The tea that Qin Anguo said was bought for him by his son.

Usually I am reluctant to drink, not for fear of expensive, but for fear that I will not be able to buy it in the future.

"Who is it, they are willing to take out your tea leaves."

Wang Lanhui said as she walked out of the house.

"Huh, you are?" Seeing

the man sitting on the sofa, Wang Lanhui felt very familiar.

"What to say, this is the leader, don't hurry up and take it."

Qin Anguo began to boil water, and then he had to wash the teacup.

"I'm sorry, leader, I didn't know it was you coming!" Hearing

her wife say this, Wang Lanhui quickly apologized.

Just now, I thought that it was Qin Anguo's old fellow, who spoke like that.

"It's okay, it should be that we say sorry, come and disturb you at this time, Xiao Tan send the gift over!" Tan

Zhengqing, who had been carrying the gift and stood behind him, hurriedly walked over.


not a valuable thing, just some New Year goods!" Seeing

that Lin Tongfu said so, Wang Lanhui could only accept it.

"Leader, you came here this time

?" Qin Anguo really couldn't think of what a leader was doing in his house?"

"I came here to find Qin

Mo to chat, there is nothing important."

Lin Tongfu looked around, but still did not see each other.

"Leader, are you looking for my son?" "

Yes, isn't he there?"

"He went out to exercise early in the morning, and now he should almost be back."

Leader, do you have something important to look for him.

Or I will make a call now and let him come back immediately!" Qin

Anguo picked up his mobile phone and prepared to dial the number.

"No need, no hurry, since you're all coming back soon, you might as well wait!" Lin

Tongfu quickly stopped him and put the phone down.

"That's it, leader, let's drink tea and wait

!" "This tea is good, look at it like this, Brother Qin knows tea very well


"Understand tea, don't dare to take responsibility for this, just drink it casually!"

After about ten minutes, the three drank a pot of tea.

Outside, there was the sound of an iron door opening.

"Dad, drink tea so early, is there a guest here?"

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, Qin Mo smelled a tea fragrance.

This tea is my own trust, so I bought a pound, and usually the old man is reluctant to drink it.

Only when the guests came, he was willing to take them out.

"Hurry up, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Wang Lanhui heard that it was her son who came back, and quickly came out and said, quickly walking in with his hand.

"Mom, why, I just finished my workout, and I have to change my clothes.

Qin Mo was pulled into the hall on the first floor and saw a man in his forties, as well as a young man.

"It's okay, Mr. Qin, you change your clothes first, we'll talk later!" Lin

Tongfu saw that the people who were waiting had returned, and he was not in a hurry at this time.

"Then bother to wait a minute!" Qin

Mo returned to the room, in the upstairs bathroom, rinsed casually, changed clothes and went downstairs.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, I'm Lin Tongfu.

"The leader of Shuijiang County!"

Qin Anguo was afraid that his son would not know who it was, so he quickly added a sentence later.

"It turned out to be the leader, I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long!" At

this moment, Qin Anguo pulled Wang Lanhui away.

"Why are you pulling me!" "

People came to discuss something with their son, what are we sitting next to

!" "Yes, you still know a lot about the old man, I'll go see if Xinxin woke up!"


Qin Anguo's reminder, Wang Lanhui had just been pulled away, and the depression in her heart dissipated.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin has been back for so long, and none of us came to see you on behalf of the county.

"Leader, you said and laughed, I'm just an ordinary citizen!"

In my Lin's mind, Mr. Qin is not an ordinary person.

To be able to have such a net worth at your age is still self-made.

In the country, or even in the world, there is no second person!" Lin

Tongfu first praised Qin Mo, and Qin Mo did not stop it, because this was a fact.

"Leader, if you have anything, just say it!" "

Haha, it's still Mr. Qin's quick talk, really a person who does big things." Seeing

that his purpose in coming to Qin Mo finally began to enter the topic, Lin Tongfu laughed.

Qin Mo's evaluation in his mind continued to improve.

He did not have the arrogance of a teenager at all, but became more and more approachable.

However, the momentum exuded by the body is only available to those in power.

"Mr. Qin, are you not going to leave when you come back this time!" Lin

Tongfu felt that it was better to ask clearly, although there was already a guess in his heart.

However, I didn't get an answer from the other party, so I was still not reassured.

"Almost, it should be in Shuijiang County in the next two years.

"If Mr. Qin has any views on his hometown, you might as well say it and listen!" The

two were in the living room, drinking tea while chatting about the purpose of Lin Tongfu coming over this time.

I don't know if two days are, it's really close.

When they talked, they forgot the time.

Even Lin Tongfu took out some documents from his briefcase and discussed with Qin Mo.

"Young man, come and sit here!" Tan

Zhengqing watched the two talk, in a short time, he would not stop.

After taking a look, I didn't need to help myself on the side, so I got up and walked away.

Because there are some topics that even as a secretary, he cannot know.

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard, he saw Wang Lanhui and a little girl.

The two were eating breakfast, and Tan Zhengqing walked over to see that it was white porridge and buns.

"Gollum!" It's

good not to look at it, this look, I remember that I haven't eaten breakfast yet.

"Come and have breakfast, there are some more here!" Wang

Lanhui also heard Tan Zhengqing's stomach growling just now.

"No, I'll go out and buy something to eat later."

He quickly waved his hand and walked outside.

"There is no breakfast nearby, so young people should come and eat it!" "

Yes, big brother, this is the bun in my restaurant, it is delicious."

You smell so fragrant, Xinxin promises that after you eat it, you will continue to want to eat!" Qin

Xinxin took a bun and got up from the stool.

Walked to Tan Zhengqing's side and handed him over.

"Big brother, you taste it first. Hearing

Wang Lanhui say that there was no breakfast to buy outside, Tan Zhengqing stopped.

Just in time to see the little girl walking towards him and handing herself a bun.

"Young man, eat, it won't disappoint you!" Seeing

the hesitant expression on Tan Zhengqing's face, Wang Lanhui said with a smile.

"Thank you, little sister!" took

the bun, still warm, it had not been baked for a long time.

Hearing both of them say this, he took the first bite with half belief.

"Hiss... This!"

Tan Zhengqing was the first to react, he was not eating buns.

Quickly stopped and took a closer look, and it was the bun in his hand.

"Big brother, isn't it delicious!

Hurry up and eat, there are many more here in Xinxin."

There are also Xinxin's two sisters' buns, I have asked grandma to put them away, don't worry about not eating enough!" "

Young man, I didn't lie to you!"

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