Three days later.

After three days of training, Qin Mo was quite satisfied with everyone's performance.

For example, the young man, his name is Yu Guanghe.

Just as Qin Mo thought, he couldn't get into a good university in high school.

Coupled with the fact that it is almost self-funded to college, the tuition required is not affordable for ordinary families.

The family had no money to study, so they chose to give up.

As for re-reading, Yu Guanghe felt that he was not reading material, so he came out to work.

Without education, plus just adulthood, you can't find a good job.

The only way out is to learn a craft.

It just so happened that a relative of his family was in a restaurant that needed apprentices.

If you don't go, you can only go to the factory to make screws.

After thinking about it, Yu Guanghe felt that there was still a craft in his body.

So he chose to work as an apprentice in a restaurant where his relatives were cooking.

In terms of salary, the hotel is only symbolic, giving him a thousand and a half or so.

He did it for a year.

During the year in the back kitchen, he did the dirtiest and most tiring work.

In order to learn the skill, you can only rush to do this.

I hope that one day, the chef in charge will be able to teach himself one and a half moves.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Over the past year, his enthusiasm has been worn out.

The apprentice who came with him is now going to wash vegetables.

I am still doing the least work, and I have no technical content at all.

Just as he was about to stop working, he heard the restaurant chef chatting around.

It is said that there are people in the county now, recruiting apprentices in large numbers.

"Hmph, recruit apprentices, I think they were recruited to do manual work in the past.

"What Chef Li said is that there are some foundations to recruit, how can it be an apprentice." "

Remember, don't let the one inside know, otherwise where do we go to find such a good, silly and cute apprentice, he really thinks that if he works hard, we will teach him, hahaha, I can only blame him for being too stupid!" Yu

Guanghe, who was hiding in the corner, finally understood why everyone transferred to other positions, and he was still in his original position.

It turned out that from beginning to end, people did not intend to teach him.

Yu Guanghe clenched his fists angrily and wanted to go up and punch the two.

I was fooled by them and wasted a year here.

It wasn't until the two walked away that he came out of the corner.

"Why, you just don't give me a chance!" Yu

Guanghe no longer walked towards the back kitchen, but towards the outside of the hotel.

Just as he passed by the two chefs, chatting about the location, he saw a card on the ground and picked it up to see that it was a business card.

There is only one name and phone number on it.

When Yu Guanghe was about to throw it away, he suddenly remembered that the two had just chatted.

"Isn't this what they said, the man who recruited the apprentice stayed?" At

the thought of this, Yu Guanghe's heart beat violently.

His future destiny is likely to lie on this business card.

Yu Guanghe walked outside, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the number above.

"Who, do you have an apprentice there?" The

person who answered the phone was Ding Jianyi, who had just sent out his business card, and not long after a strange call came in, he couldn't think of any other possibility besides this.

"Are you Manager Ding?" "

Yes, I am, how many apprentices do you have there?"

Yu Guanghe was sure that he was not wrong in this call.

Quickly calmed himself down before he spoke.

"I'm just one here, or myself, I don't know if Manager Ding needs you?" After

saying these words, Yu Guanghe silently prayed in his heart.

"How long have you been an apprentice?"

"Just a year!"

"Yes, I'll send you an address later, you come over when the time comes, and sign an agreement first." "

Whew... Okay, I'll be there later!" Yu

Guanghe wanted to roar loudly at this moment, but after glancing at the hotel, Yu Guanghe quickly calmed himself down.

In his opinion, anything can happen before an agreement is signed.

Maybe the chef of this restaurant knows his own business.

At that time, a phone call was made to Manager Ding and he splashed himself with dirty water.

Between both parties, the other side will choose to trust the hotel's side.

In that case, I don't know who to cry to.

"Yu Guanghe, where did you die, don't hurry back to work!" It

should be that the two cooks returned to the back kitchen, did not see Yu Guanghe, and then came out to find someone.

I happened to see him standing in front of the hotel.

"Yu Guanghe, don't you want to learn something, run outside during work hours. "

If it wasn't for just now, overhearing the other party's words, Yu Guanghe would really follow in to work.

But now that he knows the other party's face, Yu Guanghe birds don't bird each other.

Just turn around and leave.

Now there is nothing more important than rushing to sign an agreement yourself.

"Fuck off, who do you like to find whom, don't come and bother me!" Before

leaving, Yu Guanghe left a sentence.

"Oh, I originally wanted to teach you something today, and judging by your current appearance, I think I will have to investigate for half a year!"

It's a pity that he was wrong, Yu Guanghe kept walking forward, and he didn't even turn around, let alone stay.

"Okay, the wings are hard, I want to fly, don't want to take this month's salary!"

"Keep it for yourself, in case of accidents, you can also buy something temporarily to use."

Yu Guanghe did not explain, but he believed that the other party would definitely be able to understand the meaning of the words.


Yu Guanghe cursed himself so much, making the chef almost vomit blood.

"Don't think about coming back when you leave, it's useless for anyone to come and intercede then!" The

chef didn't know that a word of his chat with others fell into Yu Guanghe's ears.

His threats did nothing at all.

Yu Guanghe didn't expect the signing to go so smoothly, and the other party agreed after just asking a few questions.

At first, I thought that what organization I entered, especially the first night's lecture, was too much like that organization.

At that time, I wanted to turn around and leave, but when I thought that I would stay without any money on my body, and that no one else left, it seemed that I was overthinking.

Until the other party began to teach himself to make buns, his mood finally calmed down.

I can't imagine that in the hotel, after a year of staying, I didn't learn anything.

When you come here, you can immediately learn the first skill, making buns.

"I'm really so stupid, is it waste wood?" Seeing

that everyone began to knead the dough, Yu Guanghe didn't know where to start.

When I just watched the boss demonstrate, I understood everything.

You can start to freak out as soon as it's your turn.

"Why haven't you started yet, is there still something you don't understand!" the

boss's first sentence was not to scold himself, but to ask with concern.

This gradually calmed the mood, and the boss actually demonstrated to himself again.

After reading this, I understand everything I couldn't figure out before.

I also began to move, although it was far from others, but I was taking the first step.

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