Half past five in the afternoon.

"Sister, give me five thousand yuan!" After

returning from shopping, I saw my brother sitting in the hall.

Today the sun rose in the west and I didn't go to play with the computer.

However, as soon as he spoke, Wu Yueyi knew why he didn't play with the computer, this was to want money.

"Why do you want so much money?" Usually

at home, parents still give a few hundred yuan.

Plus now Wu Yueyi's income is good, as long as Wu Yonghao asks his parents for it, he will give it.

However, it will not be given much, generally under five hundred, once in half a month.

"Do you want to buy a mobile phone?"

asked Mei at a glance, seeing through what her brother wanted to do.

"Mobile phone, I almost forgot this, don't think about it for five thousand, and this is a New Year dress bought for you, go in and try it yourself." Wu

Yueyi almost transferred five thousand yuan to her younger brother, but fortunately her sister reminded her earlier.

"Okay!" After

seeing that he was being dismantled, he reluctantly took the bag.

Coquettish threats don't work on yourself, it seems that you have to think of other ways.

Ding-dong Ding-Dong....

The doorbell rang, and Wu Wenmei glanced at the door suspiciously.

"Big sister, you sit, I'll go out to see who it is?" At

this time, Chinese New Year's Eve night, everyone should be at home, how come anyone still comes to the door?

"You're asking Mei, Happy New Year!" After

the door opened, three people walked in, all with gifts in their hands.

"Why are they?" Wu

Yangzhou became even more puzzled when he saw who it was.

The three people who came in were their own relatives.

However, between the two families, there has been no contact for seven or eight years, and it is really strange to come over today Chinese New Year's Eve evening!

"Brother Wu, hello, our family has given you a New Year greeting!" When

Wu asked Mei to close the gate, she saw a small car parked outside, so she came back without closing it.

"This is Yueyi, I didn't think that I had not seen it for so many years, and she looked so beautiful!" Entering

the house, the other party first praised Wu Yueyi, making her scratch her head, this relative she has no impression.

"Yueyi, this is your cousin Li Tairan, she is your cousin Lin Cuirong, and this is your cousin Li Xingteng. Seeing

the doubts on the faces of the two sisters, Wu Yangzhou introduced them separately.

The older one is a middle-aged couple who are close to sixty years old, and the cousin is around thirty years old.

"Brother Li, what are you doing?" For

Li Tairan's family to come over, Wu Yangzhou was also a little happy.

It is also good to have more contact between relatives.

All the previous unhappiness should be over.

Li Tairan worked in the unit and suddenly became a leader seven years ago.

That is, since that time, there has been no contact with Wuyangzhou's family.

He also guessed what the reason was, that is, he was afraid that his family would come to the door and ask for help with his children's affairs.

Especially after her eldest daughter graduated from college, she called and asked once, but Li Tairan found an excuse to fool over.

Now that the eldest daughter is working so well, the pimple in Wu Yangzhou's heart has also disappeared.

After all, they are all relatives, and there is no knot that cannot be untied.

Soon, Wu Yangzhou found that he was thinking too well.

"Actually, we came to the door for a little thing, and we wanted Brother Wu to help.

After the three entered the house, they put down the gifts in their hands, and Li Tairan spoke.

"What's going on?"

Li Tairan's words made Wu Yangzhou even more puzzled.

Although the other party has just retired, but the previous relationship is there, he can't solve the things, can he still help?"

said it, not afraid of Brother Wu to laugh, this stinky boy is not a mobile phone major, wants to change jobs, did not discuss with us, and quit his previous job.

"Brother Li, Xingteng's work is not very good, why did I think of resigning, is it too tired from work." "

There was no contact between the two families, but I also learned about it from other relatives.

Five years after Li Xingteng graduated, he joined a mobile phone company.

Last year, I heard that they all became managers, and now their income is tens of thousands a month.

At the beginning, Li Tairan also thought so, and wanted to beat his son on the spot.

However, after hearing his son's explanation, he could only be cheeky and find this cousin who had not been in contact for seven years.

There was also the matter of my niece three years ago, which could have been solved with just one sentence, but was pushed away by myself.

But for the sake of my son's future, I can only come and try it, maybe it really succeeds.

"No, I almost fainted when I heard this.

Wu Yangzhou asked like this, Li Tairan replied embarrassedly, this kind of asking for people is really uncomfortable, especially the other party's family is not as good as his own.

"No, what's going on?" "

Well, he wanted a better job.

Li Tairan smiled bitterly and continued.

"It's good to change to a better job, young people can think about progress, but what does this matter concern me?"

In the mobile phone industry, I don't know anyone, did Li Tairan hear the wrong news from?"

"That's right, this matter is also related to Yueyi's eldest niece." When

it came to this, Li Tairan directly said the purpose of this visit.

"Something to do with me?" Wu

Yueyi heard this matter involving herself, put her mobile phone down, and glanced at this so-called cousin.

Soon she knew what was going on, this is not Qin Mo's handsome guy in the mobile phone industry.

It seems that this relative figured everything out before he came over.

"Yes, this matter still needs the help of the eldest niece!" "

What's the matter!" Wu

Yangzhou heard that the other party wanted to find the eldest daughter to help, and his face was a little ugly.

Before asking his cousin to help, someone told him later in this matter, in fact, it was not that he couldn't help, but that the other party didn't want to help.

Because not long after he asked for help, Li Tairan helped the children of another relative.

When he thought of this, it was strange that he could have a good face.

I asked you to help before, but now I am embarrassed to come to my girlfriend for help.

"Big niece, the previous thing was wrong with my cousin, it's not strange, I'll be here today, let's go back first." "

But I retired from the unit, and as soon as I noticed that my relative's face was wrong, I immediately got up to leave.

In this atmosphere, it is almost impossible to ask for help from the other party.

The only thing you can do is come back in a few days.

"No need to send us!" After

seeing Li Tairan get up, his wife and son also followed.

"What kind of relatives are these, when they asked for help before, they didn't give a good face, as if they were afraid that we would get on them, and now when they hear feng shui meadows, they are all like dogs and bears that smell honey." Wu

asked Mei to get up and follow behind, ready to go out and close the gate.


After watching the car go away, Wu Qianmei was about to close the door when she heard a sound of footsteps.

"What's the situation?"

curious, Wu asked Mei out of the door.

"It's asking Mei, how did you know we were coming?" This

time the person who came over, Wu asked Mei to know and relatives.

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