"Brother Chen, this is it!"

"Haha, I can't imagine Dad, you actually showed mercy today and brought me here to enjoy life."

After Chen Guanghe got down from the car, he looked at the nearly ten-acre villa and was shocked for a while.

Even if he has always been a loser, it is the first time he has seen such a bold villa.

"Huh..." Seeing

his son's excited appearance, Chen Hongbo just smiled.

"Brother Chen, you haven't said it yet?"

The purpose of coming over this time, he did not say, otherwise he would not have followed.

Seeing the scene after Chen Guanghe got off the car, this was different from what he imagined.

Lin Tongfu asked curiously, if he guessed correctly, he brought his son over to admit his mistake, but it seemed that he was still so excited.

"No, Brother Lin, with his personality, he can only tie it up."

"That's right, but that's fine."

"Stinky boy, you give me a little convergence!

This time, I asked you Uncle Lin to come and visit the owner of this house.

Remember this is not home, see you messing around later, and see if I don't break your legs. "

Chen Hongbo doesn't want to spoil your son this good opportunity.

So it's better to get vaccinated in advance.

"Got it, Dad, you're so verbose."

Chen Guanghe ignored what his father said and walked around the villa area.

At this time, there are no outsiders in the villa.

Someone is also in the hall, or inside the kitchen.

The villa is big, luxurious and beautiful.

However, Chen Guanghe walked around alone, felt bored, and began to shift his target.

"It shouldn't be a problem to go in and take a look, right?"

Seeing the three-story villa, he had forgotten what his father had said before.

Without anyone leading him, he walked towards the villa.

"Huh! Who is this? Everyone

who was chatting in the lobby on the first floor saw a young man dressed in pompous clothes walk in.

And his eyes were dark, dented in.

This is a sign of overindulgence.

Anyone with a little common sense knows what this phenomenon is.

So when you see Chen Guanghyuk, your first impression is extremely bad.

"I don't know, I know it's a playboy at a glance, but how did it appear in the boss's house?"

"Maybe you ran in the wrong place, you don't know us!"

Under everyone's gaze, the young man walked towards the hall.

"Everyone, beauty, introduce yourself, my name is Chen Guanghe, and my father is Chen Hongbo."

When the young man spoke of his father, he lifted his chest as if everyone knew his father.

However, everyone here has not paid attention to this aspect of things.

So his introduction just now seems so ridiculous to everyone.

"Chen Hongbo, who is this!"

"I don't know, there is no such person among the boss's friends."

"Master Qin, do you know?"

"I don't know, your boss didn't tell me."

For everyone's questions, Qin Anguo shook his head.

"You don't even know my father, and he's really a dirt bun."

At this time, Chen Guanghe looked at everyone with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Forget it, if you don't tell you people this, it's simply losing my identity."

Finding that he wanted to pretend, but everyone did not cooperate, Chen Guanghe was ready to go to other places to see.

This villa is so big, there will definitely be other surprises.

"Ahhh... It's you! At

this moment, an exclamation sounded at the door of the hall.

At this time, a young woman, covered her mouth with one hand and pointed at Chen Guanghe with one finger.

"Ke Hanliu, what's going on?"

Other people in the living room, seeing this scene, several people quickly got up, walked to Ke Hanliu's side and asked with concern.

Looking at Ke Hanliu's appearance, this is excessive fright.

"He... He's the guy I said before!

At this time, a few more people walked in outside, and after seeing Ke Hanliu's expression, he asked with concern.


Nobody else has remembered it yet.

"It's the one who harmed the boss, the one who was taken away for a while."

"What, it's him, looking at him, he doesn't look like a good person, he even dares to come over, this is our territory to clean him up."

About Ke Hanliu's molestation, after returning, the other employees knew about it.

At that time, I was very angry, and I blamed myself for not following up that day, otherwise this kind of thing would not have happened.

"Don't mess around, this is the boss's home, and why he appeared here, you have to figure it out."

Seeing these employees outside, they surrounded Chen Guanghe, and someone immediately stopped them.

"Yes, ask first, don't cause trouble for the boss."

That being said, someone immediately went and blocked the gate.

"Don't you mess around, do you know who my father is?"

Chen Guanghe never imagined that he would have this day.

Before it was all around others, now it's the other way around.

The people around him looked as if they were about to swallow him alive.

"Whoever your father is, can't protect you!"

"Look at you, you look like a bag, is it every time something happens, you use your father as a shield."

Seeing Chen Guanghe's appearance, the people around him almost understood what kind of person he was.

Ming Peng is a pit daddy's baby.

"I can't afford to mess with you."

Seeing that everyone was still surrounding him and did not disperse, Chen Guanghe could only move out his father's identity.

"Everyone, wait a minute!"

After hearing Chen Guanghe's words, Qin Anguo got up and walked over.

"What did you just say?"


Chen Guanghe suddenly burst out laughing maniacally.

"Yes, how, you guys are afraid now!"

Seeing the expressions on these people's faces, Chen Guanghe became bullish again.

"You guys go on, I'll ask Xiao Qin."

"No, you guys..." After

seeing Qin Anguo ask and walking away, Chen Guanghe began to get anxious.


After Lin Tongfu got off the car, he did not go directly to Qin Mo, but first took Chen Hongbo to hang out for a while.

Looking at his appearance, he obviously wanted to show Qin Mo's ability through this.

"Brother Chen, how is the environment here?"

"It's really good, but unfortunately my job doesn't allow it, and I don't have so much money."

After strolling around for a while, Chen Hongbo couldn't help but sigh.

"I can't, but it's okay to come over every once in a while!"

"I didn't think that Brother Lin had such a good relationship with Mr. Qin, and no one outside knew about it."

Hearing Lin Tongfu say this, Chen Hongbo realized that the relationship between the two was not generally good.

Otherwise, how could he do the same as he said, every once in a while, come to Shuijiang County.

"Okay, it's almost time, now I'm going to meet Brother Qin!"

The two strolled around for a while, and Lin Tongfu walked towards the two two-story buildings.

"Brother Lin, are we going wrong?"

Chen Hongbo pointed to the three-story villa inside and said.

"That's right, you'll find out later!"

Lin Tongfu did not explain and continued to walk forward.

"Brother Qin, I'm here to rub rice again!"

When I was at the door, I saw a busy back inside.

"Brother Lin, I thought you couldn't come!"

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