"How do they relate to you?"

Qin Mo did not give an answer, but asked what the relationship between them was.

"Okay, play from small to big!"

Ding Zhengqi nervously grabbed the steering wheel, he didn't know the boss, and asked why this.

I followed the boss myself, I was praised the other day, and the work was added a little.

Don't make the boss unhappy because of this, otherwise the gain is not worth the loss!

"Okay, I see!"

Qin Mo also did not give a clear answer!

However, Ye Yin next to him knew what he meant by this.

"Hee-hee, isn't Zhengqi worried, your boss is angry!"

Ye Yin looked at Ding Zhengqi's expression and couldn't help but laugh.


Your boss,

I already promised you, drive your car well!"

"Really, boss!"

Ding Zhengqi still couldn't believe it and asked again.

"What your lady says!"

At this time, Ding Zhengqi finally got an accurate answer.

The things explained by the three were also completed.

"Zhengqi, this time is an exception!"

Hearing Qin Mo say this, he knew what the boss meant, such a thing, he didn't want to appear a second time.

"Understood, boss, I know what to do in the future!"

"It's good to know, and you usually have time, you must also learn to read more books, you can't drive for a lifetime!"

Speaking of this, Qin Mo did not continue, he believed that Ding Zhengqi should be able to understand what he meant.

"Where's my sister?"

As soon as the vehicle stopped, Qin Xinxin heard the sound and ran out of the courtyard.

The first thing is to see the two younger sisters.

Instead of Qin Mo, or Ye Yin.

It seems that in Qin Xinxin's mind, the two younger sisters are even more important than them.

"Xinxin, don't call dad and mom!"

"Hmph, I just ignored you and didn't let Xinxin pick up my sisters together!"

Qin Xinxin wrinkled his small nose towards Qin Mo.

After that, he laughed with Ye Yin, and his face changed faster than Sichuan opera.

"Mom, show Xinxin that two sisters!"

"Good, I know that Xinxin loves her sisters, but the wind is strong, wait for the two sisters to carry them back to the house, Xinxin will look at it again!"

With Qin Mo's support, Ye Yin slowly walked into the courtyard.

Although she can walk on the ground, she still has to be supported.

The wound is healed, but the pain is still a little.

After all, on the delivery bed, she was also stabbed.

Otherwise, in the case of her small pelvis, it is impossible to have a normal and normal birth.

Now when I walk by myself, every time I take a step, I still have a little pain.

However, this situation must have returned to normal after her confinement.

"Mom, are you okay, Xinxin is also here to help you!"

Qin Xinxin stepped aside and took Ye Yin's other hand.

"Xinxin is really good, just have your father's support!"

Ye Yin showed a sweet smile and touched Xinxin's hair, which was exactly the life she wanted.

"What the stinky stinking can do, Xinxin does even better than him!"

It seems that she didn't pick up her two sisters together, and she still remembers hatred.

"Xinxin, go and take out the milk powder of your sisters, they are hungry!"

Qin Mo pulled out the two cribs he bought and spread a quilt on the bottom.

This made Du Yumeng and Yang Xiaotong put their two daughters up.

At this time, the two daughters had woken up, their eyes were curiously looking at the unfamiliar environment around them.

"Mom, milk powder and bottles, Shin Shin brought it.

How to make milk for the two younger sisters, Xinxin also wants to learn now, so that she can make milk for her sisters in the future!

"Okay, now mom teaches you, in the future, Xinxin will help mom bring her sister!"

At this time, Ye Yin praised Qin Xinxin.

"Shin Shin, this is the most attention, that is, the water temperature of milk.

The temperature should preferably be 45 degrees, see this shown above?

Ye Yin pointed to the kettle, and the number displayed on it was the current water temperature.

Feeding the baby, that's a hurry.

So a good kettle shows its role at this time.

So the best choice, that is, there are two functions, boiling water and keeping warm.

The best thing is to be able to adjust and display the water temperature.

Babies can't take your time when it comes to drinking milk.

When you have prepared the milk, the next thing to do is not to breastfeed, but how to make the baby not cry, and some babies at this time, even if they are hungry, refuse to drink milk.

Those who have not experienced it, do not know that there is such a thing.

Qin Mo tried many times from Xinxin before he found the problem.

At that time, as long as Xinxin moved a little, Qin Mo quickly brewed the milk powder and put the pacifier in Xinxin's mouth before she cried.

This phenomenon is adapted to almost all babies.

Ye Yin also knew it through Qin Mo's explanation, and a certain sound on the spot.

Now I see my two daughters, and I am still curious about the surrounding environment, so I have time to say this to Qin Xinxin.

"Xinxin, do you know what my mother just said?"

"It's so easy, what to do next, Mom!"

Qin Xinxin said proudly.

"Then look at my sister, the amount of food lately.

For example, now two younger sisters, each time drink up to 30.

Shin Shin you see the number on the bottle no, here is 30.

Ye Yin picked up the bottle and pointed to the numbers on it and said.

"These Shin Shin knows, is the next step to pour 30 water into the bottle?"

Qin Xinxin picked up the kettle with difficulty and poured water into the bottle.

Fortunately, she often practiced martial arts with Qin Mo, and her wrists still had some strength.

Otherwise, Xinxin would have just been unable to take the kettle.

"Xinxin is so smart!"

Seeing that she had completed part of it, Ye Yin praised Qin Xinxin at this time.

"Shin Shin, look here!"

Ye Yin picked up the milk powder jar and pointed to a text description on it.

"It says how much water you need to accompany with as many spoonfuls of powdered milk.

Like this milk powder, 180 ml of water, you need 6 spoonfuls of milk powder..."

"This Shin Shin knows, 30 ml of water, that is, a spoonful of milk powder."

At this time, Qin Xinxin quickly interrupted Ye Yin's words, opened the milk powder can, took out a spoon from it, and poured a spoonful of milk powder into the milk bottle.

"Xinxin, the next thing is the most important, that is, let the milk powder melt evenly into the water, but you can't shake it casually, you have to shake it like this!"

Ye Yin picked up an empty bottle next to him, held the bottle with both hands, and rubbed it back and forth like this.

"Xinxin knows, mother gives this to you, you take it to the eldest sister to drink, and Xinxin will go to make good milk for the little sister."

After handing the bottle in his hand to Ye Yin, Qin Xinxin resumed his previous operation.

This time, a little more skilled than before, I believe that a few more times, she can make milk for her two sisters alone.

There is also a prerequisite for this, that is, there must be adults around.

Otherwise, if you really don't worry, Xinxin has a child to milk her two sisters.

"My Xinxin is really powerful, I can give it, my two sisters are milking!"

Wang Lanhui, who had just returned from outside, couldn't help but praise Qin Xinxin when she saw this situation.

"Grandma, do you feel excited?"

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