"Good granddaughter, grandma wants to kill you, are you tired of riding in the car!" As

soon as the car stopped, Qin Xinxin was picked up by Wang Lanhui as soon as she got out of the car.

Qin Anguo was responsible for opening the gate and letting his son reverse the car.

Compared to others, their house is a little smaller, a two-story self-built building.

The building area is one hundred square meters, plus a small yard of twenty square meters, just enough to park one car, and no more will work.

"Grandma is not tired, I bought a lot of delicious food, I ate some of them, you won't blame me!"

"Xinxin is so well-behaved, how can grandma be willing to talk about you, go in and wash your hands, grandma made your favorite meal." "

As soon as I parked the car, I saw my father coming over to help.

"Dad, I don't want you to come, I'll just be alone."

"No need, you've been driving for a day and you're tired, so leave these tasks to me, and you hurry in and drink the soup first." As soon as

Qin Mo opened the back compartment and saw what was behind him, Qin Anguo's face changed.

"You said you can just come back, how can you buy so many things!" "

Don't let your mother know!" Seeing

that among these gifts, there were several bottles of good wine, Qin Anguo's face immediately turned dark.

He also turned to look inside the room.

"Dad, don't be happy, one of these bottles of wine is for you, and the remaining two bottles are for the second uncle."

Qin Mo said as he moved the things he bought for his parents out of the car.

As for what is given to relatives, it is left in the car.

"You said that you gave this wine away, do you know how much this wine is!"

Qin Anguo looked at the two bottles of wine in the car and said distressedly.

"It's just more than a thousand, and it's not expensive!"

said Qin Mo in surprise.

At this time, Qin Anguo said in his heart: "You also know thousands of yuan, wait, how much money you spent on these things." At

this time, he finally reacted, a bottle of wine is so expensive.

The things in the car, and the ones that were still moved down, each one did not look like a bargain.

"I haven't counted specifically, it's probably more than 20,000!"

You loser! More than 20,000, I don't know how much, this is not to treat money as money!" "

I can't talk about you, wait for your mother to talk about you!" Seeing

Qin Mo's indifferent look, Qin Anguo could only give up.

I can only stop thinking about this, and think about how much I earn a month.

This loser has to pay half a year's salary to buy some gifts!"

"You said what are you two doing, grunting outside for a long time, Xinxin is hungry." Seeing

the two walk in, Wang Lanhui quickly filled two bowls of hot soup.

"It's delicious, but it's not as good as the boiled soup!" When

she heard the first half of the sentence, Wang Lanhui was still happy, but the second half of the sentence made her almost choke on a soup.

"You said that Qin Mo, this smelly boy, made a soup that tasted better than grandma's. The

two father and son who just walked in saw Wang Lanhui pointing at Qin Mo.

"Yes, grandma and grandpa, don't you know, now that the shop is on fire, do you know how hot it is?"

Qin Xinxin deliberately did not finish, only half of it.

"How much fire is it!"

Wang Lanhui was very cooperative.

"If you want to eat the food that you eat, you have to make an appointment in advance, and you have to be a regular customer!"

"The car outside was also bought by the money that the cat made himself, and now the car is amazing." After

the granddaughter said this, the two elders found out that their son had changed a lot at this time.

Let's just talk about the body, remember when I came back from the Spring Festival this year.

Still a little fat man.

It's changed now.

"Stinky boy, you stand up and give your mother a good look. Seeing

the expressions of the two elders, Qin Mo could only cooperate to stand up and walk to the side.

I saw that after Wang Lanhui got up, she circled around Qin Mo twice.

His mouth kept saying, "Well... Well..."

She knows how her son has lived these six years, and now she sees that his son has a good life.

What could be happier than this.

"The old lady is happy today, the old man allows you to drink a little!" As

soon as Qin Anguo heard this, he immediately entered the hall.

Take out the good wine you just got and open it to fill yourself with a glass.

"Where did this wine come from, why didn't I see it before, did you hide the wine?" "


Qin Anguo found himself overly excited, this wine was seen, and it would definitely be handed over in the future.

"Mom, I bought it,"

Seeing my father's depressed expression, it was like a mouse seeing a cat in front of my mother.

"It's hard for my son to come back once, this time I will let you go, and it's so late, you drink less."

"Mom and Dad, I forgot to tell you before, I have hired a lawyer and signed an agreement with her to terminate the right to visit Shin Shin." "

In order not to let the two elders worry, and to be angry with those two mothers and daughters in the future.

Qin Mo decided to tell the matter anyway.

"Son, you should have done this a long time ago, last time you didn't know the back, and often called, or blocked them, and kept harassing, when we were together before, I didn't make a single call, and now I see my son you make money, turning your face is faster than turning a book." "

Since Xinxin said that your cooking is better than mine, then you will be responsible for the next few days!"

Wang Lanhui also wondered if her son was the same as her granddaughter said.

In big cities, meals must be booked in advance.

It can be seen from here that what the son said before should be true.

If that's the case, then the semester ends and you retire yourself.

"Son, what do you think about what I said to your father before?" Wang

Lanhui was afraid that the two of them would cause chaos for her son when she passed.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Qin Mo couldn't remember what he had promised the two elders before.

"It's just, I'm going to retire in a few months and want to come with your dad to help you."

At this time, even Qin Anguo stopped the wine glass in his hand and looked at Qin Mo.

"The two elders said this matter, no problem, just came to help bring Xinxin, I haven't had time to accompany her recently."

As soon as they heard their son agree, the two kept serving dishes to Qin Mo.

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