ceramic shattering, accompanied by a

brief scream.


"I finally think about it, I still think that I will reward you with a purple clay cup, I don't know if I am satisfied!" Except

for the screams at the beginning, Zheng Kaicheng has been standing still, and he does not even dare to wipe the blood flowing from his forehead.

"Thank you Zheng Shao for your appreciation!"

"Okay, hurry up and fuck me, even the blood smells so bad."

"Thank you Zheng Shao's subordinates for showing mercy!" Hearing

that he let himself go, Zheng Kaicheng did not dare to ask more, otherwise he would appreciate it again.

"Let the family come forward and clean up the mess!" Zheng

Hexu sat for a while before getting up and walking out.

But before leaving, he instructed a man to follow him.

"Okay, Zheng Shao!" "

The rest of the things, you don't need to tell me, you should know how to deal with it." Zheng

Hexu walked in front and kept ordering, and the man behind him kept nodding.

"Okay, don't follow me, let's go!" As

for how the restaurant will operate next and how it can be saved, these are not his Zheng Hexu's understanding.

From the moment the restaurant suffered a huge loss, he knew it.

Zheng Hexu has to react to the family, and he can also not react and rely on his own ability to save it.

But once he doesn't save it, the consequences are not something he can bear.

Even if he was valued by the old man, when the family's interests were damaged to a certain extent, he still couldn't escape the family law!

"Manager Zheng, what's going on, why did you hurt your head!" As

soon as Zheng Kaicheng came out, he was seen by the staff of the restaurant.

This is above 10,000 people under one person, and it is just the right time to slap the horse.

Seeing the employee, he quickly ran over and asked with concern.


, Manager Zheng, you are so badly injured, and the blood is bleeding so much, or I will send you to the hospital for examination, but don't hurt your head." Several

employees followed Zheng Kaicheng closely, constantly sending signals of concern.

"me, I'll go back to the hospital myself, and I'll open you all if I chirp again." At

this time, he just wanted to leave quickly.

Who knows when Zheng Hexu will come out, once he meets him.

Then it must be another consequence, most likely lying down in the hospital.

"Okay, let's leave!" Seeing

the concern of himself and others, not only was he not appreciated, but he also patted on the horse's butt, almost let himself lose his job, and several people quickly left.

"Manager Zheng, what's going on?"

looked at the blood stains on the ground, and Zheng Kaicheng, who left in a hurry.

Several people had no idea what was going on.

Such a scene, before Zheng Kaicheng left the restaurant, kept repeating, as long as he saw his injured employees, he would run over.

Whether you really care or not, you will come over and say hello.

"Damn, you guys don't bother, get out of the way for me. When

he went out to the door of the hall, Zheng Kaicheng was stopped.

Stopping him were two security guards who commanded their front desk, Wu Guihua.

"You guys hurry up and send Manager Zheng to the hospital, don't pay attention to what he says!" Wu

Guihua found that he was really lucky, he had just been scolded, and when he was thinking about how to solve this matter, he saw Zheng Kaicheng with a head injury.

As long as you send him to the hospital yourself, everything before that is a small problem!"

"You two can't understand people, right, hurry up and get out of my way." Zheng

Kaicheng saw that the road was blocked, and he couldn't help covering his bleeding wounds, pointing at the two security guards and cursing.

"Manager Zheng, it was Wu Guihua who asked the two of us to do this, it's really not about me, let's get out of the way." Seeing

Zheng Kaicheng's expression, it didn't look like a joke, and the two security guards quickly got out of the way.

"Manager Zheng, we are all kind enough to care about you!" Seeing

the two security guards retreat, Wu Guihua walked over by himself and wanted to help Zheng Kaicheng to the hospital.

For all the losses caused to himself, he not only lost his job, but also suffered injuries.

How could Zheng Kaicheng still want to see Wu Guihua shaking in front of his eyes.

"You TMD, get out of my way, stinky bitch!" This

time, Zheng Kaicheng finally couldn't help it.

Along the way, I was delayed by these employees too much.

I don't know how much blood has been shed, and now my head is a little dizzy.

There were also hurried footsteps in my ears, and at least five or six people came out.

He suspected that Zheng Hexu and the others had already come out, all at this time, what else did he need to take care of, and he directly scolded.

Taking advantage of Wu Guihua's stunned for a while, Zheng Kaicheng finally got out, waved frantically towards a taxi, and shouted loudly.

"Played me and scolded me!"

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