"How's that, everyone has arrived!"

"Old man Zheng, the journalists are all here, and the representatives of your old explanation are also present."

"Gentle, this is an opportunity, I hope you can lead the Zheng family to fight a turnaround battle and make our family opponents afraid!"

This time, the Zheng family cooperated with overseas families, and only he knew about it.

Even Zheng Hexu didn't know.

Because their family's identity is too sensitive.

Once it is known by other family members, it will definitely be blamed.

"Don't worry, old man, I won't let you down this time."

Now the company's equity is in the hands of two people, one of whom is their Zheng family.

As for the other one, Zheng Yutang only said that he was an old fellow, and it was inconvenient to come forward, but he sent a representative over.

It was the last time I met Kate Marcus.

Since the last time I saw Kate Marcus, I have always had questions in my heart.

Now the object of cooperation with his own family, he came forward again, and Zheng Hexu found Zheng Yutang on the spot.

However, after hearing Zheng Yutang's words, he did not continue to entangle.

"Kindness, don't ask if you shouldn't ask something, when you should say it, I will tell you!"

Tens of billions, that's not everyone can get.

Even the Zheng family at their peak couldn't do it.


"Mr. Kate, I didn't expect us to meet so soon!"

"President Zheng, we will be closer in the future!"

Kate Marcus walked over and stretched out her hand towards Zheng Hexu.

"This time, I also bring good news to President Zheng."

As soon as the two met at that time, Zheng Hexu could not imagine that the other party would give him a big surprise.

"These are all researched by your team?"

In the company's laboratory, seeing the results of the test, Zheng Hexu couldn't believe it.

"It's not!"

Kate Marcus burst out laughing.

"Should these be the results of someone else's research?"

Zheng Hexu vaguely guessed something at this time, but did not say it.

There are other people here, and once they fall into the mouths of others and spread out when the time comes, then the problem can be big.

"Chatting with President Zheng is comfortable, one point is clear."

"Or Mr. Kate, you are powerful, you can get your hands on this!"

"You Huaxia don't have an old saying, money can make ghosts push and grind!"

"It seems that Mr. Kate has studied our ancestors' things very thoroughly!"

"Now our opponent is you Huaxia people, these are necessary lessons!"


"Today's press conference, President Zheng is going to work hard for you!"

Kate Marcus cannot appear in front of reporters because of identity issues.

"Mr. Kate, please rest assured that we will not let you down by investing so much money."

"Then I'll wait for President Zheng's good news."

"Mr. Kate has even the most important thing ready for us, if this is not done well, isn't it even inferior to pigs!"

Zheng Hexu and the company's senior management came to the largest conference room on the top floor of the company.

At this time, whether outside or inside the conference room, there were reporters from major news agencies.

This time the news was even more grand than the last press conference held by Qin Mo.

The same press conference, the attendance of different people, the effect is different.

If you look closely at the scene, you will also find some overseas reporters.

"President Zheng, what is your press conference this time?"

As soon as he reached the gate, a young woman rushed in front of him.

"Which news agency is this, and how could it be asked such a question?"

The reporters around, as soon as they heard the woman's question, knew that it was a novice.

People's press conference has not officially started, how can it be revealed now.

"Everyone don't block the way, give President Zheng the way, the time is almost up, you should not be in a hurry for this time!"

A young man came out at this time to relieve the siege, and let everyone disperse with a word.

"Which news agency are you a reporter, wait for the question, you can ask one more question."

Zheng Hexu looked at the reporter with a smile, the other party was fawning over himself, might as well give him a little benefit.

"Thank you President Zheng, I'm Global News!"

The young man couldn't think of a word of his own, so he got this benefit, and he almost jumped up with excitement.

In general press conferences, considering the large number of journalists present, there is a convention that a news agency can only ask one question.

But if the Lord gives you a chance, it's different.

"Okay, everyone hurry in!"

Zheng Hexu's appearance indicates that the press conference is about to begin.

At this time, the reporters of various news agencies do not want to miss every opportunity.

"Dear journalists, audience friends in front of the TV, I am Zheng Hexu, CEO of Tianci New Materials Company, and I am holding this press conference today mainly to announce a news to everyone."

On the rostrum, there were only a few people.

Among them are Zheng Hexu, as well as general manager Chang Pengyue, deputy general manager Lu Yangshu.

The combination on stage made the various reporters curious.

As is customary, tech companies hold press conferences, and researchers are indispensable.

But today's Tianci New Material Company broke the convention, could it be that this time the topic is something else, if it is not for the new products to come out, these reporters will not be interested.

"I know what everyone is thinking, are they thinking, what is Tianci New Materials Company doing?"

Zheng Hexu, who was sitting on the rostrum, had a good hearing, and he heard the topics discussed by the reporters at the front desk.

"I want to ask you a question now, what is our Godci famous for?"

The conference room, which was still a little noisy just now, suddenly quieted down after Zheng Hexu asked this.

"Phone battery?"

A reporter spoke up right after him.

"It seems that everyone still knows more about my Tianci Company.

Yes, this press conference is related to this.

I think everyone will say again, there are no better products on the market, you God give this time to come out to make something lively. Hearing

Zheng Hexu say this, the reporters in the audience nodded one after another.

"The products on the market now are undeniable, but in contrast, our Tianci New Material Company is more powerful, believe me behind this company, everyone knows, here is a small company that has just risen, there is a brand quality, are the best old company..."

Before the products were shown, Zheng Hexu first praised his company.

Then from all aspects, implicit Qinchuang Technology Co., Ltd.

However, he spoke very well, and did not mention the name of Qinchuang Technology Co., Ltd. from beginning to end.

But even if he doesn't say it, everyone present can guess it.

"By the way, there's one more thing I forgot to tell you."

After belittled the other party, Zheng Hexu's words changed and hung everyone's curiosity.

"Manager Lu, please go and invite everyone over."

Lu Yangshu returned within a few minutes of going out, but he was followed by some people.

"Isn't this a representative of a major mobile phone brand?"

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