
The first person to try was Yu Xuemin.

Skeptical, he tried the first small sip.

The entrance is instantaneous, unlike other soups, delicious with coolness.

Before a little numb the tongue, in this can slowly become sensitive.

After a few scoops, it has been restored as before.

"Chef Yu, I didn't think that this soup still has this effect, it can amplify the sensitivity of the tongue, so that we can taste the advantages and disadvantages of the food."

"This is not the point, our task is to evaluate delicious food, in the case of ensuring color and aroma, it can have other effects, this Qin Mo really dares to make this dish on such an important occasion!"

In everyone's opinion, the difficulty of this dish is not ordinarily small.

There is also an innovative piece that no one has ever done before.

"Give the rest of the soup to the audience!"

The operation he just did has already made the audience dissatisfied.

Yu Xuemin glanced at it, and there were still three-quarters of the amount left.

Distribute it well, at least more than seventy people can taste it on the spot.

On this amount, it is another lesson for everyone.

Under the premise of guarantee, there is also to make such a soup, a real pot.

"Isn't it, we can taste it too?"

Soon the surrounding audience discovered one thing.

The staff took out some disposable bowls and chopsticks and filled the small bowls with a little soup.

Until the last few staff members, carrying bowls, came over and sent some spectators over, the audience behind began to regret why they didn't come earlier, so that they could stand in front.

"I just went to the toilet, this is good!"

There are also some viewers who have something to do and walk away temporarily, and regret it after returning.

"It's delicious, this is the best soup I've ever drunk in my life, but unfortunately there are too few, only one mouthful, I haven't enjoyed it yet, I already know to taste it slowly!"

One spectator couldn't wait to drink the soup in one gulp.

"Hehe, such a delicious soup, that's to taste slowly."

The rest of the audience attracted the lessons of the previous and began to taste them slowly.

"Chef Yu, we can score here."

The audience below did not affect the rating on stage.

Seven judges, plus three special guests, have already written their scores on the scoring board.

"Okay, then let's shine!"

Asking for the consent of the scholars, everyone raised their signs.







Of the ten judges, half scored a perfect score, and the remaining five also scored 9.9 points.

In the end, Qin Mo's total score came out, 99.5 points, temporarily ranking first.

But everyone sees this score and knows that the first place has been decided.

Because when the second place came out, everyone was also shocked, it was 99 points, it was a girl.

"Such a high score, and cutting the queue, is there an insider!"

When the score came out, some players were not convinced.

However, the people who knew Qin Mo, they did not make a move.

From the moment I saw him appear here, the first place has been decided.

Only some who do not know the situation, talk to themselves, and dare not speak loudly.

The opinions of the audience behind the stage are great, they will not care about this, and directly make noise on the spot.

"What you don't know, let's say less, we all feel that this score is low."

The audience in the front row was unwilling, the audience was more than 200 people, one-third of them supported, half of them were hanging high without caring about themselves, and only a small number of people had opinions.

Just make noise for a while, and then slowly quiet.

These opponents originally wanted to say that these people were also bought.

As soon as a few of them spoke, they were interrupted and found that they were people they knew, had their own bosses, or liked people.

"Is it really that delicious?"

Thinking that they were being bought, these people did not believe it, and finally had to shut up.

Ten minutes later.

All contestants have been judged by the judges.

In the end, it lived up to expectations, and the first place was still Qin Mo.

"Master, I knew it was you, it's too powerful!"

It wasn't until Qin Mo finished his own work that Fu and Tai and Leng Xinyi walked to the master's side.

Now that the final results are announced, the happiest person on the field is Leng Xinyi.

People who don't know, they thought it was she who won the first place.

Qin Mo himself just smiled, without much mood swing.

If there is a fluctuation, it is also a breakthrough in his culinary skills.

The skills you draw today will make your own meals more delicious in the future.

"Due to time constraints, this time the prize will be awarded, only the top ten will be awarded, the other winners, the prize will be delivered to you by our staff, don't worry that this can't be won."

"Well, now there is a tenth winner to come to the stage to receive the award, he is Liu Lekang, forty-five years old this year, the chef of Xintiandi Hotel, he has been in contact with the chef industry since he was eighteen years old, and he has 27 years of experience, let us give him warm applause, I hope he will go further in the future!"

As the host's voice fell, a middle-aged man, wearing a white chef's uniform, slowly walked up to the podium and received the prize from a judge.

"Well, the next place is the ninth, he is the chef of XXX Western Restaurant, Lin Yang, 30 years old this year, let me welcome him to the stage with warm applause to receive the award."

Lin Yang, who always thought he could win the championship, now only finished ninth.

The cruelty of reality made him realize that Chinese food was not over yet, but he couldn't see it.

In desperation, he could only walk to the rostrum in disgrace and receive the rewards he had obtained.

"Now it is the eighth place, everyone must be curious who it is, he is a chef in our magic capital, I believe that most of the people who have traveled there have heard of his name, Duan Heyi, he is only thirty-five years old this year, he has only been in the chef industry for ten years, and he has a great future..." Compared

to others, this winner is not wearing a chef's suit, but now he has changed into a well-fitting suit, plus his good appearance," Everyone thought he was a company executive, not a chef.


"Now is the most exciting moment, the fourth winner, so young, you dare not think, in so many masters, can still get this rank, he is the chef of Qin's restaurant, Xing Yingwei, only 21 years old this year, don't you dare to believe it, now I have invited him to the stage to let everyone get to know him..." Originally

, Xing Yingwei had given up receiving the award, and saw that he not only could not enter the top three, but also saw the former deceased.

However, he was reluctant to accept the prize, tangled for a while, and then stayed, and when he walked onto the rostrum, his face was a little ugly.

"It is worthy of being a young hero, or if others are in this rank, they will definitely be very happy, but our criminal chef is not satisfied, I hope he can get his satisfactory results in the future."

Hearing the host say this, he smiled bitterly in his heart, if he can't get it now, he won't get it even more in the future.

As long as he is there, the previous ranking will not be with him in the future.

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