"Miss Ye

!" "Didn't you go back for the New Year, why are you still in Shuijiang County?" "

I can't think of it, I'm back again, not surprised!" By

the time I finished buying the gift, it was already eleven o'clock.

Ye Yin was playing with Dabao Erbao in the villa, and as soon as he raised his head, he saw Wu Yueyi enter the villa.

She quickly let Du Yumeng and Yang Xiaotong look at their two daughters.

Since Dabao Erbao can walk, it can be said that except for eating and sleeping, when he is at home, he has not been quiet for a while.

You wander for a while, and you're going to find someone.

The yard of the villa is not small, there are flowers and trees planted in it, and two children can drill into a place casually, and you have to find half a day.

It appeared once last time, otherwise according to the monitoring, I don't know when I found it.

After Dabao Erbao's two daughters were tired of playing, they fell asleep in a hidden grass.

There was no way, Qin Mo installed more than a dozen monitors in the villa again to ensure that all corners of the courtyard could be taken care of.

In the future, even if the two daughters are naughty and hiding, they don't have to look for as long as before.

It only needs to be found in a few minutes according to the monitoring.

"These are all uncles and aunts!" Ye

Yin ignored Wu Yueyi, but greeted several people from Wuyang Prefecture behind him first.

"Sister Ye, you are really beautiful!" Wu

Qianmei walked over, looked at Ye Yin in front of her, and was amazed by her.

Although Ye Yin is only wearing pajamas and light makeup on her face, compared with her eldest sister, she is even better!

"You are Wu Wenmei, I have long heard your sister say, I finally saw you today, not bad, more beautiful than your eldest sister!"

"Sister Ye, do you think so too?" Hearing

Ye Yin praise herself, Wu Wenmei immediately betrayed her eldest sister.

"Yes, your sister is not comparable to you.

"Hee-hee, thank you Sister Ye for the compliment.

"Wu asked Mei, you are bold and fat, you want to rebel, right, and you want me to buy you something in the future." My

sister said so about herself, and Wu Yueyi threatened her.

"Don't be afraid, your sister won't buy it for you, tell Sister Ye, I'll buy it for you!" Ye

Yin glanced at her girlfriend proudly, this sister believed that she would soon be abducted by herself.

"This is your territory, I accept

defeat!" Knowing

that she couldn't say Ye Yin, Wu Yueyi immediately admitted defeat, but looking at her appearance, this is admitting defeat, and she is clearly grimacing

!" "Don't stand, go back to the living room and sit, it's not me saying you, Wu Yueyi just come over, how can you still go shopping!"

Seeing Wu Yangzhou, the gift in Wang Huiying's hand, Ye Yin counted her down again.

"Hey, it seems that here, as far as I'm an outsider, my sister just said it, and now even my best girlfriend says so, I'm very sad!" Wu

Yueyi walked to Ye Yin's side and immediately put her arm around her and walked in front.

"It's all so big, and it's still not serious day by day!" Looking

at her eldest daughter walking in front, Wang Huiying couldn't help but shake her head.

"It can't go on like this, let's observe these days to see if the daughter company has a good goal." "

Wu Yueyi didn't know that her behavior just now had been targeted by her parents and began to find a target for her, what would she think if she knew that she didn't know?"

This method is good, the daughter's company treatment is so good, it stands to reason that there must be many excellent single men in it, and this trip is right.

When Wang Huiying thought of this, she looked at her daughter walking in front, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

"Hee, big sister, is this considered digging a hole for herself!" Wu

Wenmei couldn't help but secretly laugh when she heard her parents' conversation.

"Ask Mei, what are you laughing at, don't hurry up and follow."

Her sister's laughter made Wu Yueyi feel inexplicable, but she guessed that it must be related to herself.

"Big sister, I'll follow!"

Wu asked Mei to speed up her pace, she could finally see the villa of the male god.

Yes, she is also a fan of Qin Mo, but it is well hidden, and the family does not know.

Thinking of seeing Qin Mo soon, Wu Wenmei's steps became cheerful.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, isn't this a royal palace!" Entering

the villa hall, several people's mouths did not close.

Seeing his daughter's villa before, Wu Yangzhou thought it was luxurious enough.

Now after seeing Qin Mo's villa, he found that his vision had become small.

"This is the palace!" her

daughter's statement, Wang Huiying agreed without thinking.

"Hey, why didn't you see Big Brother Qin?" Entering

the hall, Wu Yueyi glanced at it.

"You said that Brother Qin, now over there at the training base, come back for dinner before twelve. For

Qin Mo to fight like this, Ye Yin has no way.

"It's the Spring Festival, it's still like this, who else has to train?" Wu

Yueyi, who was in the city, didn't know what was going on here.

"Before the holiday, Big Brother Qin recruited some employees, this group of employees included members of the security department and chef apprentices, but they were all closed training. Hearing

this, Wu Yueyi was even more surprised.

"So those employees are also willing?" "

How can they not be willing, eat and live, and get salary!" This

kind of good thing, say that there are a lot of people lining up outside, not to mention that this company is still Qinchuang Technology.

"I almost forgot this, I was willing to do it before!" After

seeing Ye Yin's white eyes, Wu Yueyi found that she was standing in different positions, and she couldn't look at the problem according to her current eyes.

"It's not the same after the Spring Festival, it's not worse than this month!" "

Brother Qin said that it was too late, because this time, the training of new employees of the security department was half a year.

There are also branches outside Guangdong Province, which are almost renovated for a month after the Spring Festival, and the rest of the people are in place, and the chef is poor.

He said that this matter can no longer be delayed, it must be completed early, and take advantage of the Spring Festival to complete the decoration of the branch at the same time!" "

For what Qin Mo wants to do, he can't help himself, he can only support silently and not make trouble for him."

"Miss Ye, this time there are hundreds of branches, can Brother

Qin have time in two months?" If

he guessed correctly, before Brother Qin trained dozens of cooks every time, the time was still three months, and now the conditions in both aspects were not met, how dare he say that it was completed simultaneously.

"You guessed wrong, this time the chef apprentices are 500 people, the number is completely enough, Brother Qin also said, two months, guaranteed to be able to train this group of people to qualify!" Ye

Yin didn't know why, Qin Mo could guarantee like this, but as long as it was what he said, he believed it, so far, Big Brother Qin has not missed a hand.

"500 apprentices, is Big Brother Qin sure he can teach it?" Seeing

Wu Yueyi's startled momentum, Ye Yin covered her mouth and laughed.

"What Brother Qin said

, do you think he can't do it?"

"It's the same, I don't know what he has in his head, and he has so much energy every day

!" "Hmph, you think everyone is like you, lazy to go out of the sky

!" "Please, Miss Ye, I've changed it!"

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