"What, chef, both of them were taught by Senior Brother Qin!"

Wang Xinrong wondered if he had misheard.

Chef, this is not a road product.

Even if you are not in this industry, you know that if you want to become a chef, the hardships are made over time.

The two people in front of him, the older one is in his twenties, and the younger one is not eighteen years old.

Counting the time it takes them to learn cooking, it will definitely not take more than five years.

Because they are not from a science class, they have learned cooking since they were young, and they just learned cooking with Qin Mo.

It can be seen from here that the time for the two to learn cooking is similar to the time when Qin Mo made his fortune.

"Why, Mr. Wang, you don't believe this, there is no time today, tomorrow I will take you to see it, although the two are chefs, but compared with the boss, there is still a gap, I am afraid that you will be disappointed after eating the meals cooked by the boss!"

Ding Jianyi explained painstakingly.

"Wait, if you say so, isn't that Brother Qin even more powerful than the chef."

Wang Xinrong was taken aback by his own thoughts, being able to teach two such powerful apprentices in such a short period of time, you can imagine how powerful Qin Mo is.

"Are you going to continue watching here, or are you going back to the living room?"

Ding Jianyi glanced at the scene inside, he calculated in his heart, it would take almost fifty minutes to eat, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and Qin Mo's time was very accurate in this regard.

He had seen Qin Mo cooking many times, and he was already commonplace, so he didn't feel much surprise, staying here was also a waste of time, it was better to go back to the living room to drink tea.

As for the few of them who want to stay and watch, it is up to them.

"Manager Ding, you go and get busy, let's stay and take a look."

Seeing the other side of Qin Mo, Wang Xinrong was the most curious.

"Husband, look at how powerful people are, and then look at you, you can cook a meal!"

Yan Yujia watched for a while and admired one after another, and then compared it with her husband.

"Ahem... Wife, this is not comparable, besides, we have money here, do we need to cook ourselves?

"If you have money, you don't need to cook, now Boss Qin is also worth close to 100 billion, but still cook, in the end, it's not that you want to be lazy."

Wang Xinrong's statement, Yan Yujia did not think so.

"Don't talk about anything else, just say I'll make it, do you dare to eat it?"

As soon as a sentence came out of his mouth, Yan Yujia was pushed back by this sentence.

"Okay, let's not talk about this first, let's take a look before talking!"


six o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone was already seated and seated at the table.

"Manager Ding, where is the wine you said?"

It hasn't started yet, and Wang Xinrong has not forgotten the purpose of coming this time.

"Mr. Wang, it has already been prepared for you."

Ding Jianyi got up and left the table, walked to the side, and soon came over with two bottles of wine in his hand.

During this process, Qin Mo kept looking at him.

"Manager Ding, when did you remember the wine I put there?"

Looking at the two bottles of famous wine that Ding Jianyi took over, the corners of Qin Mo's mouth couldn't help twitching, he had only put it on for less than a few days, and he knew it.

"Boss, you also need to know that the location of your wine, in addition to the storage room, another location is this cabinet."

Ding Jianyi said proudly, feeling that he was very happy to know the boss.

"Let you go this time, count your luck, next time I want you to fill the vacant seats."

What Qin Mo said, Ding Jianyi did not pay attention to it, took two bottles of famous wine and walked to Wang Xinrong's side and gently placed them in front of him.

"Mr. Wang, look at these two bottles of wine, are you satisfied?"

Wang Xinrong picked up one of the bottles of wine, and then said with a smile: "Manager Ding, if you do this, you are not afraid that Brother Qin will fire you!"

"I'm afraid, how can I not be afraid, but when I think that as long as I entertain Mr. Wang, the company can be completed ahead of schedule and earn tens of millions more, or even hundreds of millions, I am willing to bear this!" Ding Jianyi's serious appearance made people who knew his character can't help but want to step forward and knock him out.

"In this way, Manager Ding, this sinner is what I want to do, and you have to drink a few more drinks later."

Drinking must have this atmosphere, at this time there is no identity difference, only in this way to drink can be released, drink refreshing, Wang Xinrong likes this atmosphere.

"Mr. Wang, this is unacceptable, you still have to look at the opponent when drinking, as far as my three-legged cat kung fu, I dare not warm you up."

Ding Jianyi couldn't think of himself, this was lifting a stone to shoot himself in the foot, he wanted to explain, but Wang Xinrong didn't listen to him at all, picked up the wine bottle and opened it familiarly, and first filled him with a glass.

"Manager Ding, I can get to know you, this glass of wine for the two of us to dry first."

Wang Xinrong had already filled two glasses of wine, picked up one by himself, pointed to the glass on the table and said.

"Mr. Wang, shouldn't this first glass of wine honor our boss?"

Looking at the two or two cups, after they were full, Ding Jianyi began to regret what he had just said.

"Don't say, you don't see that Brother Qin has no opinion."

"Mr. Wang, since you are so happy, then you should drink a few more drinks with Manager Ding and warm up first!"

Ding Jianyi, who wanted his boss to save himself, could only helplessly take up the wine glass, but Qin Mo not only did not help, but also let himself drink a few more glasses.

This wine is indeed a good thing, but you can also drink your own amount.

A few glasses, that's close to a pound of wine.

For your own amount of alcohol, even if you don't participate in the future, don't think about doing anything else tonight, go to bed early.

"Manager Ding, Brother Qin said so, you warm up with me."

"Haha..." The

other employees at the table, seeing Ding Jianyi deflated, with the first person taking the lead, the others couldn't help but laugh.

"Manager Ding, you see that everyone is looking at you, you can't admit it so quickly, and you told me how good you drink before."

Ding Jianyi is now bitter and can't say it, did he say this, it seems to be the boss's amount of alcohol.

"Okay, then I will lay down my life to accompany the gentleman!"

From the moment Qin Mo spoke, there was no way back for him to refuse.

"Every time, I pick my most expensive wine, this time I can clean you up."

If Ding Jianyi knew what the boss thought, I don't know if he would dare to do this in the future.

But with his usual style, this is certainly not the first time.

He is such a person, the amount of alcohol is not good, but he likes to drink two glasses, once he meets someone who drinks well, it is to find guilt.

"Okay, Manager Ding, you still said that you can't drink enough, come, let's continue, drink three glasses first!"

Wang Xinrong's amount of alcohol is somewhat genetic, plus the exercise in the later stage, there is no problem within three catties.

Therefore, the three cups he just said are warm-ups and are not wrong.

Six taels and three catties, but there is a fivefold difference.

"No, you drink first, I'll eat some food first."

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