"Brother Sun, come back!"

As soon as Sun Ruize returned to the unit, his colleagues greeted him.

"What's going on, Brother Sun, how do you bring these young masters back."

Except for Chen Guanghe, who was injured and went to the hospital, the remaining five were brought back.

"Fights and brawls, definitely bring back."

"No, Brother Sun, they caused trouble that time, and they were released after less than a moment of hard work, and you don't know why you wasted this effort."

It seems that everyone knows about this, and as soon as they saw the five young people, they began to persuade Sun Ruize.

"If any of you are free, help me make a record, I can't keep busy with so many people."

The colleagues who had originally persuaded Sun Ruize ran faster than the other when they heard that they wanted to take notes for these young people.

"I'm sorry, Brother Sun, I still have work on hand, I can't help with this."

Just for a while, just around him, several colleagues in the bureau ran away.

"Usually there are good things, one brother after another, now help a little, just scared like this."

In fact, Sun Ruize also knew that these colleagues were afraid of leaders, so they found excuses to run away.

However, those who bring it back by themselves must take notes according to the procedure.

"I can only work myself!"

Seeing this, Sun Ruize was helpless, and first drove the five young people to the side and let them squat.

"Sir, please here, I'll take a note of it for you first."

At the same time, when Sun Ruize was preparing to make a note for Qin Mo.


Beep ——, vibrate!

The phone rang from one of the bureau's offices.

"Song Mi, what are the instructions!"

"Du Tianrui, what happened to your subordinates, someone injured Chen Shao and didn't know."

As soon as the phone is connected, the other party is aggressive.

"Song Mi, what do you mean by this, what did my subordinates do, and what happened to Chen Zhuohe?"

"Just go out and ask about this yourself."


The other party hung up the phone after saying this.

When Du Tianrui saw this, his face instantly became gloomy.

"Song Hongchang, you are really getting more and more presumptuous, and you don't even put me Du Tianrui in your eyes."

Thinking that the other party is just a small secretary, talking to himself like this.

All this time, he has been fighting for his master and throwing faces at others.

The good mood of my day was ruined at this time.


He put the phone down angrily.

When Du Tianrui got up and was about to go out, the mobile phone placed on the desktop rang.


Beep ——, vibrate!

He is in a bad mood now and originally did not want to answer the phone.

However, after seeing the caller ID, he quickly picked up the mobile phone on the desktop.

"Chang Wei, why are you free to call me, do you have any instructions?"

If there are outsiders here, they will find that Du Tianrui speaks very mildly.

"Lao Du, I can't call you and chat if I'm fine!"

"Don't joke with me, you are usually so busy, where is the time to nag with me!"

"Hahaha... Or Lao Du understands me. "

The two didn't know each other before, but they met by chance at this time.

Lin Tongfu's position is something that no one can imagine.

Kill all at once from the place.

That's why he Du Tianrui respects each other.

"Well, let's not laugh, this time it's actually a private matter."

Lin Tongfu stopped here.

If the other person doesn't answer, it's a sign that you really don't want to help.

Then I won't say the following words myself, saving time and embarrassment.

"Please say, as long as I Du Tianrui can help, I will definitely do my part."

Hearing the other party's response, Lin Tongfu could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

In this matter, if you don't come forward, then it must be the best.

I have only been here for less than half a year.

At this time, if there is a fight with colleagues, it is really difficult to handle.

Now Du Tianrui promised himself, in fact, there is another purpose.

That is, in the future, we are our own people.

"Then I'll thank Lao Du first!"

"Okay, please tell me what's going on."

The unhappiness in my heart just now, after chatting with Lin Tongfu, it was much better.

"That's right, a little brother of mine has just been invited to the unit to cooperate with the investigation, so I think..."

Lin Tongfu did not continue, he believed that the other party understood what he meant.

"Is it your brother?"

"Yes, the relationship is very good, called Qin Mo."

Hearing Lin Tongfu say this, Du Tianrui quickened his pace and walked out.

Being able to let Lin Tongfu personally call over, the identity of this person is definitely not simple.

And he knows that he has some subordinates, and they are all measureless.

Once something happens, how can he explain it to Lin Tongfu.

The relationship that just got up not only did not end, but also offended the other party at the same time.

So now he can't help but be in a hurry.

"Xiao Jin, who just went out?"

Du Tianrui hurriedly walked to the bureau's office and asked a subordinate who was responsible for answering the phone.

"Boss, you wait a minute, I'll check it."

Seeing that it was the big boss who asked, there was an expression on his face.

This girl quickly looked it up.

In less than a minute, I found it.

"Boss, it's Sun Ruize, not long after he came back."

Hearing this, Du Tianrui could be sure that it was Sun Ruize.

"Boss, do you want me to call Brother Sun?"

Hearing this, Du Tianrui's eyes lit up, why didn't he think of this.

"Okay, you call him now, ask him to put down everything on his hands, and wait for me to come over first."

After saying this, Du Tianrui hurriedly left.

His behavior made the employees in the office curious about what happened, which caused Du Tianrui to be so nervous.

"Fortunately, it's Sun Ruize."

Hearing that it was this subordinate who had just had a nervous expression on his face, he relaxed a little at this time.

"This gentleman, the next procedure is a work need, not for you."

Before asking, Sun Ruize first explained to Qin Mo.

"It's okay, I know all this, just ask if you have anything."

For this, I am already familiar with it, and I can't think of coming in for the second time.


"Qin Mo."

"Why the fight?"

Sun Ruize asked a little level, only fighting, did not say fight, did not say hurt the other party.

"My employees were hooliganized and asked me for help, and that's what happened."


When Sun Ruize wanted to ask further, there were hurried footsteps outside.

Before he could figure out what was going on.

Du Tianrui appeared at the door.

After seeing the other party clearly, Sun Ruize quickly stood up.


For his shout, Du Tianrui did not respond to him, but walked towards this side.

"You are Qin Mo, Mr. Qin?"

Du Tianrui directly ignored Sun Ruize's existence and walked to Qin Mo's side.

After seeing the temperament of the other party, he determined that it was the person he was looking for, and quickly stretched out his hands.

"I am Qin Mo, may I ask you?"

Qin Mo stretched out his hands and glanced at the other party's shoulders at the same time.

"My name is Du Tianrui, and your brother Lin called me just now."

"Boss Du, hello!"

"Don't be so polite, I'll just shout you Brother Qin, you can just call me Brother Du."

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