"Wang Baegg, you dare to kick me!" Que

Qiucui slapped Qin Xinxin at this foot, and almost fell.

At this time, her target turned to the security personnel around her.

"Hehe, if you dare to strike again, I'll continue to beat you!" The

security guard walked towards Que Qiucui to show his strong muscles.

"What about the old lady!" Que

Qiucui has been rampant for so many years, and no one dares to hit herself.

Now not only was she beaten, but even her baby son was the same, which made her even more angry.

She frantically pounced on Qin Xinxin, and this behavior made the surrounding people exclaim.

An adult can't get by with a child.


This time, the security personnel shot at full strength.

That kick just now had already allowed him to see the fat man's defensive ability.

This time, Que Qiucui was not as lucky as before.

The body threw itself directly forward, and due to weight, he couldn't stop the car at once, and he couldn't stop even taking a few steps forward.

Qin Xinxin had already dodged away, and Que Qiucui threw himself down fiercely.

"Oh, it hurts me, my teeth!"

Que Qiucui got up, her mouth full of blood.

"Bah!" spat

out a mouthful of blood-red saliva with a few broken teeth inside!

What do you want!" Everyone

couldn't help but laugh loudly when they saw Que Qiucui's appearance at this time.

"Hahaha..." It

turned out that she broke her front teeth, and the parents felt very relieved at this time.

Que Qiucui broke her front teeth and began to leak air when she spoke.

"Ni... Give me a stool... Make move. "

I see that I am really not a match.

Que Qiucui did not impulse again, she covered her mouth and spoke, still unable to stop the leakage of speech.

"Brother Chen, is Xinxin okay

?" Qin Wanxiu ran over at this time and asked with concern.

"It's okay, you quickly inform the boss, and watch Xinxin!" At

this time, the security personnel noticed that something was wrong, and several men walked towards this side.

The security guard, Si Haosi, just retired today.

I didn't want to be bound by the unit, so I didn't accept the work arrangement, which I felt was too monotonous.

So with his excellent skills, he can be a bodyguard for private individuals.

But he didn't want to be too far away from home, so he had to choose this company to work for.

This is not just after entering the company, there are orders, or large orders.

Directly it was thirty security personnel, and I heard that I wanted twenty before.

Originally, Si Haosi had a one-week adaptation period, but at that time, there were not enough manpower, and the company could only arrange for him to go over.

Originally chosen to be in the city, it is already close to home.

Unexpectedly, the location of the mission is closer, only one county away.

"The first time you go out on a mission, you will let the family on the employer's side be injured, and you will have a big stain on your future career."

Si Haosi looked at the dozen or so men who were approaching, it turned out that he had seen it wrong before, and those people behind him also came together.

I don't know if Qin Wanxiu has contacted the boss, but her task now is not to let these people get close to Qin Xinxin and not let her get hurt.

"Sister Qiu Cui, who is causing trouble here?"

a man who was obviously the leader asked as he walked up to Que Qiucui.

"You can't look at it, I really don't know why the dead ghosts raise you guys, you don't have any knowledge." Seeing

these people coming over, they did not teach each other a lesson at the first time, but asked themselves first, which made Que Qiucui even more angry.

"Why are you still standing, hurry up and give it to me!" Que

Qiucui waved her big hand, pointing at Si Haosi and roaring, the blood flowing out could not be cared for, which showed how deep her resentment towards Si Haosi was in her heart.

"Now I'd like to see how good you can fight!" For

the man who stopped himself twice and lectured the little girl, Que Qiucui wanted to see him kneeling and begging for mercy.

As for why people stopped her, had nothing to do, or was the man a bodyguard for the little girl, or something like that.

With the support of more than a dozen young men, the above factors were not in her consideration.

"I was right before, this Que Qiucui just can't be messed with, look at this young man now, you know that someone will come over so soon, with her nature, it won't be relieved if she doesn't beat you up."

"Let's just watch like this, don't go up to help?" "

You have to go on yourself, the other party is a dozen adult men, you think this is a movie, let's go up and pick a few!"

After this man finished speaking, he pulled his son behind him, he was afraid that the child would see bloody and bad side.

"What a pity!" "

I hope boss, they can come early!" The

playground was not far from the construction site, and Si Haosi looked at each other with vigilance.

What I can do now is to drag on as long as I can.

With his own ability, at most, he dealt with seven or eight empty-handed adult men.

But there are a dozen of them, and a few people with sticks and so on.

These did not come forward to start, but surrounded Si Haosi first, obviously it was not the first time to teach others.

"Up!" Finally

, the first man, shouting slogans, rushed over, and the others did not move, but observed the opponent, this time testing the waters.

"These people are really professional, but this is better, the first to come up, they have one less opponent." "

Bang!" Si

Haosi did not directly knock down, but deliberately made a few more moves, so that the other party would relax his guard.

However, if you do this, it will consume a little physical strength.

After dodging several attacks from the opponent in a row, Si Haosi kicked directly on the opponent's abdomen.

The man took off on the spot and landed heavily on the ground.

Kneeling directly on the ground with both knees, this time, it almost made him doubt his life.

"My legs are unconscious, are they all broken!" His

legs lost consciousness, and he didn't even have the ability to kneel, but he was holding his knees and wailing on the ground.

"Hard idea, the three of you are on board!" The

man at the head immediately raised his guard and hurriedly sent more manpower.

"Damn, dare to injure my brother, brothers destroyed him!" The

three shot at Si Haosi almost at the same time.

If you want to fight against three people and act, this difficulty is extremely increased.

But know you only have one chance.

If they haven't been knocked down this time, the other party will definitely beat them directly.

So he has to knock out the three people in the most effortless way!

"Sister Wanxiu, so many people beat big brother, wait for Chong Chong to come over, I want Chong Chong to teach them a good lesson, hmph, and that fat woman, actually want to beat Xin Xin's face!" Hiding

in the distance, Xin Xin who was protected by Qin Wanxiu behind him, stretched out his little head from time to time and looked at the scene over there.


Seeing that the three of them shot at the same time, Si Haosi was hit by the two, and Qin Wanxiu suddenly exclaimed.

If Si Haos is knocked down, then the next thing the other party has to deal with is himself.

"Boss, why haven't you come over yet!" At

this time, Qin Wanxiu was like an ant on a hot pot, and she almost jumped on the spot.

"Stinky, not here yet!"

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