"You've finally made a true friend."

What Yan Yujia said is true, her husband's previous friends, either talking about drinking or business, no one has ever really cared about your body.

"A friend like Boss Qin, no amount is too much!"

Personally gave Wang Xinrong a bowl of soup.

After getting drunk and not eating for half a day, it is better to drink a little more warm soup.

"It's so comfortable, it turns out that drinking soup is also a pleasure."

The soup just now just relieved the headache, and the stomach was still a little uncomfortable, and now after a bowl of warm soup, Wang Xinrong squinted his eyes and made a comfortable sound.

"Husband, don't sigh, yesterday because you only cared about drinking, we didn't do a lot of etiquette, we have to go later."

Seeing her husband like this, Yan Yujia had to remind her.

"Don't worry, I know all this, but I see that Old Brother Qin's family is not lacking anything, and sending those things seems very old-fashioned."

"It's really not possible, then you can only seal a big red envelope."

Wang Xinrong thought for a while, and he couldn't think of any good way.

"Husband, what is the main purpose of our coming this time?"

At this time, Yan Yujia remembered something and quickly reminded Wang Xinrong.

"Aren't you here to care about the progress of Brother Qin's project?"

When he said this, his eyes lit up, and he knew what he was going to do later, so he grabbed Yan Yujia's hand and laughed.

"Hahaha... It is worthy of being my good sage, and I always remind me when I can't remember.

With an idea, Wang Xinrong sped up the speed of eating.

"Mom and Dad, I won't follow me later, I heard that there is a playground here, and I want to take my sister to see it."

Wang Xinrong has a boy and a daughter, son Wang Yingyi, 15 years old this year, and daughter Wang Yingying, 12 years old this year.

"It's okay to go, take your sister with you!"

Originally, Yan Yujia did not want to let her children go out, a small county town in a new township, what playground can there be, is it not to fool the countrymen, in the big city, what kind of playground has not been seen.

"Mom. You can rest assured, I am fifteen years old and can take care of myself and my sister. Hearing

that Yan Yujia wanted to say something reasonable, the young Wang Yingyi was a little impatient.

"Mom, I went out with my brother, we are very well-behaved, you don't know anymore, dad, you eat slowly."

In order to wait for Wang Xinrong to wake up, both of them stayed in the room for a morning, and now they see their father wake up, and there are still things to be busy waiting for later, the two don't want to follow their parents to socialize, of course, if they eat, that's another thing, last night's meal was too fragrant.

"Brother, are we really going to the playground?"

Out of the door, Wang Yingying hurriedly asked, thinking that it should be her brother to find an excuse to come out and find a playground here, even she would not believe it.

"We're going to the playground!"

Seeing the puzzled expression on his sister's face, Wang Yingyi responded.

"Brother, aren't the playgrounds here all played by children of a few years old?"

When Wang Yingyi said this, her sister felt puzzled.

"You think I'm coming up with a random excuse, right?"

The expression on Wang Yingying's face has already explained the problem.

"You don't know, I'll take you to see it later, there is really a large playground here, of course, there is still a bit of a gap with the big city, but it is also good in China, you will know when you see it."

What Wang Yingyi said was as if he had seen it before, and he said it so affirmatively.

"No, brother, you haven't been here, how do you know?"

Wang Yingying hurriedly quickened her pace to keep up with her brother's pace, and seeing that she was walking too fast, Wang Yingyi also slowed down.

"So knowing, it must be from the Internet, some time ago this playground, but it is very famous on the Internet, a mountain kara, everyone did not expect that there would be such a large playground, so many people came over."

"On the Internet, I also have Internet access, well, why didn't I see it?"

Thinking that she also often surfed the Internet, but did not see the news that her brother said, she felt that Wang Yingyi must be lying.

"Sister, what kind of websites do you usually watch, I browse the news of major websites, which is like you girls watch idol dramas every day, and I am embarrassed to say that I go online!"

Wang Yingyi said this and gently tapped his sister's head with his finger.

"Brother, you are so annoying, people are not children anymore, and like this, I won't play with you in the future."

When Wang Yingyi wanted to continue, she had already dodged and grimaced at the other party.

"Haha.... In your brother's mind, you will always be a child. After

the two went downstairs, they began to get confused, they were very strange here, and one thing they forgot, Shuijiang County is not a big city, plus it is the Spring Festival, it is almost impossible to take a taxi, the only means of transportation is motorcycles, let their two children sit, and really dare not.

"Brother, do you know where the playground is, and how do we get there?"

Wang Yingying began to look around, wanting to find someone to help, after all, this place is still in the company.

"You two, where are you going?"

A few minutes later, a woman came over, she was the duty officer of this building, Feng Jiyue.

The day before yesterday, the guests who stayed in, she received instructions, this group of guests are very honorable, now see two young girls, looking at the confusion downstairs, quickly came over and asked.

"Beautiful sister, my brother and I want to go to the playground, but we are not familiar with the road, and we don't know how to get there."

Seeing Feng Jiyue coming over, Wang Yingying quickly asked.

"In this way, you guys wait a minute, I'll figure it out."

Your job is this building, and if you want to make progress in your work, you have to seize the opportunity, and Feng Jiyue is like that.

She walked back into the duty room and made a phone call to the security department.

During the holidays, the only people who could be found were the employees of the security department.

"This is the Security Department, what is the matter?"

"Well, we have the boss's guests here, they want to go out, or two children, but I can't contact the boss, so I can only ask you what you can do."

Feng Jiyue does not need to say his department, the other party's phone show can know.

"Okay, you wait a bit, I'll arrange for someone to come over, and you let the guests wait a bit."

As long as it is the owner's guest, their security department is the first time.

"That's bothering you."

Feng Jiyue did this, just thinking that when he was promoted in the future, he would mention today's matter, then the situation would be different.

"Okay, no trouble, it's all for the boss."

After hanging up the phone, Feng Jiyue walked out.

"Are you going to come in and sit?"

After coming out, Feng Jiyue wanted the two to return to the duty room and wait.

"Sister Beauty, we're waiting here, who did you just contact?"

While waiting, Wang Yingyi wanted to know who would send them out.

"It's our boss, the company's security department."

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