"Sister!" At

this time, in the hall, Qin Xinxin had just returned from outside.

At noon, after taking the little fart child, after visiting his collection of toys, because he had to take a lunch break, he could only reluctantly fall in love and send everyone to the door.

As soon as she returned to the villa hall, Qin Xinxin heard several crisp sounds, and carefully listened to this sister calling herself.

Suddenly, the unhappiness in my heart just now disappeared.

"Dad, Mom, my sister called me. While

shouting happily, he ran towards this side.

"Slow down, we all heard.

Ye Yin was even more unhappy this time, he couldn't think of the two precious daughters, and the second time he opened his mouth to shout was not himself.

After calling her father, she kept shouting, but she didn't hear Dabao Erbao shouting herself.

Now another one has no teacher, and the second calls sister.

"Hee-hee, my sister called me!" Qin

Xinxin was like getting a peerless treasure at this time.

"Dabao, come here, kiss my sister. Walking

next to the two younger sisters, Qin Xinxin stretched out her face.


Dabao, who was still smiling just now, suddenly opened his mouth and cried loudly, making Xinxin, the sister, in a state of confusion for a while.

"Dad, mom, what's wrong with Dabao?"

"Qiao Chong ..."

Da Bao, who was crying, stretched out his hands and wanted Qin Mo to hold him.

"Dabao, my sister is playing with you, why are you crying. Not

only Qin Mo didn't understand, everyone present didn't know what was going on, why he was still shouting his sister's Dabao just now, and suddenly cried.

"Huh, what smell, so smelly?" After

picking up Dabao, Qin Mo's nose twitched and sniffed around.

"Boss, is it big Paula.

Du Yumeng also asked about the smell, but she soon knew what it was.

", I'll take a look. Qin

Mo just lifted Dabao up, sniffed his butt, the smell was closer, Dabao really shit.

"Mom, does Dabao cry every time he?" Qin

Xinxin saw his father changing his sister's urine, and Dabao immediately stopped crying.

"Xinxin, every time Dabao, if she doesn't change his urine bag in time, she will cry. Hearing

Du Yumeng say this, I saw Qin Xinxin's eyes light up, and quickly asked.

"So, just now Dabao cried, it is not Xinxin's problem. Thinking

that her sister was not crying because of herself, Qin Xinxin smiled.

"Bad Dabao, let my sister startle!" "

Giggle..." After

changing the diaper, Dabao was amused by Xinxin's grimace.

"Dabao, don't do this in the future, otherwise my sister won't play with you." As

soon as Qin Xinxin finished saying this, she immediately found that Dabao was pouting and about to cry again, so frightened that she quickly said.

"My sister said the wrong thing, and I will play with Dabao in the future." "

When everyone sees this situation, they also know that Dabao, and Erbao will recognize the emotions of the people around them.

Once you put on a straight face and deliberately scare them, you will feel negative emotions, so they will cry.

"Hee-hee, Dabao is fun!" After

a few minutes, Xinxin forgot the lesson just now, teasing her sister from time to time, and sometimes pinching Dabao's face.



Erbao, who was held by Ye Yin, watched the two sisters playing, laughing from time to time.

"Xinxin, don't you hurry up and go to sleep, aren't you going to the playground in the afternoon?"

Now Qin Xinxin just has an idea to share his good things with the friends he just met.

"I want to play with my sister a little longer. Seeing

Dabao giggling amused by himself, Qin Xinxin didn't want to go back to take a nap.

"If you can't get up, don't blame Dad for not calling you, or dozing off when the time comes, you won't be able to go to the playground next time." Qin

Mo knew that if his daughter didn't take a nap, she would doze off around three o'clock.

"Dad, Shin Shin knows, this is to go to sleep. "

Thinking that I am now the eldest sister of a group of children, and I promised to lead everyone to the playground in the afternoon, if I can't go by then, wouldn't I lose my face."

As soon as she thought of this, Qin Xinxin immediately jumped down from the sofa, put on her shoes and walked down the stairs to the second floor, returning to her room to sleep.

"Okay, we don't rest, these two little guys also have to sleep, Du Yumeng, Yang Xiaotong, you two take Dabao first, and Erbao go back to the house to sleep." Soon

, only Ye Yin and Qin Mo were left in the hall.

"You're not sleeping?" Seeing

Qin Mo still sitting still, Ye Yin asked suspiciously.

"Sleep, I'm waiting for you to sleep together." Speaking

of this, Qin Mo walked over and picked Ye Yin up at once.

"Nasty, quickly put me down, this is at home, it's not good to be seen by others." Ye

Yin was attacked by Qin Mo and wanted to get down from his arms.

But her strength was insignificant in front of Qin Mo, and she couldn't struggle at all.

"It's all old husband and wife, I'm afraid others will see it, don't move, I'll carry you back to the room." Seeing

Ye Yin's face brush, it became slightly red, and Qin Mo laughed.

"No, put me down, I can walk back myself.

Ye Yin still wanted to struggle, but Qin Mo didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Hehe, you're not afraid of making noise with others, don't say I didn't tell you later." "

Now everyone has just returned to the room, if you hear movement outside at this time, you will definitely be curious to come out and take a look.

As soon as she thought of this, Ye Yin quieted down and let Qin Mo carry her upstairs.

"Well, that's right, wouldn't it be better to carry you back to your room."

"Hmph, I'm not as thick-skinned as you.

While speaking, Ye Yin observed the surroundings, wanting to prepare in advance, and once he saw someone come out, he immediately jumped out of Qin Mo's arms.

"Okay, don't worry, there won't be anyone. Ye

Yin thought for a moment and felt that Qin Mo was right, so he clasped his neck with both hands, rested his head on Qin Mo's shoulder, and the corners of his mouth skimmed slightly, revealing a faint smile.

"Brother Qin, what do you plan to do next, continue to expand the company, or ease up for a while. "

The pure taste of Ye's family that she managed, after these months of hard work, and Qin Mo's help, has branches in various counties and districts in Guangdong Province, she has made plans, temporarily stop expanding after the Spring Festival, and wait for the rest after the festival.

Now the current situation of the company on Qin Mo's side is similar to his own, and now Qin Mei Mobile has become the leader of the industry after owning the shares of ten companies.

As for foreign fruit mobile phones, the qualifications to give Qin Mei shoes are not enough.

"Let's ease up for a while, this period of time the company is developing too fast, it's time to consolidate internally, train everyone, and prepare for the next step in advance."

"If that's the case, wouldn't we have a leisure period of close to two months." When

Ye Yin heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Do you have any ideas?" Seeing

Ye Yin's expression, Qin Mo asked suspiciously.

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