"Call everyone back. After

Qin Mo walked out of the office building, the captains were leading everyone to run.

The thousands of people running is spectacular, but the venue is large enough.

If you want to have a good physical fitness, running is indispensable.

Now that you've changed your skills from the system, it's time to try it.

A shrill whistling sound sounded, and the ten captains each led the team members and stood around Qin Mo.

As early as the early stage of construction, Qin Mo thought that when teaching martial arts, he only needed to stand on the central platform, and everyone around him could see clearly.

"Is the boss really good at martial arts?" "

You are not talking nonsense, the captain has said that the boss is the head coach, and he will definitely martial arts." Seeing

Qin Mo standing on the middle one-meter-high platform, the employees below began to discuss one after another.

"Everyone has just warmed up, now I will teach you a set of fighting techniques.

Now Qin Mo was wearing a set of sportswear, and he saw that his words had just fallen, and he began to pose in the starting style of Jeet Kune Do.

"You really want to teach us martial arts, but why is it called fighting?" "

As members of the security department, we are to ensure the safety of the company, and to learn the fighting art of killing the enemy, I think this is the reason?"


captains looked at the team members below who were still chatting, looked back and roared, and then looked at Qin Mo seriously.

Under the roar of the ten captains, everyone gradually quieted down and set their eyes on Qin Mo.

Now Qin Mo could rarely teach them fighting techniques.

This kind of opportunity is a rare opportunity for these captains, and everyone finds that every time they watch Qin Mo, they will gain something.

Some unexpected problems before will feel very easy at this moment.

They find that their memory, comprehension will increase several times.

Qin Mo on the stage has already begun to practice Jeet Kune Do, he fights very slowly, and every movement is explained.

"What's going on, why can I understand what the head coach says, and I can remember what I heard, should I be a martial arts wizard."

"I've watched video tutorials before, and I'm confused, but that's not the case now.

"You find that no, everyone else is like this, one or two is fine, but everyone here thinks so." "

Soon someone found the problem, and the people around them were in the same situation as themselves.

"You see, our captain has been staring at the boss, could it be that all the secrets are in the boss?"

"You still chat, forget what the captain said just now, after missing it, we will regret it." There

were many smart people among the thousand people, and at this time, they realized the problem and quickly looked at Qin Mo on the stage seriously like the captain.

Still others, unknowingly, followed the drill.

After Qin Mo on the stage finished rehearsing it once, he did not stop, but continued to repeat it a second time.

From the second time, half of the people have practiced along.

It can be seen from here that among a thousand people, even if the blessing of system skills, there is still a gap.

It wasn't until the beginning of the third pass that a thousand people all moved.

This face is very spectacular when viewed from a high place, and everyone has practiced it well.

After practicing five times, Qin Mo stopped.

At this time, everyone was silent in Jeet Kune Do.

He didn't disturb everyone and slowly withdrew, even if he passed by some people, no one noticed it.

Qin Mo didn't go far, otherwise the blessing effect would not have been there.

This kind of opportunity is rare, and it is quite a few days to practice for an hour now.

But not everyone can be blessed.

The gap between a thousand is reflected, some people with poor physique, can only last half an hour and fall to the ground.

When these people sat on the ground, they found that everyone was still practicing, and they wanted to get up and continue.

But it was good to give up, and the soreness of their limbs made them unable to stand up.

"Hiss... "It hurts

so much!" "It hurts so much, shouldn't we be practicing fighting like them?" The

soreness in the body made everyone feel very strange at first.

Just now, I just watched the boss practicing a set of fighting techniques, how did it hurt so much when they woke up.

They closed their eyes, recalling in their minds, and found that they remembered half of this set of fighting techniques.

"It's so terrifying, you can do this without even an hour, could it be that what the captain said before is true." "

In hindsight, they quieted down, plus there were some people on the field who were still holding on.

Everyone kind of believed what the previous captain said.

An hour later.

There were only three members of the team who were still practicing on the field, of which Qiu Anzhi was among them.

Ten minutes later.

Only Qiu Anzhi is still insisting.

"WC, is this person so perverted, I can only last half an hour, he is almost an hour and a half, still insisting, does it mean that people are three times stronger than me?"

After seeing that everyone felt the same, everyone looked at Qin Mo in the distance in shock.

At this time, the ten captains had already stopped.

Those who reach their point cannot be the same as the players.

Only the first time will be like this, so it will warn everyone like that before.

But this time they also gained well, just watched the boss drill, better than studying alone for several months.

Such a good opportunity, the members of the security department must want to come.

This time, selecting ten people is no longer a competition.

If so, some people will not have a chance in their lifetime.

Everyone knows that the stronger the stronger.

So there was a rule, as long as they cooperate with the boss to train new members, they will draw lots.

Unless you are going out with your boss, you choose to compete.

"Boss, what a seedling, maybe they are all more powerful than the head of the department. The

ten captains walked to Qin Mo's side and began to discuss Qiu Anzhi.

"It's really good, focus on it!" "

An hour and a half, this time his introduction to Jeet Kune Do has gone a distance, allowing him to practice alone for more than ten years without gaining much today. Qiu

Anzhi, who stopped, quickly realized that something was wrong, his whole body ached, especially in his calves, and after a feeling of weakness, he sat directly on the ground.

"What's the matter, this kind of soreness, since I signed up for the martial arts club for half a year, has not appeared, is there any problem with the body?"

Qiu Anzhi, who was sitting on the ground, found that everyone was staring at him, and quickly looked up and down to see if something was wrong.

"Why are you all looking at me, is there something on my face?" After

carefully checking himself, he found that everyone was still staring at him, and Qiu Anzhi quickly asked the person next to him.

"You don't know what's going on yourself?"

the man said in surprise when he saw Qiu Anzhi ask himself.

"No, what should I know?" This

time Qiu Anzhi was even more puzzled, he was confused.

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