Nanjiang County.

Seven o'clock in the morning on New Year's Day.

Wu Yueyi's doorstep.

"Manager Wu!" "

Hard work, Lunar New Year's Day, you have to come out so early!" At

this time, a nineteen-year-old woman got out of the car and pulled her collar with both hands involuntarily.

The weather was too cold, Chen Xin got down from the car and swung coldly.

Hands did not dare to reach out and put them in their pockets.

"It's okay, as long as it's Manager Wu's business, it's my business. In

Chen Yingxin's mind, Wu Yueyi is her reborn parent.

"It's too cold outside, hurry up and put everything away and we'll go. "

In the past, in Shuijiang County, the main luggage I packed was clothes.

Other things used to be available over there.

Before Chen Yingxin came, the family had already packed up their things and put some luggage in the front compartment of the sports car.

"Okay, let's go. "

In less than ten minutes, the luggage was put in the car.

Wu Wenmei was the first to get into the co-pilot of the sports car, and no pedestrians were seen around at this time.

Today is the first day of the new year, and except for some who got up and set off firecrackers, everyone else is still in the bed.

Wu Yangzhou considered that his relatives could not find it, so he put a red piece of paper on the door.

[If you are not at home, you will not come back until the eighth day of the new year. ]

"The eldest sister quickly started the vehicle and let me feel the top sports car. "


A bomber-like sound added some accompaniment to the firecrackers.

"Gone..." The

sports car was like a flash of red lightning.

"Driving so fast, next time you have to talk about the girl." The

two parents in Chen Yingxin's car, looking at the sports car that was far away, said a little worried.

Only Wu Yonghao's eyes flashed with envy.

"Sports cars are like this, if it is not fast, how can they be young and like, but this speed is indeed a little fast, I will talk about her afterwards!"

At this time, the shadow of the sports car was no longer visible, and Wu Yangzhou agreed with what his wife said.

"Girl, which store do you work in?" Bored

in the car, Wang Huiying wanted to inquire about her daughter through Chen Qingxin.

"Aunt, I am currently in a branch in Yangshan City and County, and Manager Wu can see me and let me be the head of the branch.

Chen Qingxin answered questions while opening.

"Yes, you became the store manager at a young age, girl, how old are you this year?" When

she saw Chen Qingxin just now, Wang Huiying thought that she was wrong.

The girl in front of her seemed a little young, and the childishness on her face had not yet dissipated.

"Aunt, I'm just twenty years old this year. "

Chen Yingxin's birthday has not been long ago, so there is nothing wrong with saying this.

"I'm only twenty years old this year, is that not going to college... Sorry, I didn't mean that.

Wang Huiying said it for a while, found the problem, and quickly apologized.

"Aunt, you don't need to apologize, I'm lucky not to go to college. After

Chen Yingxin became the branch manager, after contacting other personnel, he found that he could not go to college to find a good job.

Listening to colleagues in the company, like those universities that are not famous, it is good to be able to find a job after graduation.

As for wanting a good treatment, you have to look at your strength and luck.

Generally, college students come out to work, and their monthly income is less than 5,000, and most of them are still more than 3,000.

Those who earn more than 10,000 a month on the Internet are all graduates of prestigious schools.

"Why do you say that?" For

this, Wang Huiying became interested.

Because Wu asked Mei, the college entrance examination will be held in June next year.

"I didn't have money at home to go to university, because I didn't get good results in the college entrance examination and had to catch the last train.

One semester costs more than 10,000, and after three semesters, the application fee alone will cost more than 60,000.

My parents' income couldn't support me, and I had a younger sister who was in high school and got better grades than me.

So more than a year ago, I made the decision to go out early to work.

This is not working outside for a year, and finally entered the pure taste of Ye's.

As you can guess, the next thing is that Manager Wu gave me the opportunity to become a branch manager.

Chen Yingxin simply said his own things.

"If you go out to work at the age of eighteen, you must have suffered a lot!"

said Wu Yangzhou as he looked at his son sitting next to him.

"My aunt must have suffered this hardship, but things have passed, so I have to continue to look ahead, and I am also studying on my own now, preparing to participate in next year's college entrance examination, one year, I don't want to leave regrets for myself!" Chen

Yingxin's maturity is completely beyond her age, which is the biggest gain from working in society early.

"Do you still want to go to college?" Wang

Huiying asked curiously when she heard the other party say this.

"Aunt, you misunderstood, I am now an adult college entrance examination, I don't need to go to school, as long as I pass the exam when the exam is over, and I can study at home at other times." "

Such a good opportunity to preach on the spot, Wang Yangzhou and his wife will not let go.

"Isn't it very tiring to work like this and study at the same time?"

Chen Ying didn't know why the two of them cared so much about themselves.

But since you want to know that you need someone to talk to, it's better to say it now.

"There is no way, who let himself not work hard when studying, just focus on playing, and regret it now." "

If you were given the opportunity, wouldn't you definitely study hard?" Hearing

Wu Yangzhou say this, Chen Yingxin was surprised for a while, and he didn't know how to answer.

Isn't this nonsense, give yourself the opportunity to definitely study hard, but these can only be thought of.

Besides, I am already very satisfied with my own life now, and I dare not think more extravagantly.

After the Spring Festival, his salary was adjusted again, this time to 18,000.

Among all the branch managers, one step further, is to be at the forefront.

For so many years in a month, including food and accommodation, it can be said that the salary is saved.

I send 8,000 back a month, and there are 10,000 more.

The real consumption should be the car, the monthly fuel cost.

At this time, the general manager gave the company's vehicle to himself.

"Aunt, sure, if I do it all over again, I will definitely study hard, no matter whether I am admitted to a good university later, I will not regret it, after all, I try my best!"

This sentence simply said to the hearts of the two, and now Wang Huiying is most worried about her youngest son.

Now that they have entered high school, they are still the same as before, they do not expect Wu Yonghao to be admitted to a good university.

As long as you stop being addicted to the game and go to and from school like a normal student.

Wu Yonghao, who had been listening to everyone, immediately found that this topic seemed to be alluding to someone.

After thinking for a while, it seems to be talking about himself.

However, he did not dare to lose his temper, so he had to close his eyes.

"That's right, only after suffering can you know the consequences of not studying well, but at this time it is too late to regret.

"Some people are these, living conditions are good, their own talents can also be, that is, waste time on not doing business, hey, some of these people will suffer in the future!"

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