"Boss, do you follow your orders, these ten people are the hardest working employees in various departments!"

"Boss, why are you doing this, the company's current reputation has been beaten, you can find anyone who wants to recruit, why choose from the ordinary employees below." "

As a qualified manager, they see who is useful and arrange for him to be on it, only then can they maximize the benefits."

"Young people, in general, give them an idea, if they all want to be salted fish, the company can continue to develop, our company must be dynamic. Hearing

Ding Jianyi say this, Qin Mo smiled, he knew that Ding Jianyi always put the interests of the company first.

If you want to be salted fish, let them go to other companies, our company does not raise idlers.

Recently, Ding Jianyi has also seen this phenomenon in the company.

He was going to do it, all of them were not motivated, they were all troubled when they saw it, this matter had been mentioned to Qin Mo several times, but they were all rejected.

"As long as they do their job well, they can touch the fish without affecting the work, Manager Ding, you can't ask everyone to be like you!" This

is why Qin Mo values him and is extremely responsible in his work.

"Okay, you're the boss, what you said is right!" "

Manager Ding, don't be angry, my business empire in the future, but I will rely on you to open up the territory!"

Ding Jianyi saw that his persuasion several times was useless, and the expression on his face could be described as wonderful.

"Manager Ding, these are small things, your things still think that in half a year, the construction site over there will be completed, and there are still many things waiting for you to do."

Qin Mo got up and personally poured a cup of tea for Ding Jianyi.

"One more thing, this month's outstanding employees, give them ten.

After pouring the tea, Qin Mo's fingers tapped a few times on the table, and at the top was a resume, a young man, Li Xuesong

"Boss, I know this, if there is nothing to do, I will go out first!" Ding

Jianyi got up and was about to leave.

"Okay, by the way, one more thing is that starting this month, the bonuses of employees have doubled.

"Understand, boss, it is a blessing to be your employee. "

Squeak... After walking out, Ding Jianyi closed the door.

"Qiu Anzhi!" Qin

Mo pulled out a random one from his resume on the desktop, and he couldn't imagine that it was an acquaintance.

After more than two months of training, everyone's progress is gratifying.

However, Qiu Anzhi is even more outrageous, and the ten captains are not his opponents.

Qin Mo felt that he had no effect if he stayed in the training base, so he put his resume on the table.

"How can the graduates of Qingda University be placed in the security department, isn't this a waste of talent. Looking

at the information on his resume, the corners of Qin Mo's mouth turned up slightly.

He then picked up the resume on the table and looked at it one by one.

"I'll give you the opportunity, it's up to you to compete!" Among

the ten ordinary employees, they are all about twenty-five years old.

The highest education is Qiu Anzhi, a graduate of Qingda University.

The lowest education is Li Xuesong, a high school graduate who worked outside for seven or eight years before joining the company.

I remember Ding Jianyi, when he saw this Li Xuesong's information, he was strongly opposed, scolding the head of his department, whether he has been working overtime recently, such a low education, it is already good to be able to become an employee of the company, and now he is recommended to enter the company's management.

If Qin Mo hadn't appeared in the end, Li Xuesong would have been killed directly.

Among the ten people, nine people can go to a university no matter how bad, but this Li Xuesong is so good that he doesn't even go to college.

"It's time to get busy with your own business!"

Qin Mo got up and walked to the door, saying to the secretary outside, don't let others come over to disturb him, and want to rest for a while. Then he locked the door and walked back to his seat.

The mobile phone opened up the international market, Qin Mo directly gained 80 billion points, plus before, it was enough for him to have a wave of luxury lottery.

After two years, Qin Mo summed up a truth.

You can't just focus on producing mobile phones, but also solve problems on devices.

Now that some of the equipment in the production department is imported, and now that his company's mobile phone has entered the international market, he is worried that if there is a problem with the equipment, those people will disgust themselves in this aspect.

Therefore, Qin Mo wanted to find relevant technology from the system, and developed the equipment by himself, and the automobile production workshop that was about to be established also needed equipment.

"Do you want to use 30 million points, ten consecutive draws?" As

Qin Mo closed his eyes and thought about it, a turntable appeared in his mind.


Now Qin Mo wanted to draw hundreds of millions of points, but he was helpless, and he could only draw ten consecutive points at most.

The system deducted 30 million points, and the turntable began to turn rapidly.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing Lu Cai (Intermediate). "

Congratulations to the host for drawing snooker (full level). "


"Congratulations to the host for drawing astronomy (full level). "

Congratulations to the host for drawing geography (full grade). After

the turntable stopped, Qin Mo couldn't believe that he had drawn three full-level skills, but these were a bit chicken for himself now.

"Why, the others can't work, the system you are playing with me, do you want me to become a scientist!" Any

of these three skills that others get, they can not be enjoyed for life, but unfortunately they have no effect on themselves at present.

"Do you choose to absorb skills?" Qin

Mo was ready to faint, this is a comparison of three full-level skills, and the amount of information in it must be huge, especially astronomy.

However, he couldn't imagine that the system would be upgraded again.

"Hahaha... This function is good, don't worry about the sequelae in the future. "

With this function, as long as I absorb some every day, the sequelae will not exist.

"Go on, with such good luck today, you have to smoke more. Three

full-level skills were drawn at once, and Qin Mo felt that Lady Luck must be standing behind him today.

"Do you want to use 30 million points and draw ten consecutive draws?" Qin

Mo did not hesitate at all and continued the second round.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the game (intermediate). "

Congratulations to the host for pumping gymnastics (elementary).

"Congratulations to the host for pumping sanda (full level). "


"Congratulations to the host for drawing mold design and manufacturing (full level). "

Congratulations to the host for drawing the equipment modification (full level). "

Congratulations to the host for drawing CNC (full level).

Qin Mo's face changed rapidly now, and his excited body began to tremble.

Ten consecutive draws actually produced four full-level skills, three of which could be used immediately.

Qin Mo didn't think about it, and directly chose a skill to absorb.

"Haha.... Not only is Lady Luck here today, but I am also possessed by the Emperor!" Only

this explanation, Qin Mo can explain, twenty draws to get seven full level skills, which is close to half the chance.

It could be drawn hundreds of times before, but not a single full-level skill was drawn.

"The iron still has to be hot, let me go crazy today!" Qin

Mo closed his eyes and started the third round of the lottery, and then he didn't check the rewards, and didn't stop until the tenth round.

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