"Each captain comes up and gives a red envelope to each of his members."

Qin Mo himself sent it to the employees is the best, but in this way

, within half an hour,

don't think about sending it.

There are 1,300 people here.

Five minutes later.

Everyone was holding a red envelope in their hands and had smiles on their faces.

"Thank you for the boss's red envelope, I wish the boss's business bigger and bigger!"

"Thank you for the boss's red envelope, I wish the boss's business bigger and bigger!"

"Thank you for the boss's red envelope, I wish the boss's business bigger and bigger!"

Thirteen hundred employees shouted in unison, and in this silent night, it was like an earth-shattering thunder.

Fortunately, this training base is built in the suburbs, and there are not many residents around.

However, those who heard it were still shocked, but everyone was not uncommon.

There is such a training base nearby, and the surrounding residents know it.

That roar just now just added some topics to them.

"Okay, everyone go back to sleep!"

After the red envelope was sent, Qin Mo had one thing left.

Just now in the team, he did not see Wu Yonghao.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Seeing the boss waving towards him, Qiu Anzhi hurriedly ran over.

"Which dormitory does Wu Yonghao live in?"

The second thing, Qin Mo came over to find Wu Yonghao.

"Boss, you want to look for him, but he fell asleep, and I just saw him sleeping, so I didn't call him up."

When he saw the boss at this time, he wanted to find Wu Yonghao, and he thought that the previous matter would let the boss know.

"Asleep, that's just right."

More than an hour ago, he punished Wu Yonghao again for running, allowing him to run ten laps before he could sleep.

But on the fifth lap, he just fainted

, and Qiu Anzhi, who was still scared at the time, was worried, and after the final examination,

he found that it was just a loss of strength.

So Wu Yonghao didn't even take a bath, so he was carried back to the dormitory by Qiu Anzhi and thrown on the bed.

"Lead the way."

Five minutes later.

"What smell?"

As soon as he stepped into the dormitory, Qin Mo smelled a sour smell, and saw him frown.

"Who hasn't taken a bath, this big smell of sweat, and everyone else wants to sleep?"

This smell is too familiar, isn't it sweaty, there is no cleaning to have this smell.

"Boss, actually..." The

others saw the expression on Qin Mo's face, showing a worried expression, Qiu Anzhi hurriedly stepped forward to explain, but was stopped by Qin Mo.

"Okay, I know what's going on."

When Qin Mo was at the door of the dormitory, he just glanced inside and knew what was going on.

I saw him walk to a bed in the back.

Glancing at his figure on the upper bunk, it was Wu Yonghao he was looking for.

"You go get a basin of water."

After instructing Qiu Anzhi, Qin Mo turned over and sat on the edge of the upper bunk.

"Boss, what is he doing?"

The other three people in the dormitory, seeing this situation, quickly surrounded them.

Qin Mo took off his shoes and forcibly endured this sour smell.

First pulled up Wu Yonghao's trouser legs, and then took off his shirt.

"Boss, the water is coming, it's warm water."

Qiu Anzhi stood below, looking at Qin Mo who was sitting on the upper bunk, not knowing what to do next.

"You come up, first touch him, and you go to get a clean top, such cold weather, even if the heating is turned on in the house, one is not careful, it will get cold."

Qiu Anzhi handed the basin to his colleague who did not have a task, and climbed up himself.

"Twist the towel for me!"


Qin Mo took out the silver needle that had been prepared earlier, as well as an alcohol lamp.

At this time, everyone finally knew what the bag Qin Mo was carrying in his hand was.

When Qiu Anzhi wiped Wu Yonghao's body, he disinfected the silver needle.

After everyone tossed and turned like this, Wu Yonghao didn't move at all.

It seems that today is tired enough, and now I sleep so deeply.

"Boss, what else do you need me for?"

Soon Qiu Anzhi wiped it simply, and then asked Qin Mo.

"The clothes are put on first, and you will put them on later."

At this time, the clean top had been taken over, and when Qiu Anzhi was about to put it on Wu Yonghao, Qin Mo asked him to wait, he hadn't even started, and he didn't want to take it off when he put it on and wait.

"This is..." Qin

Mo picked up a silver needle, and in the surprised eyes of several people, the silver needle in his hand disappeared, and the next second everyone was on Wu Yonghao's thigh, finding the silver needle.

This was just the beginning, and Qin Mo's arm flashed rapidly.

Each time represents a silver needle that falls on Wu Yonghao's body.

"It's weird!"

This phenomenon was the first time the four of them saw it, and their faces showed doubtful expressions.

Several people want to ask the boss, what is this for?

Looking at his appearance, it is a bit like a plot on TV, but think about it, everyone feels impossible, this is modern society, how can such a mysterious thing happen.

"Okay, in an hour, you can pull out the silver needle again, just pull it lightly."

In five minutes, Qin Mo had already inserted more than twenty silver needles into Wu Yonghao's body, of which his legs accounted for two-thirds.

"Boss, you are?"

It wasn't until Qin Mo jumped off the bed that Qiu Anzhi dared to ask.

"You say this, there is only one effect, that is, it can quickly improve a person's recovery ability, for example, I give Wu Yonghao an injection now, his recovery ability will at least triple up, I believe that tomorrow will be a dragon and tiger again!"

Qin Mo said lightly, but several people listened, but their hearts were extremely shocked.

At the same time, there was a hint of doubt, the boss should not be joking with them.

This kind of thing, how come I haven't heard of it before.

Everyone has only heard that massage can speed up recovery, and now what we see is acupuncture recovery.

What they couldn't believe was that resilience had increased by at least three times.

This is not a matter of being in television, but real society.

For this Qin Mo has experience, the previous injuries can speed up the recovery, this small problem, then even more so.

"Boss, is there really what you said?"

Qiu Anzhi asked again, and began to envy Wu Yonghao, this kid.

If you have this treatment, then the progress is even greater now.

Unfortunately, only one person can enjoy these benefits.

Just now, everyone also saw that just one person, it will waste nearly ten minutes.

There are a thousand people in the training base, and the boss can't just take care of some people and ignore others.

As for Wu Yonghao, he is the younger brother of the company's top management, his sister is still the best friend of the boss lady, he enjoys this kind of treatment, and others will not say anything.

If you change to his Qiu Anzhi, it will be different.

"It could also be four times!"

You won't know until you come over tomorrow.

"By the way, don't let him know about this, you all remember."

Qin Mo didn't want Wu Yonghao to know, mainly because he was afraid that he would have his own support behind him and be lawless in the training base in the future.

"Boss, don't worry, we promise not to let him know."

"After the silver needle is pulled out, you will put it in this box, and don't try it on yourself, if you are not careful, it will cause you to be paralyzed."

Before leaving, Qin Mo warned again.

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