"Brother Qin, what's the matter, this wine is okay!"

At the wine table, everyone kept stammering Qin Anguo.

One by one, they kept toasting him, but Qin Mo next to him fell easily.

Eating delicious food and watching everyone's variety.

"But seriously, the meals in this hotel are really a bit special!" This

time, it was already the second time Qin Mo came over.

He found that the Shangdai Hotel was already full, but he didn't know how these relatives got the private room.

Look at the lobby outside, there are many guests lining up.

"This kid really doesn't treat himself as an outsider, he looks like a hungry ghost reincarnated. Looking

at Qin Mo's appearance, the young people around him couldn't see it well.

If it weren't for this time, the elders in the family had told me, it wouldn't be the same as in the morning.

After all, he still has something to do, and he has to ask his father.

Even if you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face!

"Brother Qin, what did I just tell you!" After

the wine was halfway through, finally these relatives spoke.


, Brother Qin, you are so familiar with the leader, it is just a small matter for you, but for us families, it is a real big thing!" A

middle-aged man sitting next to Qin Anguo, if Qin Mo was not mistaken, should be his father's cousin, that is, his uncle.

"You're so sure, I know the leader.

Qin Anguo was also curious, where did they learn the news.

"Hehe, Brother Qin, you are usually too low-key!

If it weren't for the leader, we wouldn't know about it when he personally visited you.

Don't hide it, the future of these juniors is the time for you to say a word.

"That's it, you believe it?" It

turned out that last time, Lin Tongfu came to find Qin Mo, and when he went out, he was seen by the surrounding neighbors.

So the story spread.

At first, the spread was reasonable.

But when it came to the back, it was even said that Qin Anguo was Lin Tongfu's, a lifesaver and the like.

If it were just the words of these legends, they would not be so sure.

However, some of their children are from the workplace.

It just so happened that someone was Tan Zhengqing's classmate, and this sentence came out of his mouth, but it was all some insignificant things.

Therefore, these relatives think that Lin Tongfu has a good relationship with Qin Anguo.

"Believe, how can you not believe, we were seduced by others before, and we asked Big Brother Qin not to be surprised!" Seeing

that Qin Anguo did not deny it, the smile on everyone's faces was even worse.

"Hey, it's a pity that you guys found the wrong person!" Until

now, Qin Anguo was really dead.

The faces of these relatives are still the same.

They did not resume normal communication because of the feelings of relatives.

It is based on profit, if one day their own family declines.

They are still the same as before, and he Qin Anguo is the same person.

"Brother Qin, what do you mean by

this?" Hearing Qin Anguo say this, everyone's faces changed drastically!

"The leader I told you about has a very ordinary relationship, just met once, which may disappoint you!"

"But outside, they all said so, and they all stayed in your house for a few hours?"

At this time, these relatives began to get angry.

If it's true, then the gift you gave yourself, and today's meal.

But it all costs money, and most importantly, I and others have always laughed with me.

"What you are talking

about, the leader is performing official duties!" "

I said, how can they know the leader, this is good, chickens fly eggs

!" "I have talked hundreds of miles

!" "You are only a hundred, my bottle of wine is thousands of yuan!"

I also spent more than a thousand tea leaves, is this a human business, and if nothing is done, I accept the gift. "

The last person said, it seems that he wants to go back and take back the gift.

"Qin Anguo, since you don't know people, why don't you make it clear when you are in your home.

It also made us happy for so long, this table of wine and dishes, you pay for it yourself, hum!" Finally

, someone couldn't hold back, and when they heard that it couldn't be done.

The title immediately changed, and began to accuse, got up and went out.

Seeing this, the others glanced at the table again.

This table of meals was made by everyone together.

It will probably cost more than five thousand, and if you add alcohol, it will cost more than seven thousand.

Now there is one person who does not want to pay, and the others will not let themselves suffer.

They all got up and prepared to leave the box.

"Two starving ghosts, it's really a dog that can't change eating!" has

already chosen to turn his face, then these relatives have no face, and they don't leave any face!

Thinking of the gift he sent, now he has to scold a few words before he can show the resentment in his heart.

"Hey, it's a pity, I don't know the leader, but my son does!" Qin

Anguo was already dead, but he didn't get up.

I was just drinking, and I hadn't even had time to eat a bite of the food.

Besides, this table of meals turned out to be paid for by yourself.

It's not delicious, isn't it sorry for the wallet.

The person who had not left just now heard Qin Anguo talking to himself.

He stood still all of a sudden, letting his family pull him, without moving a step.

"Go, are you going to stay and pay for these two poor devils!" "

No, just now he said that it was his son who knew the leader."

"What, you heard you right

, just his little white face, how old he is,

can get to know the leaders of others."

People say this on purpose so that you can stay and pay.

"Yes, you can see him as if he has not seen the world, you can know what big people he can know

!" "Let's go, wait a minute, the things you bought today should be fed to the dogs!"


Mo and the two father and son quietly listened to everyone's scolding of themselves.

If scolding can make people lose a piece of meat, then this world is not chaotic.

Besides, they didn't take what they sent themselves.

"Mr. Qin, it turns out that you are here, why don't you come over without saying a word, so that I can entertain me properly." Just

as some people walked out of the box, a man in a suit.

I happened to pass by the door, and I took a look inside the box.

A hint of doubt appeared on his face, and he continued to walk forward.

In less than a minute, the man in the suit returned.

"This is not the hotel owner, Gu Yangze, why did he go in?" Everyone

watched Gu Yangze approach, and they had just come out of the box.

This makes everyone curious, stop and see what is going on.

"Mr. Qin, don't say anything when you come over!" Gu

Yangze walked to Qin Mo's side, looked at it carefully, and made sure that he didn't admit his mistake, before greeting.

Qin Mo looked at the man in the suit in front of him, this was the first time they met.


, I almost forgot, I'm Gu Yangze, the owner of this hotel."

"Gu Yangze, the owner of the Shangdai Hotel?"

"Yes, it's me, I didn't think that Mr. Qin also knew me."

Gu Yangze's attitude stunned all the relatives who had just walked out.

"Did he just know Lin Tongfu?"

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