"Uncle, look at this tea!"

Wu Yangzhou took two boxes of tea from Wu Wenmei alone, and there was not much left, so he walked back and put the tea leaves in front of Wang Yongyuan.


Wu Yangzhou's behavior, whether it is peers or juniors in the living room, everyone looks at the two boxes of tea in front of Wang Yongyuan in confusion to see that the packaging is indeed luxurious.

Can an ordinary employee with a salary of only 3,000 buy good tea, or does he not know the price of the tea he just drank, and thinks that the tea with luxurious packaging is very powerful?

After everyone saw the two boxes of tea, this idea came to their hearts.

But Wang Yongyuan is different, he observes it closely.


Just looking at the box, Wang Yongyuan was a little puzzled, and involuntarily reached out to pick up one of the boxes.

"No, it's just that the packaging looks good, and the eldest brother was really fooled by him."

Wang Yongyuan's actions, everyone was even more puzzled.

"Yangzhou, where did you get this tea?"

When he asked Wu Yangzhou like this, he didn't look down on the other party.

Rather, after thinking about his income, he felt that he would not spend a few years' salary to buy two boxes of tea.

"Where did you get it, of course you bought it, how about this tea!"

Wang Yongyuan asked so, Wuyangzhou was not happy, this is looking down on people, the tea was brought by himself, not bought, could it be stolen!

"Yangzhou, I don't mean that, this tea is better than ours!"

Hearing Wu Yangzhou say this, Wang Yongyuan remembered that he had a small belly, how could he forget this, and he quickly apologized.

"These two boxes of tea are real!"

Wang Yongyuan's apology shocked everyone.

"Huh..." Hearing

these words, Wu Yangzhou's heart was like drinking honey, and there was a smile on his face.

"Uncle, these are gifts for you."

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone was in shock, Wu Yangzhou pointed to the gift he had brought over.

It's just that the two boxes of tea are like this, and those bottles of famous wine are all scared to death.

"And..." Before

everyone didn't care at all, thinking that so many things, at most thousands of yuan, Wu Yangzhou was finally willing to spend so much money and buy so many gifts to send over.

Wang Yongyuan glanced at a bottle of wine on the table and felt that adding two zeros to the back was more than two.

"Put, I'll see!"

A thirty-year-old man walked over, picked up a bottle of wine on the table, and observed it carefully, and soon the expression on his face changed.

Before it was doubt, and then it was shock, and I couldn't believe it.

"Uncle, is your family rich?"

The man is Wang Yongyuan's eldest son, Wang Haoyan.

"Son, this wine is expensive?"

Before the tea, Wang Yongyuan said that it was very expensive, but did not say the price.

Now it was pulled on top of the wine, and a middle-aged woman next to him asked.

She is Wang Haoyan's mother, Lu Yunxi

, "150,000 pieces,

you say expensive or not!"

The two bottles of wine add up to 300,000.

Why does Wang Haoyan know this wine, because he is an executive of a company, has seen this wine at dinner many times, and is fortunate to drink it twice with the boss with the guests, so he was impressed here, and even the box was not opened, just look at the packaging outside, and confirm that it was a famous wine that he drank before.

"150,000 yuan a piece, did I hear it wrong, or did you say it wrong son."

Lu Yunxi glanced around, and the expressions on everyone's faces were the same, which meant that these two reasons were not, and these two bottles of wine were indeed the same as his son said.

What Wuyang Zhou's family is so rich, this is only two years, other things are not expensive, but these tobacco, alcohol and tea, add up to at least 400,000 yuan, it is difficult to win the lottery, do not let how willing to spend so much money on gifts.

"Little sister, did you win the lottery?"

Wang Yongyuan couldn't help but ask, but when he saw it, Wang Huiying smiled and shook his head.

"No, that's weird?"

Soon Lu Yunxi found the problem, and when Wang Huiying shook her head, she glanced at Wu Yueyi beside her.

Until now, the people of the Wang family have focused on the gifts, but they have ignored the people around them.

"Yueyi, you bought it!"

The clothes on Wu Yueyi's body are all famous brands, and the whole body adds up to 100,000.

After seeing the clothes on her body, her eyes lit up, Lu Yunxi did not wear these luxuries, but the circle around her studied these, so she still knew a little.

After carefully confirming it, I finally determined that I knew the brand.

"Aunt, you think too highly of me!"

"It's not you either?"

This time can confuse everyone, not winning the lottery, nor Wu Yueyi paid for it, could it be that Wu Yangzhou bought it himself.

The people of the Wang family would rather believe that the sun rises from the west than believe this statement.

"It was sent by my boss!"

The next moment, Wu Yueyi gave the answer.

In comparison, this answer is also amazing.

This is a thing of hundreds of thousands of yuan, what boss is so generous.

Even Wang Haoyan's company, their boss is worth tens of billions.

The gifts given to executives are tens of thousands of yuan, which is considered good.

And if she is not mistaken, Wu Yueyi should be teaching in Shenzhen City, which is not right with her!

"Your boss?"

"Big sister, it's like this, your niece has changed jobs now."

The doubts on everyone's faces, Wang Huiying saw it, she quickly explained, don't let everyone misunderstand.

"Changed jobs?"

"It's good to change, the big city is under pressure, and if you want to turn this job positive, it doesn't matter, you need to stay up."

When Wang Yongyun heard this, he agreed with Wang Huiying's words, and he had experienced this kind of thing more.

"Yueyi, what are you doing now?"

The boss can be so generous and send hundreds of thousands of things to his subordinates, everyone present wants to know who this boss is.

"Hehe, Yueyi's work, you have all been in contact."

Seeing the opportunity, Wu Yangzhou quickly picked up.

"We've all been in contact?"

Hearing Wu Yangzhou say this, everyone looked at each other, but everyone shook their heads, obviously unable to think of it.

"I know you can't guess, I'll tell you!"

Wang Huiying now knows why Wu Yangzhou is so active in accompanying him back to his mother's house today, it turns out that the real purpose is this, since he wants to perform, the three of them will do as he wishes.

"Ye's pure taste!"

After saying this, Wu Yangzhou began to pour himself a cup of tea, Qian Qianchang for a while, or took the tea leaves by himself to drink!

"The base camp is in the Ye clan in Shuijiang County?"

At this time, if anyone does not know this, they are embarrassed to say that they are locals.

Last night, the Wang family also asked the relationship to go to the Ye family dinner, but in the end they couldn't find the relationship, so they had no choice but to change a hotel and go to the Shangdai Hotel.

"Yes, this is it!"

A cup of tea was drunk by Wang Yangzhou for the second sip, and he closed his eyes to taste the sweetness in his mouth.

"So, Yueyi, what position do you hold inside?"

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