"Squad leader, do you need manpower here?"

asked Lin Yonghao in surprise, thinking that Qin Mo was joking.


I really can, squad leader, you are a technology company, I

don't know anything!"

I thought of Qin Mo's wedding day after visiting his company.

This is what caused everyone to have the illusion that Qin Mo was now transferring industries.

"My company really doesn't need manpower, but I didn't say that my wife's side doesn't need it

!" "Then what can I do in the past, hee-hee, it won't be the past to serve dishes!"

Lin Yonghao joked at this time.

"If you want, I have no opinion!" "

Don't, I was joking just now, once I let the other students know that Lin Shao actually went to serve the plate, I would not be able to raise my head." "

Seeing the appearance of the old classmate, the two were joking.

"Okay, let's get down to business, now Ye's pure taste.

It needs to go to other cities, so it needs a lot of managers.

Every city needs a manager, and I just met you today.

Didn't you study management in college, just right, pick it up again, and get started quickly!" When

he heard that he was going to other cities, Lin Yonghao's brows furrowed.

"Yes, other cities, if you want, give me news this month."

If you still have the right people, you can also introduce them to me.

But seriously, I want you to come and help me. For

this classmate, Qin Mo really wanted him to come over and help.

If he continues like this, man will really be abolished.

The family environment is indeed good now, but if there is a problem in the family situation in the future.

By then, it will be too late to regret it, and every day will be like this.

Relying on some shops at home to collect rent, I have not worked for seven years since graduating from college.

"Squad leader, I can't decide now, I'll go back and discuss with my family first, and I'll give you an answer when the time comes!"

Lin Yonghao looked at Qin Mo a little ashamed.

He also knew that the class president was genuinely helping him, otherwise there would be many students.

Why only find yourself, and now the classmates, all know Qin Mo's ability.

As long as you take his boat, you dare not guarantee prosperity and wealth in the future.

But for sure, life is better than most.

"Okay, that's it, I'll wait for your reply, I'll be busy first, I won't send you!" Qin

Mo stepped forward, grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Squad leader, don't worry, I know what to choose!" Looking

at the distant vehicle, Qin Mo shook his head.

A comfortable life will really make people lose the motivation to move forward, I hope this time, he can come over to help himself, otherwise he will continue like this in the future.

If you don't take advantage of your youth, when you are older, you will have no chance.

"Forget it, this time it will need a bit more manpower, give them this opportunity, as for whether they can grasp it, it depends on whether a few people have the ability!" At

the beginning, Qin Mo wanted to help his high school classmates.

Especially those who had a good relationship with him in high school.

Among these high school classmates, except for Lin Yonghao.

Others are at most the head of a store, and it is impossible to put them in charge of a store in a city.

Lin Yonghao is an exception!"

Forget it, the most important thing now is to train the first batch of one hundred people out of the division, otherwise everything is free of talk."



Qin Mo was busy setting up the training place, his mobile phone rang.


the matter, old classmate, come back and don't rest for a few days, call me at this time!" A

few days ago, Wu Yueyi went to the city to take over the posts of the two of them.

Qin Mo asked Yun Lin and Zhuo Wenshu to rest for a while first.

"Can't be idle, now once there is nothing to do, I feel

that something is wrong!" "What is your situation, you are not happy to give you a holiday

!" "Boss, it's not just me, you ask Zhuo Wenshu, he is the same, now he is here, the two of us have not done it, we can only go out and wander!"

Hearing Qin Mo say this, Yun Lin knew that he had misunderstood what he meant, and quickly explained.


I'm divorced, I can't joke about this!"


I know, tell me, what are you looking for me for?" "

Boss, are you now, ready to develop in the next city?"

"Yes, it's not preparation, it's already started!" Qin

Mo had already planned, the first batch of three cities.

The shop will be closed within a few days, followed by renovations.

It must be completed within a month, and when the manpower is in place, it will be opened immediately

!" "Sure enough, it is worthy of being the head of the class, and it has already begun!"

"Say, what are you two going to do?"

You can rest assured that we will squeeze you, and in a month, after the first batch of cooks come out, it will start immediately!" "

A month, that time is not long, we are afraid of half a year, and we will be moldy at home like this!" After

getting an accurate answer from Qin Mo's mouth, Yun Lin finally let go.

"This time, you don't have any opinion about going to the outer city?" Thinking

of Wu Yueyi before, even Songshan City did not dare to go, Qin Mo was also worried that this situation would occur.

"You can go anywhere, as long as the boss you are on time and pay us a salary, hee-hee..." Hearing

Yun Lin's answer, it seemed that he had thought too much.

"Is there anything else

?" "Class leader, you ask so, is there really something

?" "What's the matter, hurry up and finish it all at once, I can't get rid of my busy here!"

"Class leader, the care you said before, the things of our high school classmates, do you still want them now?"

Ever since the last time they drank Qin Mo's happy wine, those classmates had been asking.

When, Qin Mo needs manpower here.

"You said this, just now I met Lin Yonghao and already told him.

Since you also ask now, just solve it together.

Let Lin Yonghao handle this matter, it's better for you to say it.

If you look at your high school classmates, who would want to go to the outside city to run a store.

Write down the list, but remember one thing, don't do it if you don't have the ability. "

It's about running a store, not being a waiter.

One is not good, but you have to smash your own signboard!

"Don't worry, squad leader, I know what to do, you just wait for my good news."

Can you tell us how many people are needed this time, so I can pick the personnel.

"Don't worry, the store manager you need this time will be fifty people, as long as it meets the requirements!" "

Fifty people, so many, squad leader, you are taking such a big step this time!"

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