The character who appeared this time was Qin Zhenxing.

Qin Mo's eldest uncle, a sixty-year-old middle-aged man.

I have to say that the genes of the Qin family are strong.

Qin Zhenxing, who was already sixty years old, wore an expensive suit.

Say it's in his forties, and some people really believe it.

I can't see a single white hair in my hair, and I don't know if I was born or dyed.

Walking down from the Land Rover, the imposing man walked towards Qin Mo and the others.

When everyone in the bus got down, there were exactly seventeen people, including six children.

Compared to Qin Mo's side, he was the only young man.

"It's cool over there, get out over there." Seeing

that his father was getting out of the way, Qin Mo's face immediately changed.

This is the case every year, and here they wait for the clean-up to be completed.


a shame that I have elders like you, look at them, they are too lazy to be like pigs."

This time, Qin Mo chose not to retreat.

Directly stood face to face with the uncle.

"Dad, second uncle, you continue, I see who dares to take the lead."

Qin Mo stepped to the side and just blocked the intersection.

Just now, for convenience, outside, Qin Mo only cleared out a small road.

That is to say, if the uncle's family wants to go in, they must pass through this side.

Or clear a path yourself.

"I haven't seen it for a year, you have grown a lot of guts in this nest

!" Qin Zhenxing looked at Qin

Mo with a dark face.

At this time, a man walked behind him.

With a height of one meter nine, he is Qin Mo's lobby brother.

He looks like a northeastern man.

"Million, just throw him aside.

"Dad, I know what to do!"

Qin Million, who walked towards Qin

Mo, had a contemptuous smile on his face.

This kid, wasn't the lesson from last time enough?

Before Qin Mo got married, there was a scene on the spot.

He stood up and blocked.

It's a pity how can he be Qin Million's opponent, just standing together, the two are a head gap.

They just grabbed him by the collar and threw it lightly to the side.

Just let him know the gap between the two, and he also broke his thigh at that time.

"Xiao Mo, let them go!" Seeing

Qin Million walking over, the second uncle hurriedly spoke up.

"If you want to go, it's not that easy. Seeing

Qin Mo's body move, Qin Million thought that his cousin was going to dodge.

Hurriedly quickened his pace, and at this time he found that Qin Mo's height had changed a lot.

But this one can't care so much, with his own body.

I can't teach him a lesson.

"Silly!" Looking

at the arm stretched out towards him, Qin Mo spat out two words.

Just as he was about to grab his collar, Qin Mo made a move.

Although Qin Mo did not know his body, where was the limit of change

, two hours to clean up the weeds,

let him further understand his strength.

Facing Qin Million again, there will be no scene from last time.

"It hurts... You let me go!" The

people around me found that things were not as they imagined.

Now Qin Mo was standing still, one hand tightly clasped on Qin Wan's wrist.

After struggling a few times, I found that the force of holding my wrist was increasing.

The sharp pain in his wrist seemed to be shattered in the next moment.

Qin Million, in a hurry, Qin Million's other hand punched towards Qin Mo.

When did this nest of waste become so powerful.

The fist of the other hand was clenched by Qin Mo's five fingers.

"Crunch!" the

voice sounded in his ears, telling Qin Million that if he continued like this, both of his hands would be injured.

"Let go..."

"Good!" It

seemed that Qin Mo was scared by his yelling, only to see him let go of his hands.

When Qin Million was about to attack, he found that he didn't know when.

Qin Mo was already close to him, and he also saw the smile on his face.

This is laughing at one's own incompetence.

In the next second, a huge force came from his chest.

I saw Qin Million take a few steps back one after another, and did not stop until he sat heavily on the ground.

"Still coming?"

said Qin Mo this time towards Qin Zhenxing.

It seems that he just chased away a fly.

"You..." Looking

at Qin Mo's face calmly looking at himself, Qin Zhenxing did not dare to act rashly.

Even his eldest son can't take him, can everyone go together.

Then the nature will be different, after all, this is a society ruled by law.

Just now he used a little Jeet Kune Do technique.

I didn't expect it to have such a big effect.

"Looks like you'll have to schedule a time to take a look." "

The role of Jeet Kune Do, Qin Mo thought about it, this time he will go to the deep market.

Will find time to test the changes in the body, at the beginning the extraction of Jeet Kune Do is full level.

It is not directly full level, but it is always subconsciously changing him.

Until now, his body was still changing, and Qin Mo didn't know what level Jeet Kune Do was full of.

That's why I have to test.

"If you don't want to come over, then wait for me to be quiet." Hearing

his mother's shouts coming from inside, Qin Mo knew that he was almost ready.

After waiting for his father and second uncle to enter, he followed behind and walked in.

As for Qin Zhenxing's family, after seeing Qin Million suffer losses.

No one dares to stand up, it's really bullying the soft and afraid of the hard!"

Big brother, just let them take the lead?" Looking

at Qin Mo who walked in, Qin Zhaojin's eyes flashed with malice.

If the one who hates Qin Mo's family the most is her Qin Zhaojin.

At that time, he was caught raped on the spot because of Wang Lanhui's words.

Seeing Qin Zhaojin's ex-husband looking for someone, Wang Lanhui said something and saw her there.

This does not contradict and erupt.

If Wang Lanhui knew that this would be the case, she would not have said more.

Let her be neither human inside nor out.

"Don't move, let them this time. Qin

Million was not a stupid person, just now, he knew that the opponent must not have reached full strength.

Otherwise he wouldn't have had a problem with a sore ass.

Looking at the cyan mark on his wrist, he just held it tightly, and that's it, he really got his hand to move.

And at that time, he did it first, and the other party had nothing to say even if he injured himself.

"Damn, I didn't think this kid had changed so much, it had only been a year. After

Qin Million said this, several cousins knew that the current Qin Mo was no longer the waste who was bullied and did not fight back before.

"Son, are you okay!" After

Qin Mo walked in, Qin Anguo hurriedly walked over.

Check it up and down, find that there is no problem, and then let go.

"Don't pay attention to them, we're done worshiping, I'll show everyone a hand when I go back!" Hearing

Qin Mo say this, Qin Anbang and Li Changjuan were stunned.

"Sister, Xiao Mo's

food is better than yours?"

said Li Changjuan with a surprised face.

Qin Mo has a few pounds and taels, and he knows it very well.

Now he said that he showed everyone a hand.

"Sister-in-law, don't look at me, I don't know, but all I know is related to his work."

"He now has two shops, which are related to food." "

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