"Huh..." was

immediately seen through the bottom of the heart, and the two immediately laughed.

"Big Brother Sun is next door, I'm Qin Wanxiu."

"These people are employees of our boss, you are welcome, the leaders are sitting next door."

Seeing that the two were a little restrained, Ke Hanliu said a joke that eased the atmosphere.

"Or Ke Hanliu is right, only by saying this can you let go, follow the leader, and consider everything you want to eat."

"Auntie, big sister, if you don't eat, Xinxinke will eat, I'm so hungry!"

It turned out to be waiting for Ma Shansi to come over, and everyone had not yet moved their chopsticks.

At this time, Qin Xinxin covered his stomach and said.

In the usual education, Qin Mo told her that before the guests arrived, they were not allowed to move the chopsticks first, and now she has done it.

Even if you are hungry, you can only endure and swallow while watching the food on the table.

"Shin Shin, it's our boss's daughter."

Qin Wanxiu picked up Xinxin's bowl and chopsticks and filled her with a bowl of soup.

"Thank you, Sister Wanxiu."


Seeing that he could finally eat, Qin Xinxin didn't take a while to finish a bowl of soup.

"It's more comfortable now."

After drinking the soup, Qin Xinxin touched her stomach.

I was really hungry just now, and I didn't try to be hungry at home.

I didn't expect to come out and meet it.

"Sister Wanxiu, help Xinxin beat a bowl of porridge, thank you!"

"Okay, you wait."

Qin Wanxiu took the bowl and chopsticks, but before she could get up, a waiter next to her came over and took the bowl in her hand.

"We'll leave that to us."

Everyone here is the middle management of the boss.

This is a good opportunity to stammer.

If there is something in the future, maybe someone will help.

How can people do it themselves now.

Besides, in the restaurant outside, these jobs are done by waiters.

I'm just doing my job.

And this little princess, but the boss's daughter.

At this time, you can still stand by and not move, even if others don't say it, you can't care less.

"I can finally eat it again."

Looking at the food in front of him, Ma Shansi's eyes lit up.

It turned out that what I ate before, compared to now, was just an appetizer.

"Big sister, did you eat these last time?"

Ma Shanrou was also surprised at this time, just smelling the fragrance, the roundworm in the stomach was resisting.

"How is it possible, now every dish on it, I didn't eat it last time."

She definitely hadn't eaten it, but the meals in the two private rooms were all cooked by Fu Hetai himself.

In the hall outside, I want to eat, it's a dream.

"In this way, isn't this table even more delicious than what you've eaten before."

"Yes, at the time, we also wanted to order one of the dishes.

However, I found out that there was still a reservation, and it was only a VIP who had to be in a private room to be eligible.

I heard that these meals are made by the chief chef here.

So little sister, you think, the hall is just ordinary guests, can you eat this? The

others saw the two sisters grunting softly, and without disturbing them, everyone joined the fight for the food.

Because everyone knows that if you want to eat food that matches Thai cooking, just like the boss.

So how can the opportunity in front of you be missed.

"Big sister, everyone has started to eat, let's hurry up and eat, or we won't eat later."

When the two sisters were about to continue, they found that all the people on the table were like hungry ghosts reincarnated.

Immediately realized a problem, I came to eat, not chat.

"Okay, hurry up, this time I will definitely be able to eat it."

Last time, because seven or eight people ate five dishes, it was definitely not enough to eat, and these five dishes cost more than four thousand.

"This..." The

two of them picked up the bowl at the same time, wanting to drink a bowl of soup to warm their stomachs.

After Ma Shansi took a sip, he held the bowl and chopsticks without moving, and the expression on his face stiffened in a blink of an eye.

"Compared with this before, it is simply a world apart!"

"Whew.... Big sister, this is also too delicious, I finally understand your feelings before.

Ma Shanrou couldn't even speak at this time, but he couldn't care about finishing it.

Now she only has the food in front of her in her eyes, and whoever dares to stop her at this time is her enemy, or the kind that does not die.

"Big sister, why don't you eat!"

After Ma Shanrou finished drinking the soup, she saw that her eldest sister was still stunned, and shook her arm.

"Ahhh... I'll drink..."


She finished a bowl of soup in a few sips, faster than Ma Shanrou.

"Whew... Big sister, this sugar and acid ribs are also too delicious.

Ma Shanrou just said a word and joined the competition for food.

Every time a dish is turned to her, a piece is bound to be sandwiched into a bowl.

At the back, I found that the speed of eating could not keep up with the speed of clamping, so I slowed down.

Seeing that the bowl was full of all kinds of food, her face turned red all of a sudden.

Quickly raised his head and secretly glanced at everyone.

"Whew... It scared me to death, and I thought it was just me. When

she saw that everyone at the table was in a similar situation except for the little girl, she breathed a sigh of relief and finished the food in the bowl before continuing!

Ma Shanrou reluctantly glanced at the food that rotated from time to time in front of him.

Only then did he lower his head and start trying to eat.

Now she realized that eating delicious food is both painful and beautiful.

"Hehe, the meal made with Brother Tai is better than before, but it's a pity that there is no grilled fish!"

Seeing that the adults were eating with their heads down, Qin Xinxin raised his head and glanced at it, but his face showed a trace of regret, after all, there was no grilled fish that he liked the most on the table.

"Shin Shin, don't talk when you eat."

Hearing Qin Xinxin's laughter, Qin Wanxiu raised her head and looked at her and said.

Now her task is not only to accompany Qin Xinxin to play, but also to let her pay attention to the usual life etiquette, which is what the boss lady asked her to do.

"Got it, sister Wanxiu."

Half an hour later.

A table of food, under everyone's hard work, there is still a quarter left uneaten.


Ma Shansi ate the last piece of fish in the bowl and couldn't help but burp.

"So full!"

"Yes, big sister, there are still so many delicacies, but unfortunately I can't eat them."

Ma Shanrou touched her bulging belly, looked at the food on the table, and her eyes showed a reluctant light.

"This meal tonight is so refreshing, I haven't eaten so full in a long time!"

"How long has it been, I remember the last time the boss did it, it wasn't a long time!"

As soon as an employee finished speaking, he was refuted by a colleague next to him.

"Hehe, the meals made by the boss are exceptional, and now we can eat them except for special days."

The food was too full, and the two sisters of the Ma family were resting on their chairs.

At this time, they heard the people around them talk about the boss, which made them curious.

"The owner you said belongs to this shop?"


"Your boss's meal is better than this table?"

Ma Shansi asked in disbelief.

"Now we eat it made by the boss's apprentice, who do you say makes it delicious?"

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