"It turns out that this matter is mysterious and mysterious to see your boss's hidden god!" Ye

Yin found himself being used as a gun by Qin Mo again. Trick yourself into going out to pick up someone.

Since it is a family member of the company's top management, just tell yourself directly, as for such concealment, arouse your own interest, or afraid that you will refuse.

"Boss lady, what did you just say?"

Ding Jianyi heard Ye Yin grunting something on the phone, thinking that he couldn't hear clearly, and quickly asked.

"Well, nothing, I just want to ask, all of you children come over, now Shin Shin will have more company." Hearing

Ye Yin's reply, Ding Jianyi didn't think much and continued.

"Lady, you don't have to come over, we'll just go over by ourselves."

"No, this is explained by Big Brother Qin, he doesn't have time to go, so I have to go together." "

There are several family members coming over this time, so there will be a bit too many people to eat at noon, and Qin Mo alone must prepare early.

Now that the company is on the right track, don't worry about the past, he has planned, before the Spring Festival this year, work things will be temporarily put down, and spend these two months with his family.

"Okay then!" Hearing

that it was the boss who ordered, Ding Jianyi could only agree.

"Where should we pick up people?" "

The airport in Songshan City!" Hearing

that it was an urban airport, Ye Yin was stunned for a moment, but quickly responded.

"What time is the plane?"

"Landing around half-past ten." "

The family members who came this time are all flying, in order to save trouble, everyone chooses a plane at a similar time, so that it is more convenient to pick up people in the past."

"It's nine o'clock now, it's time for us to leave, everyone is gathered at the high-speed intersection, do you have enough manpower and vehicles over there?" Ye

Yin was still thoughtful, thinking that so many people came over, a few cars would definitely not be enough, did these people take a taxi to Shuijiang County, until this moment, she finally understood Qin Mo's thoughts.

"We are a bit crowded this time, so we can just take a taxi then. Ding

Jianyi also wants other employees of the company to help, and now almost everyone in the middle management of the company has a car.

In the end, he still did not speak, and it was a private matter to pick up people.

If you add the employees of the company, doesn't it mean that you are exercising privileges?

"There is no need to take a taxi, just do I have anyone here, just go up together when the time comes." "

My brothers and sisters are coming, and this is the time to come in handy."

As for the vehicle, there is no need to worry, in just these few days, they have bought cars for themselves.

Now let them go out to pick up the car, just in time to run in the new car, Ye Yin thought so, and found that he was so smart.

"Boss lady, this is not good!" "

My own car came to pick up, and there was still a difference between taking a taxi and coming over, Ding Jianyi said embarrassedly.

"Needless to say, your boss ordered it. "

As long as this is pushed onto Qin Mo, these subordinates of him will have nothing to say.

"Okay!" "

Don't say anything, I'm going to call someone, if you are ready, you will wait for us at the intersection first."

After Ye Yin hung up the phone, among the brothers and sisters who came this time, he found the numbers of ten people and dialed them.

"Well, we know that since it was ordered by Big Brother Qin, we will definitely finish it. Unconsciously

, Qin Mo's weight is getting heavier and heavier in everyone's minds, no matter what it is, as long as it involves Qin Mo, everyone is very happy, and there is no time to hesitate.


This morning, more than a dozen luxury cars were parked at the intersection of the highway, attracting citizens who came over.

"What's the situation, when did so many luxury cars appear in Shuijiang County, which I have never seen?"

However, since Qin Mo came back last year, there have been more luxury cars.

But now I see these luxury cars for the first time, and I can see that I just bought them not long after looking at the condition of the cars.

"Seeing that the car is not, it is the mount of Qin Mo's big boss!" Soon

Qin Mo ordered the black luxury car and was recognized.

Because it is so conspicuous, it is difficult to look at it at a glance and ignore it.

"In this way, these vehicles are all from their company, so it seems that the treatment of Qinchuang Technology Company is very good, and it has only been a long time since everyone can afford luxury cars." "

This also uses you to say, now the entire Shuijiang County, who does not know that this company is treated outrageously, and a wave of benefits will be issued at every turn, a few days ago the top management of their company gave the following employees, each of them issued a mobile phone, that is, their company's mobile phone, and now I regret a little why I didn't go in at that time." "

When this person thought that he refused the kindness of his relatives and went to work in this company, now his bowels are broken, and now he wants to enter, and there are no good positions."

"Boss lady, it's better for you to hurry!" Among

the ten people around him, Ding Jianyi quickly appeared.

As soon as he saw the number of vehicles at the highway, he had a smile on his face.

"Don't talk about this, now the time is almost the same, I can't rush just right, I can't let your family wait." "

An hour later.

On the outskirts of Matsuyama City, an airplane descended at the airport.

"Mom, is Dad really coming to pick us up?" The

passengers who came down from this flight, the children seemed a little much.

It's all a small group of adults, a few children.

At this time, a little girl was asking a young woman, who was about forty years old.

"Then you have to say, what Dad said, must have done. "

On the other side of the little girl, there is a little boy, the two are a few years apart in age.

"Okay, don't fight with all of you, just go out. The

young woman stopped the two siblings from arguing.

"Mom, let's see if they're like us. Also from Shuijiang County?" looking

at the seven or eight children around her, the little girl asked curiously.

"Sister, what do you think, how can there be such a clever thing. As

an older brother, as soon as he heard his sister say this, he quickly made fun of her.

"Hmph, brother you are a scoundrel, I don't talk to you, I'm asking mom now.

The little girl also realized that her problem was unlikely, but she argued anyway.

"Xinghao, as an older brother, you have to protect your sister, why do you always bully her!" After

the young woman saw her daughter's face, she couldn't help but blame her son.

"Mom, I know, I won't say it in the future. "

I don't know how many times I repeat something like this, but every time I say it, my son forgets."

"Mom, is that Dad?" the

little girl shouted happily as she came out of the plane lobby and pointed to a row of luxury cars not far away.

"Xiao Yao is really powerful, how can I see my father!" The

young woman's affirmation made the little girl even more happy, and wanted to run over, but was pulled by the young woman.

"Xiao Yao, slow down, there are many vehicles here.

In desperation, Ding Xiayao had to take her mother's hand and walk over.

But soon, she noticed that the people who had been following her before.

"You guys are here!" Under

Ding Xiayao's gaze, the people she said before all came together, and at this time, she glanced at her brother proudly.

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