"Let's go to the dormitory area first!"

"It's not a company building, it's just over there."

Zhuo Wenshu pointed to the company building only a few hundred meters away.

"We'll see this later!"

Where there is a girl's residence is important, if really assigned to a house.

Neither of them had anything to worry about in the future.

"Okay, three please get in the car."

It's still some way off.

"No, we want to visit, so let's walk over like this."

Shu Yinian refused to get on the car and took the lead in front.

It's such a nice environment that it's not like a place to work at all.

Employees work here and can be said to not feel tired.

"Manager Zhuo, why are you free today?"

As soon as I reached the bottom of a building, I saw a man coming downstairs.

Although Zhuo Wenshu is not there, Qin Chuang Technology Co., Ltd. works here, as the earliest management who followed Qin Mo and above the middle level, he still knows his name.

"Brother Li, you came down just right, is there nothing wrong now?"

Just now I was still thinking about who to contact, open a house, let Shu Yinian visit, after seeing this man, Zhuo Wenshu quickly asked him.

"Not for the time being, Manager Zhuo needs my help."

"It's like this, this beauty is the boss's sister, they want to visit the dormitory, so they want to trouble you Brother Li."

Zhuo Wenshu did not speak, but I believe that Li Rongxuan knew what he was going to do.

"The boss's friend?"

Hearing Zhuo Wenshu say this, Li Rongxuan's eyes lit up.


"Please follow me upstairs."

Press the elevator and wait for the four people to enter, before Li Rongxuan followed.

"This is my room, it's a bit messy, sorry, I live alone!"

Li Rongxuan also didn't expect that there would be a beautiful woman who wanted to visit his room.

As soon as I entered the hall, I quickly packed up some clothes that were scattered indiscriminately.

Single men, rooms are rarely tidy.

"It's okay, it's not so messy."

Shu Dandan and several people came in to see that except for some clothes scattered indiscriminately, the house was still clean and tidy.

Not like some men, smelly socks are stuck everywhere.

"One room and one living room?"

"Yes, middle management, the company is fixed is one room and one living room.

Only the upper floors have two bedrooms and one living room, or three bedrooms and one living room.

However, in some special circumstances, the middle floor can still get two bedrooms and one living room.

However, every month, some expenses are deducted from the salary. "

Although there is only one bedroom and one living room, the area is not small.

"You came to these decorations yourself, young man?"

Shu Yinian's most satisfied is the room layout, the decoration is very high-end, let people live in, very comfortable feeling.

"No, these are all pre-decorated by the company, and every room is the same standard."

"The same goes for ordinary employees?"

Shu Dandan asked in disbelief.

The scale of this decoration is almost the best calculation.

"Yes, the boss said that there is no discrimination."

"Brother Qin is also too good for employees!"

Even the temporary dormitory is so good, isn't that in terms of treatment....

Up to now, the three of them are embarrassed to ask about treatment.

"The boss must be very good to our employees, otherwise I would have come all the way to work here."

Li Rongxuan is a technician in the production workshop and a student of Lin Tianlu.

After hearing the treatment here, and Lin Tianlu personally sat in the town, he didn't even need a month's salary, and directly resigned to join the teacher.

"And how are you treated now?"

Finally seized the opportunity, Shu Yinian hurriedly asked.

"What do I pay now?"

"Yes, boy!"

"If it's just a salary, thirty thousand a month!"

"How much, Brother Li?"

After Shu Dandan heard this salary, the whole person was in high spirits.

What a concept of 30,000 a month!

"Haha, girl, this job is good, don't think about it, you will say to follow Boss Qin when you go back next time."

Originally heard the allocation of houses, the two had almost settled.

Now as soon as I hear about the income, I shoot it on the spot.

"Dad, this is a middle-level income, I'm just a newcomer to enter now, I have to start from scratch!"

Hearing that his parents were so happy, Shu Dandan was a little speechless, as if he would get this treatment now.

"What are you afraid of, my daughter is so smart, she will definitely get this income soon, besides, Boss Qin will take care of you, so it's decided."

When Zhuo Wenshu took the three of them out, Qin Mo and Lin Tongfu returned to the study.

"Brother Lin, what's going on this time?"

Qin Mo took out his treasured tea leaves.

"After the city redistributes the work, I am in charge of education."

Lin Tongfu picked up the freshly boiled water and began to disinfect the teacup.

"So, this time it's about education, can I help with this?"

Qin Mo wouldn't think that Lin Tongfu was looking for himself, just for the food he made, there must be other reasons.

"Brother Qin is powerful, and he can't hide anything from you."

After the teacup was disinfected, Lin Tongfu poured a little boiling water to brew the tea, first poured out the first tea, and then filled a pot of boiling water.

"Brother Lin, the visitor is a guest, why is it that now the anti-guest is the main thing, they all make me tea!"

Qin Mo wanted to take the tea set and come by himself, but he was refused.

"It's not that you don't know, I don't have other hobbies, I love making tea, this is still me."

"Okay, Brother Lin, you come, people who don't know still think I'm a guest."

The two did not immediately talk about work, but first tasted tea for a while before getting to the point.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter, say it!"

He opened his mouth first, which was obviously different from Lin Tongfu's opening.

"Since Brother Qin asked so, then I'm not welcome."

Picking up the teacup and putting it down after drinking, Lin Tongfu said with a smile.

"It's like this, I just want to confirm one thing first, if it's not true, then there is no need to trouble Brother Qin later."

"That thing?"

Qin Mo asked suspiciously.

"Trouble Brother Qin, you call Wu Yueyi first, I'll talk to her first."

Hearing that Lin Tongfu was not looking for himself first, but for Wu Yueyi, which made him even more curious, and this matter was related to her.

"Don't look at me, you call, you'll know later!"

Seeing Qin Mo looking at him suspiciously, as if there was some hidden secret, Lin Tongfu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, I'll call Wu Yueyi."

Toot toot....

The bell only rings a few times, and the other party connects.

"Brother Qin, strange, call me at this time, do you want me to go back."

It is worthy of Wu Yueyi, even if he is now a manager, his personality has not changed at all.

"When to win the domestic market, tell me about this."

"So there's nothing to find me, so I'm hanging up the phone?"

"Even if I'm afraid of you, this time it's not me looking for you, it's someone else."

For Wu Yueyi's scoundrel, Qin Mo had nothing to do.

"Who wants to find Wu Da beauty."

"Lin Tongfu, Brother Lin!"

As soon as Qin Mo finished speaking, the other side was silent for a while.

"Brother Qin, you're not kidding, Lin Tongfu, the leader of Shuijiang County before?"

She was very shocked, Lin Tongfu is a big leader, why are you looking for yourself?

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