Six minutes later.

The employees at the scene were still in shock and could not calm down for a long time.

They couldn't imagine that the boss had such a vigorous side.

Another two minutes.

Qin Mo did not wake everyone up, he chatted with Xia Yunxin and the four on it.

"Everyone has come to their senses!" Watching

an employee sit down again, Qin Mo smiled slightly.

"Boss, is the party coming to an end?" The

employees below found that there was only Qin Mo on the stage.

"What are you in a hurry, do you want to go back to the bed and put your daughter-in-law to sleep in this weather."

Qin Mo said as he walked to the edge and picked up an object.

"Remote control board?" After

seeing the item in Qin Mo's hand, everyone was even more puzzled.

This is not put by the host before, the lottery is over, what else is he doing with the remote control board?

"Are you curious, what am I doing?" Qin

Mo threw this question to everyone, only to see him raise his hand and press a button in front of everyone.

"Let's see the screen projection change above!" an

employee looked at the projection screen that had ten numbers before, disappeared at this time, and finally a number appeared.

[WC, shouldn't there be a lottery prize

?][This also needs to be said, you look at

what is on the screen?] [There is only one number, so it is really a lottery, the first prize is a car worth 150,000 yuan, this lottery should be the last, what will it be?]

The camera transformation of the live broadcast made netizens notice the number change above.

"Brother An Zhi, 668, it's your number, you didn't fall short!" The

employee behind felt a little familiar when he saw the number on the projection screen.

I quickly remembered that this was not Qiu Anzhi's number.

"Haha, Brother An Zhi, this time you are going to be a guest, and the last time you win the lottery, it should be the grand prize."

"Don't be happy yet, listen to the boss talk about the awards first." Qiu

Anzhi was still a little disappointed just now, and it burned at this moment.

As long as this prize is generous enough, he can convince his family.

This last draw, even the host does not know, just look at the expressions on their faces.

"This time I directly drew the last lucky one, the prize aside, I don't know who 668 is, but also invited him to come to the stage, his reward I personally sent to him, it can be said that he was the last to know and the first to receive the award!" As

soon as Qin Mo's voice fell, the employees below began to look for this lucky man.

"Is it you?"

"It must be you, I just saw you laugh!" "

Laugh a fart, laugh is me, this is the party I laughed from beginning to end, is all the awards mine!" Hearing

Qin Mo shouting, Qiu Anzhi's partner quickly pulled him up and shouted loudly in his mouth.

"Boss, here, 668 is here!"

the shouts of several people were quickly noticed by the

surrounding employees.

Seeing this, Qiu Anzhi could only walk to the stage.

"It's him!" Qin

Mo was surprised to see that the person walking towards the stage was Qiu Anzhi.

"Boss, hello, the 668 number is me!" Walking

up to the center of the stage, Qiu Anzhi held up the number in his hand.

"Who is this person, I haven't seen it before?"

"But the long one is quite handsome!" "

You said that he is a member of this group of security departments who have just completed the formalities." "

No, this has not yet turned right to win the jackpot, luck is against the sky!" Qiu

Anzhi stood beside Qin Mo, and the employees in the audience began to be curious about his identity.

"Don't be nervous, this is not like you!" Qin

Mo looked at the other party, and the expression on his face was tense.

When he saw him, he dared to challenge the captain.

"I'm not nervous, boss!" Qiu

Anzhi was not nervous, he wanted to suppress the excitement in his heart.

"It's not nervousness, it's a little bit of excitement. Speaking

of this, Qin Mo continued.

"Do you know what the reward is this time, and what are the expectations?"

he did not directly announce the answer, but asked Qiu Anzhi first.

At this time, whether it is the scene or the netizens in the live broadcast room, everyone is not in a hurry.

An award that is better than the first prize, so it is still necessary to make a mystery.

"Boss, what you give, I will take!" Qiu

Anzhi will not be fooled, on this occasion, how can he put forward his own ideas, the boss just wants to tease himself.

However, he also has an idea in his heart, what reward is where there is cash.

"Forget it, don't tease you, there are other programs below, light bring things over."

Qin Mo waved his hand towards the backstage, and saw his driver, Sang Guangliang, walking out with a suitcase.

"Your reward is here, open it and take a look, full of dissatisfaction!" After

handing the suitcase over, Qin Mo stood still, smiling and signaling Qiu Anzhi to open it.

[Isn't it, the award is just a box?]

[You are stupid, don't pull everyone stupid, how can it be a box, there must be something else in it, otherwise why did Qin Mo let him open it. [

I know this kid, he is a graduate of our school, why did he run to Qinchuang Technology

?][Upstairs, what school did you graduate from?

][Graduated from

Qing University!]

[WC, Great God, Qing University graduates are awesome. [

Now the conditions of Qinchuang Technology are getting higher and higher, and the graduates of Qingda University are all entering.] [

Strange, he didn't mean to stay in the capital and run back to his hometown.] [

If you don't stay in the capital, it must be better treatment in your hometown, this is a graduate of Qing University, can't you see this clearly?]

Qiu Anzhi, who took the box, felt his hand sink, and secretly rejoiced in his heart, shouldn't it be cash?"

Qin Mo asked Qiu Anzhi to open the box again.

Hearing that the boss let himself open the box for the second time, Qiu Anzhi held the bottom of the box with one hand, took a deep breath, pressed the button, and after a crisp sound, the box slowly opened it.

Qiu Anzhi's eyes flashed red, and he was the first to see it.

At this point, his breathing stopped, and as the box was all opened, his breathing became rapid again.

He is not the only one who imagines this, everyone who sees it has the same expression.

A suitcase of cash, this is really exciting.

"This new employee is so lucky, how much money is this box?"

"At least hundreds of

thousands!" "

Hundreds of thousands, I don't see more, these are new money, so to double, there should be a million!"

What, a million, no, if I get this money, what else will I do, go home directly to enjoy the blessing, you say this employee, will it be the same?" An

employee heard that it was a million and put his thoughts on Qiu Anzhi.

"Definitely not, this is only one million, if you continue to stay in the company, you can earn this money in less than ten years, plus he is a young man, he will not be so short-sighted!" Qin

Mo in the center of the stage looked at everyone's expressions and smiled with satisfaction, this is what he wanted.

"Inside the suitcase is a million, I'm sure someone has guessed. "

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