"Okay, next, Mr. Qin is waiting for my good news!"

"Then trouble Lawyer Huang, if I can get it done today, I will go and prepare the ingredients first, and have a good drink with you tonight." "

Haha.... Then it's decided, I'll give the wine, and the old man has a few good wines hidden there!" Qin

Mo was so cheerful, and he cut through the mess quickly.

He knows who his ex-wife is, and it will definitely not be good for his daughter to drag it out.

After all, this is only a civil dispute, and he doesn't want to continue to entangle.

This time it was Lin Jiazhi who docked with Mark Huang.

"Unexpectedly, I was so fortunate to meet Huang Dazhi!" "

Okay, there is no need to say more politely, my client has given conditions, you contact your employer!" It

seemed to know Qin Mo's determination, and soon Lin Jiazhi, who had finished talking with Hai Lan on the phone, walked back.

"My employer agreed, when will the agreement be signed?" "

This afternoon, when the agreement is finalized, I will notify you."


the afternoon, the two parties agreed to be in a hotel, which was requested by the other party.

Qin Mo didn't care, as long as he agreed to sign the agreement, it would be the same everywhere.

And he also guessed that the reason why his ex-wife did this was not because he was afraid that his formula was fake.

"Mr. Qin, let's see if there is any problem with the agreement first.

As soon as he came over, Mark Huang first handed the agreement to Qin Mo to see

, "No problem!"

Qin Mo looked at it,

and added some more favorable conditions for himself.

Sure enough, it was a top lawyer.

The additional condition is about the buns, that is, after the other party gets the recipe.

It cannot be implied in any way that these buns are related to Qin Mo.

In case of violation, high liquidated damages will be compensated.

Twenty million!"

"Boss Hai,

the other party is already waiting for us." The

two walked out of a room in the hotel, it was Hai Lan and Lin Jiazhi.

"Okay, go down then. "

Ten minutes later.

In the hotel's conference room, each party sits down.

Hai Lan was originally smiling, but after seeing Ye Yin beside Qin Mo.

His face darkened all of a sudden.

This was the first time she saw Ye Yin, and she compared the two one by one, and immediately found that she had lost.

"Hmph, it's only been a long time since the divorce, and if you take the leprechaun, you won't be afraid of bringing a bad daughter. "

She really wanted to leave at this time and not sign this agreement."

But after thinking that I have the formula.

It has funds that far exceed Qin Mo by dozens of times.

When the time comes, after the store opens, it will be a daily increase.

What can be compared to tens of millions of dollars.

When the time comes, after his shop expands, he is afraid that he will not find a better man than him.

"Hmph, this is my teacher Ye, and I will soon live with Tang Xin!" Hearing

Hai Lan say this about his teacher, Qin Xinxin immediately stood up.

It was simply a wolf protecting a calf, looking at Hai Lan angrily!

"Little mongrel, you speak to your mother like this!" Seeing

his daughter say this, Hai Lan immediately became angry.

"This lady, please pay attention to the wording, or my client will have a good chat with you in court." Huang

Mark next to him heard that the other party was so unqualified, and now he finally understood that Qin Xinxin resisted his mother so much.

As soon as he was warned by Huang Mark, Hai Lan immediately closed his mouth.

"Next, Ms. Lan signed the first agreement, and my client will hand over the formula to you, of course, at your request, I will show this formula to your people on the spot to confirm the authenticity."

"Okay, Master Xu is in trouble with you!" Under

the leadership of the hotel's manager, Qin Mo walked into the back kitchen of the hotel with Xu How.

Half an hour, the two returned to the conference room again.

"How is Master Xu?" Seeing

that both sides had returned, Hai Lan quickly got up and asked.

Just considering the preciousness of the recipe, only two people entered the back kitchen.

"Boss Hai is real. "

The Xu Howl in front of her is a senior technician that she spent a lot of money on, of course, she also signed an agreement, and the liquidated damages reached 100 million.

In the end, a harsh condition was added, that is, the other party defaulted, and half of the money earned by using the formula went to her Hailan.

In the face of Hai Lan's millions of annual salary and bonuses, Xu Howl was finally moved.

Knowing that the recipe was real, Hai Lan sat down again and signed the next three agreements together.

With this signature, both parties became strangers in the future.

The only turning point was there for Qin Xinxin.

Unless she agrees in the future, it will be completely broken.


Qin Mo breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Now they finally went their separate ways.

Three documents, one for each of the three parties.

"Since the agreement has been signed, I hope you will do it in the future, or Lawyer Huang will invite you to come at any time."

After saying this, Qin Mo walked out with everyone, leaving only each other in the conference room.

"Hmph, Qin Mo, you wait for me. Seeing

Qin Mo's performance before leaving, Hai Lan regretted signing the agreement.


"Lawyer Huang, I'll go grocery shopping now, and I'll borrow your kitchen tonight."

"No problem, I'm looking forward to eating Mr. Qin's craft now." The

two separated downstairs at the hotel because Lawyer Mark Huang said there was still something to go back to.

"Dad, it's so good, I'll go to see your ex-wife in the future, Teacher Ye in the future, can you come and live with us." "

Xinxin, if you say this again, I will ignore you in the future, and Brother Qin, why don't you care about Xinxin!" Watching

the two fighting in the car, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, do you two want to eat tonight!" Seeing

that the two were still making trouble, Mo quickly took out the killer weapon.

As soon as they heard the food, the two immediately quietly closed their mouths.

Qin Xinxin let out a sigh of surprise at this time.


not me, Xinxin

just remembered now, if we all go to Grandpa Huang's house to eat, then Sister Wu won't have anything to eat."

As soon as he heard Qin Xinxin's reminder, Ye Yin finally remembered what he had just forgotten.

"Yes, how did I forget this, quickly tell her, let her find a random place to solve it herself."

Now Wu Yueyi follows Ye Yin to eat and drink while she eats and eats every meal.

"Don't let Sister Wu come over?"

asked Qin Xinxin suspiciously.

"No, this time someone helped us, we can't bring others over!" Hearing

his daughter say this, Qin Mo quickly told her about etiquette and other things.

"Haha, Sister Wu will be miserable tonight, who let her snatch my chicken wings last time!" According

to the satellite positioning, Qin Mo found a large market, this time prepared to bleed heavily, and bought thousands of yuan of ingredients.

Among them, seafood accounts for more than half, all said that they want to accompany others to drink, how can there be no good appetizers?

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