It turned out that at the moment of contact between the two sides, they faced the wooden stick that was waving over.

The corners of Qin Mo's mouth turned up slightly, making everyone who saw him think that he was dying, and they all had to pretend to be forced.

But in the next second, everyone's eyes fell to the ground.

These young people seemed to have practiced with Qin Mo.

Every time the stick landed, it was towards the air.

And Qin Mo just punched twice, each time hitting the opponent's wrist.

The companions screamed twice, causing the remaining five to take a few steps back vigilantly.

When they stood up, they found that the two companions had fallen to the ground.

He was holding his wrist and wailing.

"What's going on?"

The two sides clashed, and even a few seconds were not enough.

Two people on their own side fell.

The young man at the head of the back was blocked by them and did not see what had just happened.

I saw my own people retreating, and there were two lying on the ground.

"MD, you guys eat, you can't clean up alone."

"Lean, hurry up and get me up, don't play dead."

Chen Guanghe stepped forward and gave the two a kick.

"Chen Shao, the hands of the two of us are broken!"

"True TM is waste."

Seeing the two of them, Chen Guanghe didn't expect it.

He didn't believe it, with six of his own people, he really couldn't deal with a man with his bare hands.

Before it should be that everyone was careless, thinking of this, he quickly reminded him.

"Give me a little attention, otherwise go back this time and see how I clean you up."

"Little white face, I can't imagine that I really have some skills, I dare to hurt my people, wait for me if I don't smash your limbs, then I am not Chen Shao."

"Give it to me!"

Seeing this young man, who kept beeping towards himself, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh, how can some people fight, they just like to talk so much nonsense!

"Huh..." The

other party was not only not afraid, but also dared to laugh at them.

In Chen Guanghe's view, this is a mockery of him.

This made him even more angry, only he laughed at others, and could not think of the reverse today.

"MD, little white face, Ben makes you laugh!"

Everyone else greeted the body, and Chen Guanghe directly slapped the other party in the head.

With his current strength, once he is smashed, he will definitely be seriously injured and fall to the ground.

"Find death!"

Seeing that the other party was so ferocious, not caring about the other party's life at all, Qin Mo was angry.

Qin Mo just stepped forward, and the whole person rushed in front of Chen Guanghe.


After a dull sound.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Chen Guanghe took off on the spot.

It was blasted out by Qin Mo's punch.

"MD, I see aliens, is this still human?"

With one punch of manpower, you can blast people out.

"Chen Shao, are you all right?"

Seeing this situation, there were five people left, so frightened that they quickly ran back to see Chen Guanghe.

"Ahem..." After

a cough, I saw a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Ahem... How dare you hurt me.

Chen Guanghe didn't know what was going on, and the person flew in midair.

Immediately after landing, there was a sharp pain in the butt.

Before they could scream, there was a puffiness in their chests.

After coughing, his chest hurt even more, and he wondered if his ribs were broken.


Wiping his mouth with his hand, he froze and looked at the blood on his palm.

After seeing himself bleeding, Chen Guanghe began to panic.

"Don't come here!"

Seeing Qin Mo constantly walking towards him.

At this time, where did he still have the momentum before, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Stop him for me."

There were almost ten of them, still armed with weapons.

They couldn't resist each other's moves.

This scared Chen Guanghe.

The previous encounters were just ordinary people, which caused their lawless personality.

Thinking that he was Chen Shao, no one disobeyed him.

"Little white face, don't come over, knowing that you have a big deal, you dare to hurt Chen Shao, do you know who he is!"

When you see each other, you keep approaching yourself and others.

At this time, they were already scared and did not dare to fight back.

I only hope to scare the other person away through words.

"Who is it, do I need to know, I know you now, just bully my employees."


Qin Mo's approach made the rest of the young people give up Chen Guanghe and quickly dodged.


Qin Mo squatted down and slapped Chen Guanghe on the face several times.

"Did you just try to break my teeth?"

"Bah, little white face, you're dead!"

Even at this point, Chen Guanghe looked at the other party, and his eyes radiated hatred.

"I'm a person who hates people threatening me the most, when someone threatens me, I'm not happy, when I'm unhappy, my hands will itch, what do you say I'm going to do next?"

Chen Guanghe was still staring directly at each other with both eyes, as if what Qin Mo had just said was.



But soon he realized that he was thinking wrong, and the other party really dared to make a move.

Even the onlookers did not dare to look at it now.

Qin Mo was pinching the other party's arm with one hand at this time, could it be that he wanted to crush the other party's bones.

After just two knockouts, no one doubts that he can't do it.

"Unexpectedly, just now we actually looked away, this young man is so powerful, three or two strokes scared the other party."

"Who said it wasn't, I just thought I was watching a movie, did any of you see him make a move?"

One had just lost his mind and did not pay attention to the changes on the field, and when he returned to his senses, Qin Mo had already knocked out his opponent.

"I can't see clearly, the shot is too fast, in the blink of an eye, the other party's people will fall, if I didn't know in advance that the two sides had a grudge, I really thought that this was acting."

Not only the onlookers, but also Qin Mo's employees had the same expression.

"Is this still the boss, it's too powerful, brush a few times to put the other party down."

"Before I thought that the security guards of our company were trying to shoot the boss's, and they deliberately said that, but they couldn't imagine that it was true!"

In Qin Mo's company, if anyone knew that he knew martial arts.

That must have been the previous security guards, and the security guards.

They had seen Qin Mo make a move with their own eyes.

"It scares me to death!"

Ke Hanliu saw that the boss was fine, and finally let go.

But soon her heart beat violently.

"Boss, what is this for?"

After the other party is frightened, the boss is going to prepare for abuse, right?

"This is illegal, it was good to say before, but now the other party is already lying on the ground, and there is no way to fight back."

Thinking of this, Ke Hanliu hurriedly walked over.

"Boss, forget it, I'm not injured anyway."

Ke Hanliu, she didn't want to, because she waited for someone, let the boss go to that place.

"Really let each other go like this?"

When you hear the employee shouting to themselves, the force on the hand is lowered.


Seeing the boss looking at him, Ke Hanliu's face turned red.

"Okay, then listen to you, but the death penalty can be avoided, the living crime is inevitable, this time I will teach you a lesson."

One second, Qin Mo was still smiling, but the next second, his suddenly became serious.


Chen Guanghyuk's arms were dislocated by him.

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