"Elder Lin, what do you think of this car body?"

"It is worthy of being the chief designer of a large company, a word of praise!"

Two months later, after the two of them divided their work, I don't know how many times they met, and this time was about to be the last.

Under the efforts of Xiang Feiyu and fifty employees, all the problems have been overcome, and now the first car body has been manufactured.

Not only Lin Tianlu praised alone, everyone else gathered around, and the praise in his mouth was not stingy at all.

"This car body is beautiful and generous!"

"Elegant and chic, the momentum is extraordinary!"

"All in one!"

"You see, forget it, I don't know, what words to use to describe it!"

"I thought that as soon as this car comes out, there will be no opponent!"

When the employee saw others, they all said the words they wanted to say, and held back for a while before thinking of one.

"Xiang Gong is really powerful!"

Seeing everyone's praise, Xiang Feiyu was embarrassed to speak.

If these are all my own credit, I am happy to accept them.

But the premise of all this is that under the drawings provided by the boss, he just eats through the above content and then manufactures it.

But seriously, add a little insight to it.

This makes the whole body look even more perfect.

"Everyone has passed the award, I am just an executor, the really powerful person is still the boss!"

Now the company knows Qin Mo's ability, it is these technicians.

Every time there was a technological breakthrough, Lin Tianlu and Xiang Feiyu did not take the credit on themselves, but pushed Qin Mo behind them.

"Don't say, everyone only remembers this, but we studied it."

Qin Mo had already said that regarding the technical aspect, let the two of them block in front.

People outside don't know that Qin Mei's success is driven by Qin Mo behind, this is a systematic man.

"Well, don't talk about me, but you Lin Lao is powerful, and you can make the chassis more perfect on the original basis."

The trials of both came out, and the data was a pleasant surprise.

"Okay, let's not praise each other between the two of us!"

Lin Tianlu pointed to the surrounding employees and said, before the two of them talked, the others pretended not to hear.

"Elder Lin, Xiang Gong, what did you just say?"

Sun Hongwen said a word at the right time to dissolve the embarrassment of the two.

"Now there are only electrical equipment left, a month, see if we can overcome it!"

The last part, Lin Tianlu, Xiang Feiyu and the two do not plan to divide labor.

"Well, this time Elder Lin is the master, after all, in this regard, your rich experience, I will give you a hand!"

Xiang Feiyu immediately did a good job of dividing labor.

"Well, I can't imagine that there is one day when I can let the senior engineer give me a hand!"

Engineers in the automotive industry are inherently difficult to examine, let alone advanced.

Xiang Feiyu, a senior professor-level senior engineer, is a senior position.

There are five levels of engineers, technician, which is a member-level position, and then assistant engineer, which is a junior position.

At this point is the engineer, the middle position.

Senior Engineer, Deputy Senior Position, Professor-level Senior Engineer, Senior Position.

From here, it can be seen that if you want to advance to the last level, the difficulty can be imagined.

"Being able to give Lin Lao a hand, I don't know how many people want to squeeze their heads now."

Xiang Feiyu's, Lin Tianlu felt comfortable in his heart.


a month later.

"Not bad, since you two finished a month ahead of schedule, it seems that my previous worries are superfluous, or underestimate the ability of the two."

It was still the same position, but this time, Qin Mo was invited over.

Then it's time to witness the moment in history!

The last part left, not to mention Lin Tianlu, Xiang Feiyu, and even other employees can complete it, which shows that everyone's progress in this period of time is not small.

After six months, they didn't know much better than their classmates who walked out of school.

With two big guys by their side for personal guidance, it is difficult not to make progress.

A little bit of progress every day, don't look down on this.

After the other students came out and entered the factory, even if there were acquaintances arranged.

It's just a miscellaneous, in such a short time, it's better to adapt to the working environment first.

If you are unlucky, it is to pour tea for the master and so on, you simply do not have time to study.

When you have the opportunity, you are already tired at this time.

I just want to sit down and rest for a while, where there is still the mind to learn.

"Well, it's still the old rule, the two of us divide the labor, see if we can assemble this car within today."

Xiang Feiyu had to finish it within a day, but he invited the boss over.

The previous big problems have been solved, and now this cannot be completed, and there is no face to meet the boss.

Now there is only one set of equipment, which is ordered back at a high price abroad.

Other devices come back in up to two months.


Assembly starts at nine in the morning and stays busy until five in the afternoon.

In the middle of the lunch, everyone was not in the mood to go to the cafeteria, and directly let people pack and take it.

After not seeing the results, everyone could not calm down.

"Whew.... Finally completed, this is our half a year of hard work! A

silver-white car, parked in front of everyone, circled Xiang Feiyu, put his hand on it and gently stroked, and his mouth sighed from time to time.

"This is what we developed in-house, I really can't believe it."

"It's so beautiful, this car is on the road, and the rate of turning back is not leveraged!"

"I think about being able to drive the car I developed in the future, and I really look forward to this day."

Once the car is assembled, the next step is the testing phase.

If the testing phase can't pass, your previous research is still not good.

"Boss, you still have to wait!"

Xiang Feiyu's face is a little red now, remembering that he packed the ticket before, he will definitely be able to complete it within today, it seems that this time is to work overtime tonight.

"No hurry, take your time, since you are all here, you are here today, I will not go back until it is finished."

After two hours, only one test remained, and the rest passed.

Xiang Feiyu came out from inside.

"It's really reluctant to think about it, this is our car, it's really a pity to destroy it like this!"

The last step is the vehicle impact test, once this passes, the car will also be scrapped, even if it is not scrapped, it cannot be marketed, and can only be left as a souvenir.

"If there is a sacrifice, there is a gain!"

To test the impact is the whole screen recording, and then you have to report and so on, don't come here later, the researched vehicle can be listed, and then there is a large number of procedures waiting for you.

"Let me do this, we will build it ourselves, and I will destroy it!"

Xiang Feiyu took the remote control from an employee's hand and pressed it down fiercely.


In the eyes of everyone, the vehicle turned into a white light and shadow, and the next second it crashed into the prearranged item.

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