"Haha, it's real, first prize!" "

This must be fake, there is an empty box inside, nothing." "

How is it possible, there was a second prize before, opened on the spot, and took out a real machine." "

The pedestrians around who did not queue up to get the number, seeing this situation, did not know what they were thinking.

The first thing he said was to suspect that the prize was fraudulent, but a few believed him.

Customers who have already got the number, but remember what someone said to them.

After several hours of publicity, now in the center of the county, the pure taste of the newly opened Ye family will soon be known to the citizens within a radius of ten miles.

This shop not only makes delicious food, but everyone who enters it comes out with a wall.

Another point is that the raffle of this store is real money.

Many customers have already drawn prizes, which even exceed local income.

It can be said that Ye's pure taste has made a name for itself in Shuijiang County from this moment.

No, a teenager pulled his parents in line.

After eating, he drew it, and it was still a laptop of 10,000 yuan.

"It won't be true?"

the teenager's parents couldn't believe as they looked at the unopened box handed over by the clerk.

"It's absolutely true, if you're afraid of fakes, we don't mind if you inspect the goods here."

"Really?" "

This is whatever you want, from the moment you win the prize, this laptop belongs to you, even if you smash it on the spot, we have no opinion."

"Dad, don't tear it down here, besides, this boss doesn't look like a liar."

The boy said with a embarrassed expression on his face and looked at his parents.

"You don't care about this, they all said they are not afraid, what are you afraid of!" the

parents only believed it with their own eyes.

This is exactly what Fu Hetai wants to see.

People outside you don't always doubt the first prize.

Now finally draw one, once they confirm it.

The last one remains, and how much impact this will have on other customers.

This is not something that Fu Hetai can imagine now, he only knows that the next half day will be busier.

Because Master only helped himself in the shop for half a day, the rest of the time was on his own.

"Here, here's


a clerk handed over with a pair of scissors.

At this time, the young father's face turned a little red.

"Thank you!" Seeing

that the situation of the people was not panicked at all, but the two of them made a fuss.

Wait for if you open it, will it be yourself who hits

the face! "What are you afraid of, as long as it is true, even if I hit the face, I will recognize it!

This is a laptop for 10,000 yuan,

and the child already wants to buy it."

It's just that the family's economy has always been tight with money, and now they are planning to save for a few months and buy it for their children.

Well, now there is no need to save money at all, and a better computer.

Having figured this out, the father began to unpack the box.

Just the first stroke, he knew the result.

Because I saw a pure black thing inside, there was a metallic color.

"Wow, it's really this computer, thank you boss!"

the boy jumped on the spot when he saw the

notebook his father was holding in his hand.

And happily ran to the back kitchen and thanked Qin Mo inside.

Why did he know that the boss was inside, it was in the chat just now that he heard it.

"I really envy this luck, 10,000 yuan prize, if we want to buy it, it can take several months of salary, even if they don't want it, I think I can earn at least 7,000 or so when they change hands."

"Dad, quickly pack it up, wait for it to fall, it's not worth it!" After

the teenager came out, he quickly asked his parents to put away the notebook.

"Give it to me, you two go shopping, I'll go back and see how the computer is!"

the boy took the

repacked box and turned to go back.

But he was held back by his parents.

"If you go back now, we will resell the notebook here now, today is the first day of the new year, you have to go out and walk, you want to go back to play with the computer now!"

At this moment, the father's expression suddenly became serious.

Seeing this, the boy reluctantly handed the box to his father.

"Well, I'll take a look later in the evening, so be it!"

"Even if it's not the same when our family finishes shopping, going back is not the same." Under

the envious eyes of everyone, this family of three left here.

"Ask, the handsome guys and beauties inside, can you have a discussion, there are still so many people queuing outside, please speed up a little, okay?"

At this time, someone suddenly shouted inside.

Xu Xiuwen did not block it, which is a good thing, in this way, the passenger flow will increase a lot every hour.

"Well, let's get inside as fast as we can!" Hearing

the response from someone inside, the man returned satisfied.

"If this business is maintained, how much money can it make in that month?" Xu

Xiuwen looked at the customers queuing outside.

The heart suddenly beat violently.

According to his agreement with his boss, in a month, it will not cost tens of thousands.

Even if there are not so many people, it is enough to keep a few of them.

An income of 10,000 a month is indispensable.

So far, Xu Xiuwen and his wife have not tried the taste of their own food.

"Is it really that delicious?" Seeing

every customer was like a hungry ghost reincarnated.

He felt too fake, but he couldn't stop now and try it alone.

If you want to try it, you will have to wait until there are fewer customers.

"Husband, let me tell you something!" I

saw another group of guests come in, and for the next few minutes, no guests came or went.

Tong Shuitao, who was at the front desk, suddenly called Xu Xiuwen over.

"What's going on?"

Xu Xiuwen asked suspiciously seeing his daughter-in-law's mysterious god.

"Our boss, it seems to be my high school classmate?" Hearing

his daughter-in-law say this, Xu Xiuwen's face was full of disbelief.

"You said that Ye Yin is your classmate, daughter-in-law, haven't you woken up yet.

People look like big cities, when did they study in Shuijiang County!" "

No, I'm not talking about Boss Ye Yin, it's the big boss!" When

he spoke, Tong Shuitao kept looking at the back kitchen.

"You mean Qin Mo, your classmate?" Xu

Xiuwen just put his hand in advance, and when he wanted to point to the back kitchen, he quickly put it down.

"Yes, it's the big boss, the same name, or local.

The appearance is a little similar, it is because the difference is too big, I dare not confirm it!" "

Really, you are not mistaken?" Xu

Xiuwen heard his daughter-in-law say this, and the doubts in his heart were finally solved.

There are so many lamb porridge shops around, why did the other party only choose them.

And the treatment given is also too good, other stores are directly bought.

Their shop, on the contrary, Qin Mo took special care of it.

"Or, wait a minute, you go over and ask, if it's really a classmate, then you have to thank people well!" "

Husband, there is one more thing, I almost forgot, in our class group, some people say that the class leader Qin Mo went home to start a business!"

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