After learning Qin Mo's identity, Shen Xingchang was even calmer.

He didn't go over to disturb the other party, and Qin Mo went out after signing the contract.

In Shen Xingchang's view, the other party gave him a business card, and he will also be his neighbor in the future.

Why go to annoying people's homes when you first met.

Instead of waiting for later familiarity, and then slowly pull the relationship.

If you are anxious, you can't eat hot tofu, and everyone knows this.

Let's just keep it all flowing!

The other party did not come over to annoy himself, and Qin Mo also fell into a leisure.

In his impression, Shen Xingchang's good impression increased a little.

"Handsome guy, please over here."

At this time, Qin Mo was the master of this beautiful saleswoman.

The more than ten million that has just been completed, and he has at least tens of thousands of commissions.

Quickly got up and whispered and asked the other party to go out.

"Help me introduce a few better houses, I don't want to show up in those doorways."

"Don't worry, handsome guy, I know all this."

This is a big customer, which houses with small problems, how can they come out at this time.

To take that is the best room type.

"Handsome guy, let's see, what else is needed."

After ten minutes of unbinding, Qin Mo had been sitting on the chair drinking tea.

The sales man said on the side, pouring him a cup of tea from time to time.

As for Ye Yin and others, they are still studying what type of house to buy.

"Just these ten sets!"

The salesman had just finished explaining, picked up the mineral water and just took a sip.

Just hear this amazing good news.


she was so excited that she choked on the water.

"Handsome guy, ahem.... You wait a minute. The

beauty sales, quickly drank another sip of water, and waited for herself to feel better, then continued.

"Handsome man, what you just said is true?"

This just completed a large order of tens of millions, followed by an even bigger surprise.

There are ten houses of various types, the smallest is 100 square meters, and the largest is 230 square meters.

These add up to more money than before, a total of more than twelve million.

"Beauty, do I seem to be telling a lie?"

Being asked by Qin Mo like this, the beauty sales suddenly blushed,

she would not think that people would be interesting to her.

If she hadn't seen that beauty before, she would really think so.

The other party found himself, spent more than 20 million, bought so many houses, did he have ideas about himself.

But after seeing Ye Yin, if he had an idea, it was simply a joke.

"Hurry, I'm in a hurry!

The formalities of such a house take a lot of time.

Besides, my employees, maybe someone will come to you to buy a house. "

Handsome, I'll go."

Thinking about just two contracts, it's almost half an hour.

Now there are ten houses, which means ten contracts.

And those who come with him, there will definitely be people who will also buy houses.

As far as the handsome man's wife has clearly wanted to buy a set.

"Today, it seems that I am tired of money!"

Liu Xiayan felt that today, even if he was tired to death, it was worth it.

Today's order is completed, this month's sales crown, it must be yourself.

The share plus the bonus of the sales crown is almost 80,000 yuan.

"This money is also too good to earn, it is comparable to my salary income for a year and a half."

The sale of the house is a basic salary plus a commission.

The basic salary is only 1,800 yuan.

"Strange, Liu Xiayan, you are not outside to sell the house, why did you run in again.

If you are tired, then take a break and blow the air conditioner here, it is sure to be a little stuffy outside. "

Liu Xiayan has just completed one single and two villas.

The manager of the office saw her come in and was about to say a few words to her.

Immediately remembering the big order she had just completed, she immediately had a smile on her face.

Sichuan Opera changed his face, and he didn't do it as fast as him.

"Manager, I don't need a break, I'm coming back to print the contract."


The manager, who had just taken a sip of tea, couldn't help but spew out when he heard this.

It was only a long time, not half an hour, did she take another order.

Is it so easy for customers outside today?

But this half an hour, that is, two orders completed!

"The customer agreed?"

The manager asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the customer is in a hurry."

Liu Xiayan said truthfully.

"So what are you waiting for, since the customer is in a hurry, I will help you."

Xiao Liu, you say, it's the contract for that house, I'll print it out for you.

It's on my computer, here it's faster, the computer doesn't jam! "

It seems that as long as you have strong business ability, you are a master in front of the manager.

"All of them!"



The previous scene appeared, only this time, the manager was covering his chest.

It seemed that he was startled by what Liu Xiayan just said.

Yes, it's not a joke, you think it's a wholesale market.

"By the way, I'm wrong, some are not."

After speaking, Liu Xiayan remembered that the smallest and apartment-type other parties did not want them.

"In this way, that's still a word, all of them, just scared me to death, this is six sets."

The manager lightly slapped his chest a few times, but his face was a little lost, if it was true, he would also have a commission.

"No, manager, I mean, except for the smallest room type and apartment type."

Seeing that the manager misunderstood his meaning again, and had already delayed a little time, Liu Xiayan quickly explained.

Without waiting for the manager to speak, she continued.

"Manager, this customer wants a total of ten houses, the largest of which needs four, and the remaining three types are two sets each."

The manager, who had just been able to straighten his waist, was now slumped in his chair.

"Ten houses!"

The sentence kept repeating in his mouth, and it took about ten seconds.

Seeing that the manager was still like this, Liu Xiayan couldn't wait any longer.

Because of the public computer, other colleagues have just passed over and are using it.

So the only thing that can help yourself is the manager in front of you.

But looking at his appearance, he seemed to be really scared by himself.

"Manager, return to God!"

In desperation, Liu Xiayan could only walk over and gently pat the manager's shoulder a few times.


Under this slap, the manager finally came to his senses.

"You wait, I'll print you the contract."

It seems that the manager remembers what he just said, the customer is in a hurry.

The manager was even more excited than Liu Xiayan at this time.

The orders completed by their own employees are also paid as managers.

It's just that there is no high point of sales, and every time you trade a house, you also have more than a thousand bonuses.

That is, just an hour of time.

Liu Xiayan in front of him has already let himself get a bonus of almost 20,000.

If every employee is so good with her, then what kind of mortgage and car loan are you worried about!

I only need to drink tea in the office every day, and I have an income of hundreds of thousands of dollars playing games.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out and help you!"

While printing the contract, the manager and Liu Xiayan learned about the customer's situation.

After knowing the other party, that is, the customer who has just completed the villa, the manager feels that he needs to know this level of customer more.

This is the big money owner, maybe wait to make the other party happy and buy a few more sets.

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