Today is Chinese New Year's Eve.

Qinchuang Company, except for newcomers, has officially taken a holiday.

Wu Yueyi was no exception, having returned to Shuijiang County as early as yesterday.

When I got up, I drove a new sports car.

This was the sports car that Qin Mo promised to buy for her before.

More than three million cars, the price difference is three times, and the feeling of driving is very different.

Needless to say, the starting acceleration is different.

Originally, she didn't want to go back for the New Year this year, but she might be caught by Ye Yin.

If you don't go back, this sports car will be given to someone else.

In the end, in desperation, he was driven out of the villa by Ye Yin early in the morning, and the front carriage was filled with expensive tobacco and alcohol.

"It's time to go back and see!" I

didn't dare to go back before, because I was afraid that my parents would force me to marry.

But now it's different, I, Wu Yueyi, am a successful lady.

On the way back, she was still a little nervous in the car.

After coming down from the highway, the mood slowly calmed down.

It would have been an hour's journey and forty minutes back.

At this time, it was not yet nine o'clock.

Wu Yueyi believes that her parents still eat breakfast.


The sound of bombers resounded all around.

Grab the attention of early risers.

"WC, who is this, driving a sports car of this level to blow up the street.

"Shouldn't it be renting a car and coming back to pretend?" It's

hard to make money to buy a luxury car this year.

However, if you rent a car, although the daily consumption is high, it is only short-term.

Generally, people who care about face will rent a luxury car and go home and forcibly pretend.

The sports car in front of you can be seen by the millions.

If you can buy millions of cars, at least you have a net worth of tens of millions.

Once a small place makes money, I am afraid that others will not know, and will shout all kinds of hardships in front of everyone, and the one in my family will not do anything except make money.

But I haven't heard of anyone getting rich recently, so only the former possibility remains.

"Really, if you want to pretend, you must also consider the reality, buy a luxury car of hundreds of thousands and millions, others will believe you, but you buy millions of sports cars, isn't this a proper slap in the face?" Chinese New Year's Eve

, most of the people who get up so early are the later generation.

After everyone saw this luxury car, they did not immediately walk away, and everyone wanted to know whose child this was back.

"Could it be the old Wu family?" Seeing

the sports car slowly stopping in front of a three-story building, everyone glanced at the people around them.

"It should be, the cars are parked in front of the door. Under

everyone's discussion, a young and beautiful woman stepped down from the car.

Even passers-by can notice, let alone people who are still in the house.

The sound of the sports car like a bomber also attracted the attention of the people inside.

Finally, the sound stopped outside.


There was a sound of hurried footsteps inside, and it was someone running out.

"Ask Mei why she went, breakfast hasn't been eaten yet!"

was the voice of a middle-aged woman, who shouted loudly.

"Mom, wait a minute, I'll see what's going on inside?"

After making a slight noise from the iron gate, it was opened by Wu Wenmei.

At this time, Wu Yueyi just took out the key and was about to open the door.

"Oh... Big sister is you!" After

opening the door, Wu Wenmei saw a beautiful woman, maintaining a posture to open the door, and a scream came out of her mouth.

"Parents, the eldest sister is back!" Wu

Wenmei's shout could be heard hundreds of meters around.

Originally, the onlookers around were still guessing who it was.

Under Wu Wenmei's voice, he knew who it was.

"It turned out to be Wu Yueyi, she can afford to drive this sports car?"

"I think she should not be able to afford it, even if her salary is high, how can she afford it in only one year."

"Even if it's a million annual salary, you can't afford it, at least a few more years." "

Wu Yueyi works in Ye's Pure Taste, and everyone knows that she is still a branch manager.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see, come back tomorrow and ask if you know." "

Chinese New Year's Eve, everyone has a lot of things to do and doesn't have time to sit down and chat.

"Big sister, why don't you say something in advance when you come back!"

Wu asked Mei to run out, happily taking her eldest sister's hand and circling her.

"Big sister, you're getting more and more beautiful!" "

When did Xue's mouth become so sweet!"

Wu Yueyi pinched her sister's face and said with a smile.

"Sister, it's really annoying, people have grown up, and they always like to pinch people's faces.

Wu asked Mei to say so, but did not push away her eldest sister's hand, but smiled.

"Big sister!" a

teenager came out, his appearance still unchanged.

It looks like he hasn't slept enough, and last night must have been all night again.

"Help together and get everything out of the car. "

Most of the gifts in the front compartment were given to him by Ye Yin.

Among them, there are also good wines collected by Qin Mo's two.

It can be said that this time when she goes home, except for the gifts she bought for her younger siblings, she will not buy the rest at her own expense.

"Big sister, is there a gift from me. As

soon as the three of them carried the gifts and walked back into the courtyard again, they saw a middle-aged couple walking out, it was Wang Huiying and Wu Yangzhou.

"When you come back, is there anything else to take?" Seeing

the three children, all with gifts hanging in their hands, they all had smiles on their faces.

"Mom and Dad, these are for you, and we can go out and get a trip." "

It takes five people to take this gift, and there are mostly cigarettes and alcohol, and you can see how much Ye Yin has gived.

"Just come back, how can you buy such a thing!"

Wang Huiying said accusingly, but with a smile on her face.

"Mom, these are not bought by me, they are all given by the boss, and besides, I am not willing to buy such an expensive thing!" This

pile of gifts adds up, not millions, but hundreds of thousands, and the two bottles of wine alone cost more than 200,000.

"Big sister, is it expensive?" hearing

Wu Yueyi say this, Wu Wenmei asked curiously.

"It's expensive, the most expensive is for Dad."

"Big sister said, don't hide!"


the gift in both hands, Wu Yueyi couldn't pinch her sister's face.

"Hehe, big sister, you want to pinch my face again. Wu

Yueyi, who was exposed, just laughed and continued.

"Look at the two bottles of wine in my father's hand, it costs more than 200,000!" Wu

Yangzhou, who was walking in front, had been listening to the conversation between his two daughters.

I saw that he suddenly stopped and almost collided with Wang Huiying behind him.

"Lao Wu, why are you, it's shocked, it's not good to walk!" Both

of them have wine in their hands, once they fall to the ground, they are broken and their hearts hurt, just now the daughter said, it was sent by the boss, it must be good wine.

"Ahem..." Wu

Yangzhou could only cough twice to cover up his panic, he couldn't say that he was worried about the two bottles of good bars in his hand!

"Okay, hurry in, these things are really heavy!" Wang

Huiying quickened her pace, walked back to the living room, and put down the things in her hand.

These gifts are really not sinking, she is just afraid that they will be accidentally broken.

"Daughter, have you had breakfast?" The

gifts were all placed on the table, finally relieved.

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