"What, is Ye's pure taste?"

Several teachers were still complaining, after hearing Shu Wendong's words.

He looked up with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Leader, what you just said is the pure taste of Ye's?"

"Yes, these are from their shops."

"There are at least fifty people here, and they buy so much in the store, but I heard that there is a limit?"

A teacher voiced his doubts, and it was clear that he was familiar with the store.

"What the leader just said is true, these are the pure taste of Ye's, as for why we can do it, you just have to eat it, don't ask about the rest!"

When Nie Xingde saw this teacher, he really wanted to break the bottom of the pot and ask to the end, and quickly stopped him from asking.

"Yes, the principal is right, if it is this store, then we are wrong to blame the principal."

"Okay, hurry up and eat, I'm so tired today, after eating, I'll order it back."

After hearing Nie Xingde's words, everyone began to grab it.

"Don't grab it, you have so much to eat here?"

Seeing that he bought it back, so popular with everyone to change clothes, Nie Xingde smiled with relief.

"Leader, you try."

"Okay, everyone eat, don't be so polite!"

Soon, those who had not tried the pure taste of Ye's were not tasted after taking the first bite.

The expressions on their faces are wonderful.

"Delicious, I can't imagine that in a small place, there is such a delicacy."

Shu Wendong, not a local, was transferred from a big city.

I have still tasted a lot of food, but it is the first time I have eaten something as delicious as this.

Last time I was fortunate enough to eat in the deep market, compared to this time, there is still a little gap.

But the strange thing is the taste, a little similar.

"Yes, no wonder so many people line up every day."

"Yes, it's no wonder it's just a manager, the monthly income is so high, just for this taste, their daily sales amount, not tens of thousands!"

With food, everyone can't feel the fatigue of today's day.

Some female teachers originally had very little food, but tonight they ate several times as much as before

, until they couldn't eat it,

so they stopped.

The food brought back was enough for more than 50 people.

There are only more than twenty people here, which can be said to be twice as many.

Even if everyone can eat no matter how much they can, there are still left, the amount of more than a dozen people.

"It's so full, it's a waste for the principal to keep here, or I'll bring a little back and feed the children at home."

After eating and drinking, the teachers were really ready to go back.

A teacher sees the food on the table, rolls his eyes, and has an idea in his mind.

Immediately walked back and picked up some buns and a few tea eggs.

Even the rest of the white porridge was taken away from a bowl, she didn't dare to take too much, there were so many colleagues here.

"Take it if you want, don't ask me."

Hearing this teacher ask himself, Nie Xingde felt a little humiliated in front of the leader.

But then he realized that his previous idea was wrong.

With this idea, it's all female teachers.

Soon, all of what was left was completely finished by them.

Even Jiang Ruijing took some.

When he reacted, there were still wives and children at home, and everyone had left happily.


, does Principal Nie also want to bring a copy back."

Seeing Nie Xingde's expression, Shu Wendong next to him laughed.

"Okay, I won't bother you guys, go back first."

Seeing that the time is not early, Nie Xingde still has the final work to finish.

Shu Wendong's driver had already driven the car over.

"Leader, let me send you!"

"How do you send me, take my car back, and then you take a taxi back, okay, I'll go back first, today's harvest is good, Xiao Chen, drive!"

It was not until Shu Wendong's car drove away that Nie Xingde beckoned everyone to start working.


Today is the second week of the new semester.

However, for the senior students in Nanjiang County, after today, there will be new classmates.

On Saturday, Sunday, the teachers of the school finally completed all these tasks, and the list of each class was posted on the school billboard.

"Senior students, please pay attention, go to the school publicity board and find your class according to the list."

A small speaker, placed at the entrance of the school, was played repeatedly to remind senior students that they would not go to the wrong classroom.

"Wu asked Mei, go, let's go and see, which class we are in."

For class assignment, Wu Wenmei knows which class she is in, even if she doesn't go over, it must be the first class of the third year of high school.

However, in the face of the invitation of her classmates, she followed.

"Wu asked Mei, hello!"

Under the surprised gaze of everyone, a classmate who looked like Wu Qianmei and was comparable to her greeted her.

For the top student who has been occupying the first place in the grade for a long time, the students of Nanjiang High School really can't find a person who doesn't recognize her, this person is Xue Yuejiao.

"Xue Yuejiao?"

Seeing the person who greeted him, Wu Wenmei couldn't figure it out.

All this time, the two of them did not intersect.

This classmate usually only has contact with the top ten in his grade.

As for the other students, she was disdainful and really didn't feel the need.

The rest of the time is spent studying.


In front of her classmates, Xue Yuejiao stretched out her hand, did she want to make friends with herself, or what did she want to do?


Wu Wenmei just hesitated and also stretched out his hand.

"Wu asked Mei, are you going to see the list, let's go over and see it together?"

Xue Yuejiao was suddenly enthusiastic, making Wu Qianmei scratch her head.

"Okay, let's go together!"

The enthusiasm of the other party, I must accept it, and I will be in the same class in the future.

Before the two, they were not in the same class.

"What's going on, how has Xueba changed today, it was not very clear before, and now he actually takes the initiative to say hello to others."

"How do I know this, I don't know it from the past, maybe the classmate's grades just now are also good."

"Yes, that's also for us, if compared with Xueba, there is still a gap, so thinking about it, I really can't think of other reasons."

Soon, the surrounding classmates followed, and their attitude towards Xueba changed, and they wanted to know what caused it.

"Everyone let Jean, the Xueba beauty is coming!"

Some students saw Xue Yuejiao coming over and immediately gave up a position.

In school, you are at the top of the list and really popular, just like a star.

"Sure enough, she is worthy of being a top student, and this time the first place is still her!"

Looking at the first class of the third year of high school, the first name is Xue Yuejiao.

According to the school's practice, this first name must be the first place in this bottom examination.

"Who is this Wu asked Mei, I haven't seen it before, how did the second place become her?"

While paying attention to the first place, the names below immediately attracted the attention of the students.

"Yes, is it a transfer student?"

"It seems that you only paid attention to the first few classmates, and did not notice the back.

Wu asked Mei, who has been hovering in more than forty. "

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