"Husband, where to go?" Today's

driver is Qin Mo.

He placed an order last night and ordered a black Honda nanny.

Only this car can seat so many people, it is not crowded, and it is comfortable to sit.

"Go to the Tianhe Center, what do you think?" "

Well, there is everything there, so you don't have to run so many places then!" For

Yangcheng, neither of them had seriously strolled, but had just heard others say it.

This time shopping is a good deal.

"Husband, what do you want to buy?"

In the car, the two began to discuss what to buy later.

"The mobile phone can be ignored, if it is too cheap to buy, and you can't get it, you help me refer to it." "

I have to drive myself, so I can't be distracted from thinking about this, I can only let Ye Yin think about it first."

"By the way, husband, did you think about the reward you said before for the four of Zhao Weizhi!"

"Yes, if you don't say this, I forgot, each of them will send a car of more than a hundred thousand, as a bodyguard has a car of his own, when there is something, it must be a little more convenient than now."

Qin Mo looked at the passing cars on the road, and immediately had an idea in his heart.

"It's really lucky to be able to become your employee Big Brother Qin, just follow a trip, and send a car to each person when you come back, if there is this errand in the future, won't the security department fight for the head and break the blood!" Ye

Yin didn't know, in fact, these four people were beaten out, and this phenomenon had appeared in advance.

"We can't spend enough money now, so it's better to let our employees enjoy the joy as well."

For Ye Yin's statement, Qin Mo was a little disagreeable.

"But now the company spends a lot of money, didn't you just spend three billion before, so that the money can't keep up with the speed of your spending." "

How much net worth her husband has, Ye Yin knows, what she is afraid of now is that the capital chain will be broken.

"Wife, you think too much, we are spending small money now, and it has no impact on the company's plan, you talk about it, now 1.8 million plays a role in our company, and we don't make more money in a day." "

Not to mention the mobile phones I sell every day, and the dividends of ten companies.

The pure taste of Ye's alone now has 400 branches in various counties and districts in Guangdong Province, of which the urban ones are not among them.

The daily interest of each branch in each county is about 8,000 to 10,000.

Even if they count eight thousand, they can earn more than four million a day.

This is what the rate of making money, going to rob the bank does not have so much money.

If you add the branches in the urban area, it is more than five million.

Ye's pure taste earns a day, equivalent to five million a day, or don't have to pay taxes.

Just some time ago, branches outside Guangdong Province have begun to prepare, and only need to have chefs in place by then.

"Husband, I also know how fast we make money, but the money earned will be put into the market in a few days.

Ye Yin is right, the company she is in charge of, in addition to leaving a part of the salary to employees, the rest of the money must be taken out to develop new markets.

"You can rest assured that as long as this project is successful, what we have to worry about in the future is that the money will not be spent, and now Qin Mei's mobile phone is on the right track, and the money earned later is enough to cover the expenses of our two companies." "

For Qin Chuang Technology Company, Ye Yin does not know much, but after Qin Mo's analysis, he has no longer been entangled in this aspect.

"I remember that several high-ranking members of the Ye family still have cars, so you should buy one for them now, so that it will be more convenient for them to work in the future."

Qin Mo parked his car in front of a 4S store.

"Handsome guy, hello, I'm the manager of this branch, Jia Ziang, what do you need my help with?" Jia

Ziang's observation ability can be described as powerful, the vehicle has just stopped, and the person has already walked over.

After seeing Qin Mo who got off the car, his eyes lit up, and he quickly asked respectfully.

"Well, you bought them all, if I don't buy them, won't I be said behind everyone's backs that it is a black-hearted boss, everyone looks, the boss buys a car for the bodyguards of the security department, let's look at the boss lady, the company's top management doesn't have a car..."

For Jia Ziang, who ran over, the two did not answer, but first communicated with each other.

However, Jia Ziang was not unhappy, but clenched his hands into fists, and from the conversation between the two, he got useful information, these people have the intention to buy a car, and the next step is to play on their own.

"Two, please inside!" Several

people who continued to walk down from the car confirmed their thoughts even more.

The three children are obviously the children of handsome guys and beauties in front of them, and as for the two women holding the children, it is no surprise that they should be nannies and the like.

Being able to hire two nannies must be very good.

"Okay, Manager Jia leads the way.

Qin Mo took the second treasure from Yang Xiaotong, followed Jia Ziang, and walked into the 4S store.

"Two of you, how about we go over there and take a look?" As

soon as he entered the hall, Jia Ziang pointed to the luxury car area, in his opinion, if the other party wanted to buy a car, it must be a luxury car.

"No need, just buy it here, I don't buy it myself, but give it to the company's employees." "

The car I bought this time is only Volkswagen's, so Qin Mo does not plan to visit the luxury car area.

"In this way, I don't know handsome guy, what is the price in your heart?" The

two saw that they were rich people and did not buy luxury cars, Jia Ziang would inevitably be a little disappointed, but immediately resumed his professional cultivation and asked with a smile on his face.

"About 150,000, wife, what do you want to send?"

Qin Mo glanced inside before asking.

"You send 150,000, I must send a little better, just 200,000." "

Thinking that my husband sent to ordinary employees at this price, but I sent it to the company's top management, not a grade.

"Two distinguished guests, please come with me, you see, this is a new car that has just arrived, I don't know if I meet your requirements." Jia

Ziang calculated that if there are two cars, the commission is also a few thousand, which is better than nothing.

Ten minutes later.

"Wife, what do you think?" The

first thing I saw was a new car with a price of 250,000.

The guest just said 200,000, and Jia Ziang took it to see 250,000.

"It's okay, the appearance looks very high-end, the most important thing is that the safety performance is very good, so be it!" Ye

Yin thought for a while, compared to the vehicles he knew, and finally felt that this was good.

"Beauty, sure it's this car, then we are going to sign the order now?" Jia

Ziang couldn't imagine that the transaction would be completed so quickly, and it hadn't been even half an hour since entering the door.

"Wait, I have one more question. With

a smile on his face, he turned around and was about to lead the guests to the VIP room.

"I don't know the beauty, what else are the requirements?" "

Hehe, Manager Jia, don't be nervous, don't worry, we'll buy this car!" Seeing

the expression on this Jia Ziang's face, Ye Yin knew what was going on, this was the other party's fear of regretting it.

"Sorry to make you laugh!"

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