"Don't look, I'm already divorced.

Looking at Qin Mo's expression as he walked, Yun Lin couldn't help but laugh.

"You are divorced?" In

his opinion, with her conditions, in this small place, it shouldn't be!

"Don't tease you, I proposed to leave, don't say these frustrating words, old classmate, I haven't seen you for so many years, I can't imagine that your changes are still quite big, and the words have become so little, is this the price of maturity?"


Looking at the old classmates in front of me, I really miss the carefree of my previous student days.

Don't think about anything, just learn.

Like now, work, family, colleagues...

"By the way, how long will you be back this time?"

"I'll probably go up at noon the day after tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow night, our high school classmates have a party, I don't know if you have time."

Yun Lin didn't wait for Qin Mo to speak, and continued.

"Don't think about refusing again, it's been so many years, it's hard to catch you for a while, quickly give me your mobile phone, and I'll contact you when the time comes." "

Watching the old classmate stop, just stand in front of him, if he doesn't agree, don't think about going back tonight."

"Okay, I'll go to the head office!"

said and took out his phone and handed it over.

"Okay, I won't bother you for a walk either, you're all drunk, go back early to rest, I'll see you then!" After

getting Qin Mo's mobile phone number, Yunlin let him go.

"Hey, the personality doesn't change at all!" looked

at Yun Lin, who left like a little girl.

Qin Mo couldn't help but shake his head.

Come back the next day during the day, except for going out to buy groceries.

Qin Mo didn't go anywhere, and he was always at home with his parents.

After trying his nephew's craft, the second uncle woke up.

Decided not to go back for the time being.

At noon, the three of them finished the last bottle of wine before they were relieved.

As for the time and place of the gathering, at noon, Qin Mo received the message.

Before five o'clock, to cook meals for the five ancestors in the family, Qin Mo went out.

This time, Qin Mo did not drive, and casually hailed a small motorcycle.

He is doing a good job at night, accompanying his old classmates without getting drunk and not returning.

The hometown county is backward and has high consumption.

There is only one advantage, that is, eating, drinking and having fun is particularly complete.

Qin Mo simply could not imagine that with a salary of three or four thousand, he lived in a first-tier city with an average consumption of tens of thousands.

How these people survived, should eat and drink a lot.

This time the target of the gathering was a small farm.

I haven't heard of it before, but it should be newly opened in recent years.

Twenty minutes away, after paying the fare, Qin Mo walked into a small farm with an elegant environment.

The time is already a few minutes before the agreed time.

Six o'clock in the afternoon, plus it is a holiday.

There are also quite a few guests at the small farm.

In a private room inside the farmhouse.

Twenty men and women were gathered.

Everyone sat at a large table.

"I said deputy squad leader, everyone has arrived, and if they don't start, I'm starving to death." The

one who spoke was a chubby man who looked a little old.

It stands out especially in this group of companions who are only thirty years old.

"Hehe, Bao and you are so fat, you can't eat less!" It

was Yun Lin who met last night.

This time the party was also initiated by her.

"No, the people who have gathered in previous years have come, and why are the vacant seats around you left, I don't want to sit and don't give it, everyone is a divorcee, they are all old classmates, they know the roots, and they don't give a chance!" A

simple-looking man destroyed his image as soon as he spoke.

"Feng Xiangchen, you regret it now, why didn't you agree when people pursued you back then.

"I regret it now, how did I know that you girls have changed so much..."

"Don't argue, there's a big handsome guy over there." At

this moment, a woman sitting by the window seemed to have discovered a new continent.

Her exclamation drew everyone's attention.

"There is someone who can be more handsome than me, you say handsome, it won't be a cow

!" was a man with superior looks and all the men present.

Even if he goes out, he can be regarded as a handsome uncle.

"No, Ah Hao, really handsome, too stylish!" This

time it was Lin Yonghao's diehard who exclaimed.

Let him be curious, there are people in this small county who are more handsome than him.

By the time he walked over, there was no one in sight.

Among the people, only Yun Lin sat firmly on the fishing platform and did not move.

Smile and pick up a cup of tea.

"Something is wrong, deputy squad leader, this is not like you, such a handsome man appears, you just come to see."

"Isn't it just a handsome guy, what's the fuss, it's not that you don't come back to sit when you're hungry."

Before she could finish, everyone was alarmed again.

"Ah Hao, look, which handsome guy it is. Lin

Yonghao finally saw the handsome guy in the crowd.

Compared with others, I really can't catch up with the horse and whip.

"Look, he's coming over to us. While

everyone was watching, the handsome man took a look at the door and stepped into the door of the private room.

"Handsome man Qin, here. Only

at this time did Yunlin stand up.

Beckon to this big handsome man.

"It's over, there's no chance. This

is the common voice of the single men present.

"Sorry, you're late. "

Look at the handsome guy who apologizes to himself and others.

Everyone couldn't help but think, I know this person?

"Haha, Qin Mo, you don't say the name, who knows who you are!"

He took another serious look at Qin Mo.

It's not their big class president for three years of high school.

Contact Qin Mo, who has not come to the party for six years!

"Wow, he's the big class leader!"

A scream cut through the sky.

This was Feng Xiangchen's voice before.

He compared himself with Qin Mo at this time.

Suddenly, the heart was like being pierced by thousands of arrows.

"Muggles, the same people, how can I live to be a pig.

"Haha, Fatty Feng, you finally admit that you are a pig, but seriously, if I meet the big class leader on the street, I think it is a big star."

"Don't stand, wait for you to ask yourselves, this is something I caught with great difficulty, wait for everyone to serve him with a good drink, and actually released our pigeons for six years!" Yun

Lin saw these classmates and thought that it was time to come.

There are fifty students in the high school class, and there are more women than men.

Ten classmates married away to the provinces, and some of the rest went to settle in other places.

There are also some who are not good at mixing and dare not come out to meet with classmates.

There are also a few that are rural, and these are the real difficulties.

At a meeting, everyone has to pay a few hundred yuan.

If you don't come out, even if your classmates don't say it, you won't care about it in your heart.

Once is good, many times is not good.

At the beginning, for these really difficult students, the wealthier ones were packed.

But the latter classmates, feeling that this was not good, did not appear.

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