"How much money!" Seeing

the first person begin to unpack, the workers around him stretched their heads.

"You also have it, you won't look at your own!" "Hehe, don't you have to take this apart and see, isn't it the same to see yours first?"

"Okay, you all look at me, then I'll open it!" This

worker directly tore the upper layer of the red envelope open.

However, he was still careful and worried about the money inside.

I am afraid that even the banknotes inside will be torn off.

"Wow, so much money!" saw

the banknote in the worker's hand, which was somewhat thick.

"Count how many there are!" One

! Two!....


A total of ten bills, this is a hundred dollar Red Bull.

"I didn't expect Boss Qin to be so generous, one person is a thousand.

Then there are so many of us here, it costs hundreds of thousands, no wonder there are boxes to contain.

Everyone quickly disassembles themselves, is it all the same!" Soon

the workers present all opened the red envelopes in their hands.

Everyone has the same hand, ten brand new Red Bulls.

Qin Mo gave everyone a thousand yuan red envelopes

!" "Hurry up, the boss is coming over, I heard that he has come from the construction site!"

Last night, some of these security guards were drunk.

Qin Mo had long considered this situation, and there were rows of folding beds in the courtyard, and they had not had time to put them away.

The first people to get up woke up the others one by one, packed up their things, and waited for Qin Mo to come over to pay homage to the New Year.

"The boss is coming, don't hurry up!" Knowing

that Qin Mo was already on his way, everyone quickly packed up.

One night hangover, my head really hurts.

In less than five minutes, all the folding beds were neatly arranged.

And these are standing in the doorway, lined up.

It was as if he was inspecting the big leader, his eyes were glued to the outside.

"Here it comes!" some

people with good hearing immediately reminded everyone.

"Everyone is up!" Qin

Mo walked in, looked at a security guard with a good spirit, and greeted them first.

"Boss, good morning

, Happy New Year!" "

Everyone has worked hard, Happy New Year!" Hearing

the security personnel say this, Qin Mo immediately knew that they wanted it again.

"Hetai, go to Ye Yin's box and take out the box that has no standard.

Qin Mo ordered Fu Hetai, who was following him.

"Understood, Master. Soon

he came in with a box, and several boxes in the carriage behind Ye Yin were all moved by him.

"In the new year, there is nothing to give to everyone, after thinking about it, or go to the countryside and follow the customs, I will send you a red envelope, and please don't be surprised!" As

Qin Mo finished speaking, Fu Hetai had already opened the box.

He had already experienced it before, so he knew what to do!

Only this time, there was only one person who personally sent the red envelope.

The person who followed over, glanced at it, and the thickness of the red envelope was a little thicker than before.

"Little meaning, don't dislike it!" "

Do a good job, the future is immeasurable!"

Qin Mo patted a young man on the shoulder, it seemed that he entered after graduating from high school, and came out three years later.

"Thank you boss!"

the young man took the

red envelope with a smile, just touched the thickness of the red envelope, and his eyes lit up.

"In the future, our safety can be entrusted to everyone

!" "Must, the boss points where we fight!" "

Haha, don't do this, this is all the same as fighting!" The

last person's red envelope was Si Haosi.

"I haven't thanked you for everything before, I'm too busy these days, I'm sorry!" Qin

Mo first apologized to Si Haosi, and then took out a red envelope from his coat.

Unlike others, the thickness of this red envelope is obviously about to be stuffed

!" "Good job!"

Putting the red envelope on Si Haosi, Qin Mo said as he patted his hand in a deep tone.

"I will!" "

Then after breakfast, please go back to work!" After

saying this, Qin Mo led everyone to leave.

"Brother Qin, wait, what about my red envelope?" At

this moment, a beautiful woman ran out of the villa.

No need to ask, you know who it is.

When everyone is working, only one person dares to sleep in.

This person is definitely Wu Yueyi!"

Look at the sun is drying your ass, you sleep until this time, and dare to ask for red envelopes

!" "Also, look at what you are wearing now, don't hurry back to the house to change clothes and wash

!" "Let's go, we still have two places, finish early, and the new store will open at nine o'clock!"

It's already half past seven in the morning, and there is not much time left for everyone.

Qin Mo ignored Wu Yueyi and left with everyone.

"Let's take a look quickly, how much did the boss seal us?" As

soon as they saw the boss leave, everyone couldn't stop.

"You don't need to disassemble it, everyone was wrong before, look at this thickness!"

one person picked up the red envelope in his hand and waved it.

"Even if I don't touch the banknote much, this thickness is more than a thousand yuan!" "

According to Brother Liu's words, this red envelope has at least one thousand yuan, hahaha, Si Haosi, you can finally change your mobile phone..."

Before this person finished speaking, he saw the red envelope in Si Haosi's hand, and his voice seemed to be choked at once.

He glanced at Si Haosi's red envelope, and then at his own.


, mine is two thousand yuan, you can quickly see if it is too!" One

of them couldn't help but open his red envelope.

But he found that everyone was stunned, and they all looked to the side.

Because at this time, Si Haos had already opened the red envelope in his hand.

A stack of blinding Red Bulls was displayed in front of everyone.

"Hongyi, boss, they will really come over, wait for a few of us, but they are all going to the store?"

said a young man, who was the other one who had reached the master.

Yesterday, Qin Mo had already notified him.

Those who want them to leave the school must arrive at the shop they ordered at half past eight this morning.

"You said, those of us who are out of school, how much salary will the boss give?" This

man was obviously very anxious, he knew that Qin Hongyi was brought over by the boss.

It is the same sex as the boss, so I think that some news must be the first to receive the wind.

How could Qin Hongyi know that his own affairs had not yet been figured out.

He remembered that everyone said that on the buns, if there was no teacher, then he had to stay, continue to practice, and get the approval of Fu Hetai until he could go out.

Now I and my younger brother will need a while to reach the standard of becoming a teacher.

But last night, Fu Hetai told himself that tomorrow, Zhang Ziming personally took the two of them.

"Forget it, why do you think so much!" Soon

Qin Hongyi thought that he and the boss were fellow villagers, thinking that this was the boss, taking care of his two brothers.

"Boss, they're coming!" The

words made Qin Hongyi immediately stand up straight.

The more he contacted the boss, the more he felt that Qin Mo was mysterious.

Young handsome and rich, really more popular than dead.

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