"Lawyer Huang, I'm really sorry to disturb you so late, it's okay, I welcome you to my new store at any time."

Back home, Qin Mo walked to the balcony and took out a cigarette.

Now he also smokes a cigarette occasionally, but he is afraid to be seen by his daughter.

Take out your mobile phone and give Mark Huang a call.

"Trouble Lawyer Huang, you don't need to come over in person for this kind of trivial matter, just arrange a lawyer from your law firm to come over. "

Money, this aspect must be given, just according to your standards, how can I be special!" After

making the call, Qin Mo looked back into the hall.

My daughter is still laying out meals.

He took a look at the cigarette in his hand and quickly extinguished it.

"It seems that as long as it is drawn, people will subconsciously. "

I didn't want to smoke just now, but I was thinking about things.

Will not be able to control.

"Okay, okay, it's just for you. "

The smell of smoke on the balcony lamp dissipated.

When he felt that it was almost the same, his daughter had already begun to call him.

This time he learned his lesson.

Now in the store, I took a simple shower.

No need to bring the smell of all your body home.

Looking at Wu Yueyi, it was another dragon horse spirit.

The decadence of last night had been forgotten by her.


I saw that it was a message sent by manager Ding Jianyi.

Qin Mo did not say today's gain this time.

So as not to irritate everyone again.

"Dad, you're so busy now, you don't have time to paint with Xinxin!"

So Qin Mo really has very little time with his daughter.

Every time I came back, it was after ten o'clock in the evening.

Most of the time Ye Yin is with him.

Not to mention teaching her daughter to draw.

"When Dad arranges the affairs of the new store, he will soon be able to accompany Xinxin." Seeing

his daughter so sensible, Qin Mo was really pleased.

But when the new store opens, the real signature is his craftsmanship.

Things in this regard are not arranged.

He Qin Mo still had to be busy for a while.

The two chefs who appeared today gave him a glimmer of hope.

But it takes a little time to achieve this.

The next morning, after checking the accounts of the bun shop and the sugar water shop.

Qin Mo felt that he ran over like this every day.

Although the distance is not far, it is not a way either.

"How did I forget this, Ding Jianyi is not my employee, these two stores are also handed over to him." "

Boss Qin!" Qin

Mo just walked into the Qin family's restaurant.

He saw that two middle-aged men were already waiting for him yesterday.

Looking at the time, there was still an hour before the appointment lawyer came over.

It's only seven o'clock, and no one has gotten up yet.

Unlike those of them who are in the catering industry, they have to get up early in the morning.

"You come up with me, I'll start with a brief description of the situation. "

Watch your boss take two people who are obviously cooks and go up to the second floor.

The employees on the first floor began to be curious.

These two people, everyone saw it yesterday.

"It may be

a good thing to ask the boss to do something,

yesterday I saw the two of them waiting outside for a day, and when I left, I saw that I talked with the boss for a while, and I didn't dare to go over to listen, so I came over the next day."

"It should be a good thing, just now I saw both of them laughing." "

Let's talk about your situation first!"

Qin Mo changed into his chef's uniform first.

The two of them didn't know if they would accept the conditions, so they didn't give them to the two for the time being.

"We both started as apprentices in our teens, and it's been almost fifteen years now. "

Talk to He Lecheng and Dongmingjie for a while.

Qin Mo almost knew their information.

Let the two wait for him outside, now there are guests coming.

He's going to be busy again.

An hour later, someone from Mark Huang's law firm came over.

"Master Qin, my name is Nie Tiancai, and Lawyer Huang is my master. Looking

at Qin Mo, who was not much older than himself in front of him.

Nie Tiancai had to be surprised before coming.

The master repeatedly reminded himself several times that Qin Mo was not an ordinary person.

Be respectful of yourself, as you would for yourself.

"These are all prepared according to your requirements, Master Qin should you take a look." Seeing

that Qin Mo was busy and didn't have time to stop, Nie Tiancai stood next to him with the documents.

If it weren't for the master's person, he would have walked away long ago.

How to say that he is a lawyer in the hall.

"I believe in your professionalism, please trouble Lawyer Nie to explain the above conditions to those two clearly, and I will come back later." "

When I received a call from Master.

Nie Tiancai thought it was some big case.

After seeing the message sent by the master.

Since he was asked to sign two chefs in the past.

Still not famous kind.

Take a closer look at the conditions.

That's too much.

This condition is simply set for chefs, or the kind of famous chefs in China.

Just see the liquidated damages behind, up to 10 million per person.

At that time, I wondered if today was April Fool's Day, and the master joked about himself.

I called back and was immediately searched.

"You don't have any problem with these conditions!"

He Lecheng and Dong Mingjie each glanced at each other.

Without even thinking about it, he picked up the pen on the desktop and signed.

These conditions are simply useless for myself now.

There is only one condition above.

The first is that Qin Mo will be responsible for teaching each person the practice of ten dishes.

In the next fifteen years, he must serve Qin Mo.

If defaulted.

Looking at the liquidated damages above, they had to work for Qin Mo all their lives to pay it off.

Set such a high liquidated damages.

It was that Qin Mo did not want others to do dowry.

The treatment of the two before leaving the master is similar to that of these chefs.

All are covered with food or not, 6,000 yuan a month.

Bonuses and the like are counted separately.

After they really take charge of the cook, Qin Mo will give the two of them the treatment of chefs.

Twenty-five thousand a month, including five insurances and one housing fund.

As soon as I saw that my salary was half higher than my current salary.

The most important thing is to learn skills, which is why the two of them don't even think about it.

The reason why Qin Mo dared to do this was to use the Elementary Learning Aura.

He believes after a month of tuning.

The two of them should be out of school.

In this way, each person is responsible for ten dishes of Cantonese cuisine and Sichuan cuisine.

If Qin Mo wanted to truly stay out of the way, he had to continue to sign two chefs.

However, there is no goal yet.

Besides, teaching the two is almost the limit.

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