"Brother Qin, the next time you come to Songshan, remember to say hello in advance!"

Chen Hongbo returned to Songshan with Lin Tongfu in the afternoon.

However, he dropped a trouble, on Qin Mo's side.

That was his son Chen Guanghyuk.

"Brother Qin, please ask you for this matter, when you are satisfied, let this loser return to Songshan."

Before leaving, Chen Hongbo suddenly changed his mind.

Deciding to leave his son behind, he had realized that if he continued like this, it was only a matter of time before something happened to Chen Guanghe.

And I also want to sprint to that position in these years.

Leaving his son here with Qin Mo was a two-pronged thing.

"Brother Chen, what are you?"

"Brother Qin, you can rest assured, in your place, he is an ordinary employee, if there is anything wrong, you can scold at will!"

Chen Hongbo said to Qin Mo with a smile a second ago.

The next second he turned around, his face was gloomy, and his eyes looked directly at Chen Guanghe.

"Smelly boy, if you let me know that you run away and disobey, in the future your pocket money, find a way yourself.

And don't tell anyone outside, you are my son, otherwise.

I will do what I say, let you sit in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, and Lao Tzu will personally serve you!

Under Chen Guanghe's desperate eyes, Chen Hongbo and the two got into the car and left!

"Zhengqi, during this time, you take him!"

Qin Mo turned around and threw this tricky matter to Ding Zhengqi.

"Boss, I can't!"

This is the son of a big man, and now the boss has handed it over to himself.

"Don't worry, you're not alone!"

Comforting Ding Zhengqi, Qin Mo turned to Si Haosi and said.

"Haosi, next you and Zhengqi are responsible for taking him for one day every day, and you are responsible for training him, as long as you don't die, you can practice whatever you want!"

Wanting you to change alone is not that simple.

Qin Mo thought for a moment, and finally decided to use the most stupid method.

"Don't worry, boss, I know what to do!"

Compared with Ding Zhengqi, Si Haosi, who came out of the army, did not discount his instructions to implement!

As for Chen Guanghe, his expression can be described as wonderful.

From disdain at the beginning, to despair now!

Especially after seeing Si Haosi, there was no expression on the whole face.

Before Ding Zhengqi, he believed that he only needed to scare him a few words.

But Si Haosi in front of him, in front of him, he was like a little white rabbit.

After finishing the matter that Chen Hongbo asked for, Qin Mo rushed to the company non-stop.

The mobile phone chip thing was originally to be done in advance.

According to the convention, the technology that he drew the mobile phone chip should be sorted out and handed over to the laboratory, so that Lin Tianlu can lead the team to study.

I believe that with the help of the information I have sorted out, it will definitely be completed within a month.

"Xiao Qin, this is what you studied?"

Lin Tianlu thought at first that Qin Mo was joking with himself.

I asked him before, but he is not good at mobile phone chip related technology.

It's only been a long time since he says he's developed technology that's even more advanced than the market.

"Xiao Qin, in other aspects, your talent is not comparable to others.

Now this is technology, it took decades to develop to this point.

You tell me that in more than two months, you will complete a feat that no one else could accomplish before!

Although Lin Tianlu didn't believe it, he still took the manuscript in Qin Mo's hand.

"Elder Lin, just look at it!"

Seeing the expression on Lin Tianlu's face, Qin Mo suddenly laughed, this kind of pretense felt so good, I will see these surprised expressions later.

With a skeptical attitude, Lin Tianlu took the manuscript.

After handing the manuscript to Lin Tianlu, Qin Mo no longer paid attention to it, and he had to sort out other materials.

Now sort it out, just a small part.

It was impossible for Qin Mo to give the complete information to Lin Tianlu, otherwise he wouldn't know how to explain it.

It will take some time for this information to be sorted out.

"This..." After

getting the information, Lin Tianlu looked at it.

The expression on his face began to change, and he looked at Qin Mo with a look of shock.

"Elder Lin, what's wrong!"

Seeing Lin Tianlu's expression, Qin Mo was in a very happy mood, and this was what he wanted.

"Xiao Qin, were you joking with me before!"

Lin Tianlu put down the manuscript in his hand and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Don't doubt me now."

"You took it out earlier, we have been studying it for so long?"

In the past three months, Lin Tianlu led everyone to overcome this problem together.

After seeing Qin Mo's manuscript, he found that his previous work was in vain.

"Elder Lin, don't talk about this first, I want to know, with this, how long will it take for the laboratory to produce results?"

Qin Mo is now concerned about this, with this mobile phone chip technology, his thinking has changed, no longer bound to the mobile phone battery, he also has to compete for the big cake of the mobile phone market!

"That's all!"

Lin Tianlu had a disappointed expression on his face.

"Elder Lin, if there are follow-ups."

"What, you said that there will be follow-up..." I

saw Lin Tianlu, who had just lost his soul, suddenly had spirit, and the whole person got up from the chair and rushed directly to Qin Mo's side.

"Xiao Qin, I want to know the follow-up, you take it out now and I'll take a look!"

For Lin Tianlu's anxious look, Qin Mo just said a word, and he quieted down.

"Elder Lin, you lead the team first and eat these thoroughly, I promise that the ones behind will follow."

"Well, this is what you said, if you can't take it out, in the next time, I will take the quilt and guard your door!"

At this time, a light flashed in Lin Tianlu's eyes, and before Qin Mo could respond, he continued.

"Xiao Qin, as long as your follow-up information can keep up, I promise that the results will be available in one month, and in the next month, I will lead them to overcome every problem!"

Lin Tianlu said with a smile pointing to the experimenters around him.

"It's over!"

Hearing what Lin Tianlu said, they knew that in the next time, they didn't want to have a holiday!

"Devil Boss!"

The same boss's subordinates, other colleagues go to work very leisurely.

Every day from 9 to 5, five days off and two days off.

None of this seems to have anything to do with their lab.

The devil boss is their title for Lin Tianlu.

"Fortunately, the boss is good in terms of treatment, otherwise, if it goes on like this, we will all run away."

To be able to keep them staying, is that overtime pay is high.

"You all heard it, Xiao Qin wants us to come up with the results within a month!"

As soon as Lin Tianlu finished speaking, there was a wail in the laboratory.


Qin Mo coughed, and the laboratory quickly quieted down.

"Here, I will first reveal the good news to everyone!"

After saying this, Qin Mo stopped and glanced around at everyone.

"What benefits!"

Hearing the boss talk about the benefits, everyone's eyes lit up.

"After the results come out this time, I will personally present you with a big red envelope to ensure that everyone will not be disappointed!"

"Boss, are you serious?"

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