"Eight mothers!" Qin

Mo walked to the side and slapped it directly!

The crisp sound made people see people and couldn't help but touch their faces.

"I scared you into Shin Shin!"

"I made you ugly, and it came out scary!"

"I'll make you fat and waste resources!"

Every time Qin Mo said a word, he slapped Que Qiucui.

I don't know if I was scared and stupid, this Que Qiucui didn't know to resist, or escape.

Standing in place, soon his entire face was directly swollen by Qin Mo.

"Whew... The old lady's nest is going to kill Ni..."

Perhaps with the last slap, Qin Mo pumped to her front teeth, causing Que Qiucui to wake up in pain all of a sudden.

"Vine... Die.. Nest!" returned

to Que Qiucui, and touched his face for the first time.

The fingers only touched the face slightly, and a tingling sensation came.

If at this time, Que Qiucui didn't know what happened, it would be really stupid!

"This hurts, it's good that I didn't break your hands and feet!"

Give the nest ... "

Que Qiucui really wanted to tear up with the other party, but the breath on Qin Mo's body made her a little afraid!" "Why, it's not hard enough!"


Mo's indifferent voice frightened Que Qiucui and hurriedly ran over.

"You wait for me!" When

he ran away, Que Qiucui dared to release cruel words!

At this moment, there was a sudden round of applause around her!

"Good fight, this kind of person should have someone to teach her a lesson, and she has been arrogant and arrogant because she has only one playground in the county!"

"Forget it, seeing this at the moment can also relieve us a little, as for what will happen in the future, that's the above matter, let's leave it alone so much." The

comments of the people around him fell into Qin Mo's ears word for word.


he looked at the only playground in the county, thoughtful!

"Wanxiu, are you all right?" Looking

at Qin Wanxiu, who was trembling with fright beside him, Qin Mo asked with concern.

Because until the last moment, she protected her daughter behind her.

"Boss, I'm fine!"

Qin Wanxiu's eyes lit up and looked at the boss.

She can now see the boss's ability, these people are so powerful.

The boss and the others just appeared and could scare these people away

, "It's okay, let's go back!"

Speaking of this, Qin Mo beckoned to his daughter,

and Qin Xinxin immediately ran over.

"Chong Xin, I was scared to death just now, but fortunately Chong Chong arrived in time!" Qin Xinxin jumped onto Qin

Mo's back and put his arms around his neck.

"Yes, but I just heard someone say that if I don't show up again, someone will ignore me, and there is a problem with my ears."

Qin Mo began to tease his daughter, diverting her attention, what happened today, not wanting her to leave a bad impression.

"Dad, you must have heard it wrong, Xin Xin didn't say this!" Qin

Xin Xin began to covet.

"Well, maybe it's really a mistake to hear, hey, people are old and useless.


It's not old!" "

Not old, then how can there be a hearing problem!" At

this time, Qin Xinxin knew to wrap his father in.

"Dad, you're really a big villain, and you're lying to Xinxin again.

While speaking, he tugged at Qin Mo's ears.

"Okay, go back, don't worry grandparents. "

Everyone knows what happened today, and it is difficult for Qin Mo to hide it.

"Okay, drive... Hurry up and run!" Everyone

looked at Qin Mo's father and daughter who walked away happily, saying that they didn't envy that it was fake.

Some people are still following, they want to see.

In Shuijiang County, dare to provoke Que Qiucui, who is the character.

You must know that her husband is a ruthless person, which is why she has always been arrogant.

"Who is this young man, I haven't seen it before

?" "You ask me, who do I ask?" "

I carry five bodyguards with me, definitely not ordinary people!"

There are still so many people, just look at the skills of these people!"

"The vehicles are all ordinary luxury cars, which seems a bit out of place."

Shouldn't the luxury cars like them be million-level?" "

It may be that people are low-key, otherwise how to explain, we don't know who the people are?"

"I have a different focus from you, it is the first time I have seen such a handsome man, and those movie stars can't compare with each other, even if it is the same as Du Superstar!"

"If you don't say it, we really haven't noticed, but now that I think about it, it is!" This

man managed to divert everyone's attention elsewhere.

However, some parents, children are still playing inside, so they gather together.

Today's topic is inseparable from Qin Mo.

Qin Mo also couldn't have imagined that his fame would be in this way.

I believe that after the oral transmission of these people, in the end, I don't know if I can believe it.

As for Que Qiucui, who fled in a panic, he sat down on the spot when he saw that no one was chasing after him.

"Damn, it's hurting the old lady!" At

this time, Que Qiucui realized it later, covering her mouth and wailing.

"A bunch of trash!" put

his palm in front of his eyes, and his hands were covered in blood.

"Sister Qiu Cui!" Just

at this time, those before finally appeared, standing not far away, Vino looked at Que Qiu Cui.

Wait for others, but choose to protect yourself at the last minute.

Now looking at the angry Que Qiucui, everyone's hearts began to become uneasy.

"You come to me!"

said Que Qiucui, pointing to a man, and when she saw these people, she put her phone away.

She doesn't want to call herself now, so let's get rid of the resentment in her heart now.

"Sister Qiu Cui..." Seeing

the angry expression on her face, the man not only did not come over, but also took a step back.

"I asked you to come over, do you want me to go over by myself!"

I originally wanted to be angry, but now the more I think about it, the more angry I


"I... Okay, I'll come

over..." The man finally took the first step, it seemed that when he walked over, he had no life, with each step, cold sweat began to break out on his back, and it was really sweaty!

"Sister Qiu Cui, I just ..." The

man came over, and when he was about to explain, Que Qiucui didn't give him a chance at all.

"Snap!" A

slap was directly drawn!

Que Qiucui's palm opened, all bigger than the man's face, and this slap went down.

The man on the spot was directly stunned and turned around in a reductive manner.

"Bah!" the

man spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, with a few broken teeth in it.


Looking at the teeth on the ground, the man forgot the pain.

"TMD's, waste one, the old lady didn't cry, you cry!" When

Que Qiucui wanted to slap her a second time, the man actually cried, which made her even more annoyed.

"What the old lady said doesn't work now, right?"

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