"Brother Qin!" "Are you all right?" "

It's all right, it's waiting for you!" Qin

Mo's appearance once again dealt a fatal blow to the surrounding women.

Although he is now wearing a chef's uniform, it cannot hide his handsome appearance.

"Wow, it's so handsome, no, I was still hesitating before, a hundred yuan is so expensive, in order to support the boss lady, I opened up!" "

Really handsome, how good it would be if it was my boyfriend!" Some

flower-minded women, looking at Qin Mo, their eyes began to burst with stars.

"Please make way!"

Qin Mo walked to the door with a lighter, and at this time, everyone saw firecrackers hanging on the wall.

"This is going to open, let's back off!" Seeing

that the mystery was finally revealed, everyone cooperated.


A few minutes after the sound of firecrackers, Qin Mo and Ye Yin stood under the signboard, each pulling a rope.


Qin Mo smiled at Ye Yin.

"That begins, one, two, three!" As

soon as the number of three exited, the two pulled down at the same time.

The red cloth that had been covering the sign fell down, and the name of the store appeared in front of everyone.

"Ye's pure taste!" Before

Qin Mo even sold the signboard to others, he couldn't use it anymore.

And this time the store was handed over to Ye Yin to operate, and the name of the store was mainly her.

"This store sells food?"

"No, I thought it was selling electrical appliances or something!" "

Do you think, I still think it's a mobile phone store, and these awards outside are misleading

!" "Just a few of you have this idea, you might as well think, what can you buy with a hundred yuan consumption!"

Some can also be based on what Ye Yin said just now, and there is a preliminary guess.

It's just that it's not certain, and some ideas are too outrageous.

"Okay, now it's our Ye's pure taste, officially operated!

Please don't squeeze, the third condition I just said.

That is, if you go in and have a seat, you can draw a prize.

That is, if you are, three people go in.

There is only one hundred yuan spent and only one chance to draw a prize.

Two hundred words are twice, and three hundred is three times.

Four hundred words are also three times, which is calculated according to the number of people.

"The lady said this, we all understand that this can indeed ensure the fairness of the lottery!"

"Another point is that our store has limited space and can only receive thirty people at a time.

So if you want to go in and spend, you have to take the number and queue. Not

long after Qin Mo and their arrival, the others followed suit.

This is Ye Yin for each store, with two waiters.

"Please also cooperate, how many of these people are there, are you afraid that you will not be able to rank?

I also specially said here, that is, those who do not cooperate will be listed in the blacklist of our store."

When we see what is on it, we can't remember it with our eyes, but there is it.

Don't be on the uncooperative list when the prize is drawn.

That's not cost-effective, I say this everyone should understand!" Seeing

that these people were crazy and wanted to rush over, Qin Mo quieted them down with a word, and at the same time he also pointed to the video surveillance on the door.

"You two, go over and give

you number plates!" "

Please line up so that our staff can issue you number plates."

If you drag it down, there will only be more and more people, and whether it is good for you or not, I don't say that you should all understand.

This time, after Qin Mo finished speaking, everyone consciously lined up in two lines.

"Hehe, it's still Big Brother Qin, you have a way!" Seeing

that these people suddenly became well-behaved children from the previous riot.

Ye Yin laughed happily next to her, if she was the only one just now.

There will be an absolute mess here.

In fact, what she didn't know, there was one more point.

That was the momentum on Qin Mo's body, and when he spoke, everyone couldn't help but be convinced.

The same words, handed over to others, the effect will definitely not be like this.

"Okay, Brother Qin, I'll leave it to you here, I'll take a look at the next store!" The

original plan was for the two of them to walk through the five stores.

But now Qin Mo wants to stay and sit in the town, so that he can make a hit and make his future work easier.

So the next work can only be left to yourself.

"Is the car coming?"

Qin Mo asked Fu Hetai next to him.

"Master, I have just notified, it should be almost here. "

Everyone is still receiving the number plate, so the first guest, before the meal started.

"Master, the car is coming!"

Fu Hetai pointed to the car parked on the side of the road.

"I'll take you over!" Looking

at so many people around, Qin Mo was worried about her body, and quickly followed Ye Yin and walked out.

It wasn't until Ye Yin got into the car that Qin Mo returned to the store.

He did not notice that at this time, someone had been watching him.

That person was Tong Shui Tao.

"It's a little familiar, it's called Qin Mo again, will it really be him?" she really

wanted to go over and ask now, but as soon as she

saw these guests outside, she immediately dismissed the idea.

"Husband, let's go help too!" "

Well, we can't be idle!" After

the two finished speaking, they began to guide the first guests in.

It's the first day of store because there are so many people.

Except for Qin Mo, there was no so-called division of labor for the others.

After that, everyone went their separate ways.

Xu Xiuwen is a chef, and Tong Shui Peach is also a cashier.

"Boss, things are so fragrant here, what is it selling!"

the first guest who came in, his nose smelling the fragrance in the

air from time to time.

It turned out that at this time, Qin Mo was already in the back kitchen and removed some of the lids.

The fragrance began to spread towards the outside, which was also Qin Mo's intentional doing.

"This guest, this is our menu, please see what you need?" The

shop was small in size, with just eight tables.

There are four people sitting at a table, which is also what Qin Mo said before, only thirty people can be picked up at a time.

If you want to squeeze a little, the store will add a chair for you.

"Lamb porridge, mutton, buns..." The

customer looked at the menu, and the porridge was only lamb porridge.

As for the others, the sheep are mainly part of the sheep, and the sheep are cut in white.

"These are all our local characteristics, I can't think of the boss, you dare to sell this."

I'm not afraid to smash the signboard, and I sell buns in the lamb porridge shop, which I saw for the first time. "

What this customer means, you outsiders, dare to sell local specialties.

"Guest, after you've eaten, you won't think so!"

said Fu Hetai with a smile next to him.

"Forget it, for the lottery, I will order a little, except for the buns, the others are expensive!" Looking

at the price above, they are all twice as expensive as the outside.

"Now this price is only the price set at the beginning of the opening, and it will change later!" "

This price can make people turn around and leave, do you still have to change, aren't you afraid that there will be no customers?"

Hearing what Fu Hetai said, several customers responded one after another.

"Seriously, we are not afraid of this

, because we believe that as long as we eat what is in the store,

we will become loyal customers!"

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