"My head still hurts!" said

a woman lying on her stomach in a beautifully decorated room.

As can be seen from the back, the woman saves cloth for the country.

A skin like milk that blinds your dog's eyes.

I saw that after getting up, I stretched out a lazy waist, and the quilt on my body fell down.

This woman should have lived alone, and just walked out of the room in an upright manner.

As he walked, he shook his head and patted his temples with his hands from time to time.

It's a

choppy scene!"

"Don't dare to drink like this next time." "

This woman is none other than Yun Lin.

She drank the most beer last night, and she ran to the toilet and vomited several times.

So I went into the bathroom, took a hot shower, and came out again and sat on the couch.

Take out your phone and look at it, there are more than a dozen missed caller IDs, one of which is a foreign number.

Starting at six in the morning, there is one every ten minutes or so.

"Isn't this Lin Yingman abroad, what is so urgent, calling more than twenty times in a row?" These

calls were ignored first, and Yun Lin cocked Erlang's legs.

Start viewing WeChat group information.


"These people are too good to talk!"

entered the group and flipped through until about nine o'clock last night.

Just like that, I keep seeing the information now.

It took more than half an hour just to read this information.

"Wait, I was drunk last night, who bought that?" Only

now did Yun Lin think of this!

Then call out.

Toot toot....

It only rang twice, and the opposite phone was connected.

"Boss Lin, the wine is awake!" It

was a man's voice, which seemed to be very familiar with Yun Lin.

"Boss Chen, last night we were all single..." She

thought that people were old and she was an old customer, and after she and others escaped, she didn't call the police, waiting for her to call.

"Last night's consumption, has already settled the bill, or Boss Lin, you are happy, every time you are on the spot!" Hearing

this, Yun Lin was puzzled, paid the bill, who bought it, could it be that he was drunk and ran out to buy.

Thinking of this, I quickly opened WeChat to check the balance, and the number did not change.

Check your card purchase history again.


didn't pay for it, so who bought it!"

"Could it be Lin Yonghao?" Just

thinking about it, Yun Lin immediately removed him.

Yun Lin thought so, that is, among the students, he was the only one who could come up with this money, Lin Yonghao.

But after thinking about it for a while, I think it is not, Lin Yonghao is very generous in small money, and big money is different.

"It's a big handsome guy, I haven't seen it before!" After

waiting for a while, she didn't hear Yun Lin's voice, and the other side seemed to guess what she wanted to ask.

"How much did you spend last night?" "

Twenty-eight thousand yuan!" The

price reported on the other side suddenly calmed Yun Lin.

"Boss Chen, don't bully us, we are all old customers, just eat a meal, and sing a few more songs, it will be 20,000 more?" At

this time, Yun Lin had already picked up a small black cloth strip and put it on, ready to go out to find it, and check it well, here are the funds saved by the usual old classmates.

"Later, your handsome guy came out and took a few more bottles of wine, and when I took a picture of these wines and sent them to Boss Lin, you will know." "

Qin Mo, Yun Lin found Qin Mo's

number after talking to the small farm on the phone,

and dialed it.

"Handsome guy Qin, why are you so polite, I bought all the orders, our dinner is all AA system, you will break the law as soon as you come!"

"It's Yunlin, I don't think about it, I haven't seen it for so many years, this time I should be invited."

"The law is set, how can you destroy it because of you, quickly say, where are you now, I used to look for you, is it

at home?"

"I'm not at home anymore, I'm driving,

I'm on the highway, I'll talk about something later!"

As soon as Qin Mo finished speaking, he hung up the phone and couldn't be distracted by driving.

"Hang up, drive, didn't mean to say that!" "

No, I seemed to have said last night that I went up to the deep market before noon today." Thinking

of this, Yun Lin quickly looked at the time.

At this

time, the cell phone rang.

Caller ID, Argentina International Long Call!

"Deputy squad leader, you finally answered the call!" As

soon as he pressed the answer button, there was a crackling on the other side.

"Lin Yingman, are you a slut, everyone is married!" "

Marriage, I'm not afraid, as long as I am bald enough, I have dug this corner."

"Don't come back, he just went back to work in the deep market."

"Address, give me the address quickly."

"I don't have either, the phone is there, I'll send it to you later, ask yourself."

"Don't say, long-distance calls are quite expensive!" Before

the other party could respond, Yun Lin hung up the phone.

"Saying that others are like this, it seems that I myself am similar!" Yun

Lin couldn't help but think of the scene last night, even if she was drunk, her impression was still a little.

"Don't care, let's make the money matter clear to everyone first. "


Right at this time.

Boss Chen of the small farm sent the pictures through WeChat.

Yun Lin opened it and saw that the grade of these wines seemed to be very high-end.

It's a pity that she didn't study wine, and I don't know how much it costs.

"Let me tell you one thing, last night's order was bought by our senior class leader.

"Let the handsome guy pay, I'm distressed!"

"Yes, it's all small money, that is, a few thousand dollars." Seeing

that the classmates were getting more and more crooked, Yun Lin hurriedly sent out last night's consumption.

"A total of twenty-eight thousand!" The

people who had just announced their own meetings immediately fell silent.

Soon some classmates replied to the message.

"Deputy squad leader, are we being pitted, but the maximum time for each party is only five thousand.

"Yes, if that's the case, isn't it for our senior class president to spend money, and dare to come over next time?"

At this time, Yun Lin sent a few photos to the group.

"These bottles are a little familiar

!" "Isn't this the same wine we drank last night?" "

None of you know anything about wine, just tell me how much this wine costs a bottle, don't talk about the rest!" Seeing

Yun Lin's information, some people had already reacted.

"Deputy squad leader, wait, I'll ask my friend first." It

didn't make everyone wait long, but after a few minutes, the classmate replied with a screenshot in the group.

"Yes, Pershingde, such a good wine is willing to drink, next time you have the opportunity to remember to call me, 3,000 yuan a bottle, how many bottles are you spoiling." Seeing

this message, the students did not respond for a long time.

A bottle of wine is 3,000 yuan, which is equivalent to half a month's salary.

"It turns out that the wine you drank last night was so expensive, I already knew that I would try it too." "

The senior class leader is so rich, he doesn't blink an eye when he pays for tens of thousands of yuan..."

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