Return to your accommodation and take a shower.

Qin Mo lay on the bed one by one.

Now that there are two rooms, my daughter should also live in one room by herself, and she will be in second grade next semester.

"There's nothing to do anyway, try your luck first.

Qin Mo took a look at the system integral in his mind.

In half a month, there are more than 500,000.

"Which one to smoke?"

began to hesitate among the three options.

"It's still junior, I haven't drawn it before, or I will have a ten-in-a-row draw!"

"Thank you for your patronage!"""Thank you for your patronage!

"""Thank you

for your patronage!"Congratulations to the host for drawing skills (full level)!"

"Thank you for your



Looking at the appearance of a skill in the middle, the others are all thanks for your patronage!

Qin Mo was instantly stunned, it turned out that not every lottery is a must.

The primary lottery, give yourself a guarantee, so that you will not see 10,000 points at once.

I don't know if intermediate and advanced are the same, there will be a bye.

"Go on, junior ten consecutive draws!" Qin

Mo continued to draw the prize decisively, but soon his brows furrowed, all

ten times were thanks for patronage,

and this time there was not even a guarantee.

This is not the third time

Qin Mo!"

"I don't believe in evil, ten more junior ten consecutive draws!"

Another ten thank you for your patronage, Qin Mo immediately sobered up.

20,000 points were lost.

"Forget it, the God of Wealth is not on my side tonight, try it another day, let's see the skills first."

Qin Mo closed his eyes and carefully felt the information in his mind.

Soon, a master-level painter in his mind kept flashing in his eyes.

It was as if he had incarnated as this master.

A huge amount of information related to painting was constantly absorbed by him.

"I gave me such a skill at my age, is it to sell paintings on the street?" Qin

Mo immediately felt a little interesting at the thought of incarnating as a street performer.

The extra drawing skills in his mind made him can't help it, and his hands began to itch.

If you don't draw a picture now, you won't be able to sleep tonight.

Looked around the room.

A pencil and a few blank sheets of paper are placed on the table.

Get up and pick up the pencil on your desktop.

"What to draw?" When

he really planned to do it, he found that he had no idea where to start.

A quick search in his mind, the most in his mind was the scene with his daughter.

At this time, he knew what he had to spend.

Thinking about it, the pencil in his hand has already been written,


A burst of subtle sounds sounded in the room.

Qin Mo didn't feel any discomfort, and now he started writing by himself, as if it was his own instinct.

The pencil in his hand turned into his arm at this time, and the scene in his mind quickly appeared on the paper.

Qin Mo drew quickly, less than five minutes.

A little girl in a dress appeared on paper.

An innocent smile on his face, a pair of big eyes looking ahead.

After stopping the pen, Qin Mo looked at the paper on the table.

I couldn't believe it, as if my daughter was standing alive in front of her, smiling at herself.

"This is what I painted!"

compared to my previous cooking skills.

"It seems that something is missing?" Looking

at the portrait of his daughter he had drawn, Qin Ming really thought for a moment.

It wasn't long before he moved again.

This time, after painting, he did not observe as before.

Instead, put down the pencil, turn off the light, turn your head and fall asleep.

Under the moonlight coming in from the window.

This is a bust of a woman who

is covering her mouth and smiling, her face slightly red on both sides.

It's just a black pencil, but it can show a person's expression alive.

This woman was Ye Yin

! Qin Mo, who fell asleep at this time, had a smile on his face!

Early the next morning, Qin Mo had a busy new day.

Last night's events had been forgotten by him, and he didn't notice that the two portraits on the table had disappeared.

When Ye Yin came over to eat at noon today, Qin Mo did not notice that her performance had changed from before.

Looking at himself, there seems to be something hidden in his eyes.

Qin Mo only cared about business, and the two did not pay attention to contact before.

Ye Yin's reaction was still particularly sensitive, and his hand would immediately retract.

Today, when he was cooking for Ye Yin, Qin Mo didn't pay attention to grabbing her hand.

This time Ye Yin did not retract.

Just blushed all the time.

The few people around did not notice it, and everyone was competing for the food on the table.

Even Wu Yueyi, who had been paying attention to Qin Mo, was now following Qin Xinxin to fight for the last piece of fish meat.

"Xinxin, you eat so much, you can't give it to your sister!" "

No, look at what you see in front of you, you don't eat less than me." "

Ahem!" After

Ye Yin coughed, Qin Mo found that he was still holding someone's hand.

Quickly let go of his hand, looked at everyone, and did not notice.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and look at Ye Yin and smile embarrassedly.

The delicate relationship between the two of them was seen by everyone, but they didn't say anything.

Ye Yin, who was stared at by Qin Mo, quickly lowered his head.

Only after a while, I saw Ye Yin raise his head.

Brushing the hair around his ear with his hand, he looked at Qin Mo like this.

A confident smile appeared on her face, and there was no expression of the little woman before.

"Brother Qin, thank you.

Qin Mo didn't know what she was thanking herself, and at this time, he discovered that Ye Yin had changed.

"You're welcome!" "

Big Brother Qin eats vegetables!" I

saw Ye Yin clipping a vegetable and placing it in Qin Mo's bowl.

The performance of the two is difficult for everyone to see or not.

I didn't see Wu Yueyi stunned for a while, and the fish pieces on the plate had been snatched away by Qin Xinxin.

"Huh..." After

everyone laughed, everyone didn't see it.

"Hmph!" only

Wu Yueyi made a sound.

He was venting towards the dry rice in his hand.

I don't know if it's because the food was robbed, or something else.

"Thank you!"

Qin Mo began to eat.

It was at this moment that he found that the taste of the dish was different, and his heart became happy.

When he looked at Ye Yin, he didn't notice that his eyes had changed at all.

"Zhu Ceng, Mr. Ye, why do you two only patronize the vegetables, the meat has been eaten by Sister Wu.

Qin Xinxin looked at Wu Yueyi, who was still fine just now, and now picked up the meat piece by piece and put it in his bowl.

And his father and Teacher Ye looked at each other, and the chopsticks in their hands kept holding greens to each other.

Soon the two plates of greens in front of me were gone.

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