"Boss, one more!" Five

young men, each already eating a portion of two, plus two bowls of broth.

"Big brother, the teacher said, you can't eat heavily, you see that Xinxin's stomach is bulging, you can't bear to eat, you still eat, don't be afraid to wait for the next explosion!"

Now even Qin Xinxin can't see it.

"Uh-uh... , I can't blame me for this, I can only blame your father for making buns that are so delicious, and my brothers have never eaten such delicious buns.

One of the young men said while hiccuping.

"Okay, I see you can't eat anymore, I've packed it for you!" "

Boss, you are so happy to have such a sensible daughter."

"You are young, you have worked hard, thank you for your patronage, a total of 560 yuan."

"Oh, I originally wanted to save a little, but I couldn't think of the buns made by the boss, so we couldn't stop." "

Fortune arrived, 560 yuan."

"Little sister, bye!" In

the last half hour, all the buns in Qin Mo's shop were sold out.

He also didn't expect it to be so popular, it sold out in an hour and a half, and now it is half past nine in the evening.

"Xinxin, gone, go home!" "

Okay, dad, but Xinxin is hungry again!" Carrying

the school bag, looking at the poor daughter who touched her little belly, Qin Mo came over with something in his hand: "Shh

Locking the door of the store, Qin Mo pushed the little donkey over: "Sit down, let's go home!" "

Hahaha, dad, I'm very happy today!"

"Dad too..."

Now Qin Mo couldn't close his mouth with a smile, it was just a temporary trial business at night, excluding the cost gross profit of more than 3,000.

"If it is normal, it should go up, I only need to be open in the morning and evening every day, and in a month, the profit is almost 220,000 yuan." Qin

Mo was taken aback by his own calculation, so terrifying!

"Qin Mo, how much do you really earn tonight!" When

Qin Mo calculated the income for the night, Qin Xinxin was next to help.

"Shin Shin, soon we will be able to own our own house.

"Really, at that time, Shin Shin's room will be arranged by Shin Shin herself, and I want it all to be pink

..." "Chong Chong will definitely let Shin Shin have her own house..."

Over the year, in order to save a little money, the father and daughter worked hard and only rented a one-bedroom apartment, because this can save more than 1,000 yuan a month.

Just when their father and daughter had just closed the stall, their first customer, the aunt of a nearby community, bought the buns directly on the table.

This is reserved for his grandson, who is sometimes too picky eater and usually has not enough to eat for dinner.

Just walked out of the room a middle-aged man and touched his stomach: "I'm so hungry, Mom, is there anything to eat!" After

shouting twice in a row and no one responded, the middle-aged man began to look for something to eat: "These two must have taken Xiaoxing and went down to square dance."

"Hey, my mother still has the foresight, since she knows that I love to eat buns, she prepared it for me in advance, but it's a little cold, so I'll eat a little first."

"This bun sells well, it doesn't look like it's nearby."

The middle-aged man said, and picked up a vegetable bag.

"Hey, this taste..." After

taking a bite, the middle-aged man immediately discovered the New World and quickly took another bite.

"This taste is so amazing, I didn't think the vegetable bags were so delicious, how did I not find it before, but unfortunately it is cold, or the taste must be better." "

Three bites is a vegetable bun down to the stomach.

After sleeping for a day and not eating, when he encountered food, it can be imagined that the middle-aged man picked up the second vegetable bag, this time directly dried up in two bites.

"Oh, it's so delicious, where did my mother run to buy this delicacy!" In

less than two minutes, three vegetable buns and a basket of soup xiaolongbao were gone.

At this moment, there was a sound of unlocking, and the middle-aged man just paused and continued to pick up the honey sauce char siu bun, and there was still a cage of soup dumplings and a honey sauce char siu bun on the table.

"Mom, where did you buy this bun, it's so delicious." Sure

enough, it was his mother, wife and son who walked in.

"You are a killer of a thousand knives, and you have ruined the buns so much at once, but this is left to my precious grandson, and your food is still kept warm in the pot."


a childlike voice sounded at this time, and I saw a seven-year-old boy running out from behind his aunt, and when he saw the buns in his father's hand, he immediately cried wolf: "Grandma, dad is a big villain, he almost eats me all the buns."

"You said that you are such a big person, and you don't know that every day I will leave some night snacks for your son and so on, so many buns, you will eat most of them at once!" The

aunt immediately rushed over and directly rescued the remaining buns on the table.

I just wanted to eat a hungry one, but I didn't expect this bun to be so delicious!"

said the middle-aged man, licking the soup in his hand.

Daughter-in-law, you taste it, otherwise see how the old lady cleans you up!" After

speaking, the aunt broke half of the honey char siu bun and handed it to the daughter-in-law next to her.

The middle-aged woman took it with a doubtful attitude, and when she took a mouthful, her eyes immediately widened.

"Mom, this tastes..." At

this time, her face lit up, and before she finished speaking, she took a few bites to dry off half of the honey sauce char siu bun.

"You two are together to cheat the old man, it's so delicious, I'll try it!" Another

one couldn't stop, and a honey sauce char siu bun was eaten by the two.

"Wow... You adults are all bad people..." The

little boy next to him found that after a while, his favorite bun was missing again, and he rolled on the ground.

"Ahem... Grandma's fault, this will go and buy it for you, daughter-in-law, you warm up the last cage of soup Xiaolongbao to Xiaoxing, I will go down. Speaking

of this, Aunt hurriedly went out: "I hope there is..."

"Aunt Liu, why are you going, just came back, went out!" As

soon as I walked out of the door of the community, I met a few dancing friends.

"I bought a few buns this evening, they are very delicious, they are not enough for my son to spoil, this grandson is making trouble, I have to hurry to buy them, I hope they are not sold out."

Auntie said as she quickened her pace.

"Strange, this Aunt Liu's family usually has a very mouthful, and what can be remembered by their family must be a good thing, no, we also have to go over and take a look." So

, an aunt in front led the team, followed by several grandpas and aunts in one direction, and I didn't know that something big had happened.

"It's over, don't want to sleep tonight..." Looking

at the closed shop in front of her, Auntie's face immediately changed.

"First Bun Shop! What an arrogant name!"

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