The second day's game, as expected.

All four advanced to the top 20, waiting for the final game to arrive.

"Finally waiting for this day to come!"

"Elder Guo, I finally gave up!"

"Haha, the boss is still the same as before, he likes to joke, such a good opportunity can be missed!"

"Elder Guo, you have so much confidence in the four of them, all of them have made the promotion?"

"No, no, I don't have faith in them, but in your boss!"

Guo Hexuan thought of Qin Mo, who has such a good talent in music, but it is just a hobby, which makes other people embarrassed!

"Elder Guo, you don't like to joke yet!"

"Okay, hurry up and get in, the two of you are almost a hundred years old together, so don't blow each other anymore."

Hearing that the two of them were talking more and more outrageously, Gu Qingyi, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but say something.

"Let's go, if you don't go in again, someone will have an opinion!"

Qin Mo and the others didn't need to move around at all, and the people at the back of the line squeezed inside.

"There are more people today!"

"Can it not be much, the venue has been changed."

This time, the venue can accommodate a thousand spectators, almost double the size of the previous one.

"It seems that this time the organizer attaches great importance to it, which is better!"

Guo Hexuan entered it, found his seat, looked around, and suddenly laughed mysteriously.

"Distinguished guests, present, audience friends in front of the TV, hello everyone, I am this host Zhao Danyi, Zheng Liqiang."

The first to take the stage were the two hosts.

At this time, the audience has already entered the venue.

There are also staff in charge of live broadcasting, all of which are already in place.

They pointed the camera at center of the stage.

"Everyone, please don't be impatient, let's introduce you to the guests this time!"

Unlike the previous two times, there were only seven referees, and in the last game, there were several more people on the stage.

"These seven referees, everyone is already familiar with them, but I have to introduce them again, because some audience friends do not know, please forgive me!"

The two moderators briefly introduced the seven judges according to the usual practice.

"Next, the first guest introduced to you, our organizer Feng Shaomei, Ms. Feng!"

As soon as Zhao Dan finished speaking, the rostrum was the first to applaud, and the audience also applauded.

Shaomei Fung is the CEO of Asia Wireless Entertainment.

This time she came over in person, showing that she attached great importance to the bright moon star this time.

"The second guest, a heavyweight, he is the superstar Du Xinghai!"

With the host Zheng Liqiang, the voice fell.

The chasing light of the stage shrouded the rostrum, a man who always wore a hat and bowed his head.

At this time, he took off his hat and stood up.

"Wow! It's really Du Xinghai! At

this moment, the audience at the scene directly detonated on the spot.

There were even some spectators who got up and wanted to rush over.

The organizers have long considered this, and there are usually few security personnel in the audience.

Today, more than a dozen security personnel are secured.

"Du Xinghai, I love you!"

"Du Xinghai, I love you!"

"Du Xinghai, I love you!"

Seeing that they could not rush over to meet the idol, the audience shouted one after another.

"It turned out to be him, no wonder the back is so familiar!"

As soon as Qin Mo sat down, he noticed a man on the rostrum.

On this occasion, wearing a hat, he never looked up.

"Boss, this time there is a lively watch."

One is his own enemy, and the other is the boss of his enemy.

"It's not bad to be disgusting at that time, you say yes, Guo Lao!"

"Hahaha, the boss and I thought about it."

"You two have been talking non-stop since you came in, what is there to say!"

Ye Yin was sitting on Qin Mo's right, and when he saw Guo Hexuan and Qin Mo sitting down, he kept grunting in a low voice.

"I didn't say anything, it's just strange that on this occasion, a superstar appeared!"

"Du Xinghai, I don't think you are handsome as Big Brother Qin!"

For these, stars engaged in the entertainment industry, Ye Yin is a little disgusted.

The main thing is that their circle is too messy!

"Dear audience friends, please be quiet!"

After the host Zheng Liqiang spoke several times, the audience's emotions gradually calmed down.

However, there are still some people who are whispering and do not pay attention to what is said on stage.

"Bright Moon Star, the final final starts now, please the first contestant!"

"The rules really changed last time, but it didn't have much impact on the four of them!"

Only now, the audience was aware of the new rules of the game.

After all, they are also involved in scoring the players.

"Not bad, the first player has improved compared to before, is it still hiding strength before?"

The first to appear was a conservatory college student.

Today is a senior and about to graduate.

Naturally good voice, plus four years of professional training.

Let her make it all the way to the final.

"Compared with the four of Xia Yunxin, what do you think of the boss?"

"In terms of hardware, the four of them are still a little worse, but fortunately we still have killer skills!"

"Indeed, this kind of person is simply born to eat this line!"

"As soon as he is on the field, as long as this player does not die, the promotion is ironclad!"

"Fortunately, there are not many such geniuses, otherwise the four of them would be a bit troublesome!"

"Win, no pressure at all."

For each player, you have to challenge two opponents.

Then rank according to the score, first eliminate the last five.

This time it was divided into two rounds, with five players eliminated in each round, leaving ten in the end.

"Or the boss has the foresight and prepares for the four in advance!"

Two hours later.

The results of the first round are in.

Xia Yunxin, Dong Yuanyu, Qiu Xianshan, and Chun Yuwei successfully advanced.

"Yes, this time the players are very good, if it is not only ten at the beginning, the remaining fifteen we can all sign."

Feng Shaomei felt that this trip was too worthwhile, and she was able to meet so many excellent players.

As long as they are signed, the company's revenue this year can be doubled.

"The names of those four players are interesting, and if they form a band, they will be a group that can shock the music scene in a few years!"

"President Feng's gaze is really as vicious as before, and he can see the problem at once."

"Please rest assured that after the competition, I will definitely sign these five people for you!"

Among the remaining fifteen players, Feng Shaomei favored five players the most.

Among the four players, it happened to be Xia Yunxin's four.

"Strange, these four people give me a feeling, so familiar, as if where have they seen it?"

Du Xinghai looked at the four contestants walking on the stage.

A puzzled look appeared on his face, a feeling that was even stronger after the first round of performance.

He wanted to ask someone, but his identity was here.

Once you ask yourself, you will make others think.

"Forget it, wait until the game is over and ask, it may be, in the previous cooperative team, I have seen it there."

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